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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jun 1953
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Biswell 2005 Ltd 04164370 20/02/2001 Dissolved
Biswell 2015 Ltd 04859736 07/08/2003 Dissolved
E.A. COMBS LIMITED 00583479 17/07/1991 Gold
E.A. COMBS LIMITED 00583479 17/07/1991 Gold
Henwood Business Centre Management Company Ltd 02380747 08/05/1991 Dissolved
Khubla Khan Yacht Chartering Ltd. 02908499 15/03/1994 Dissolved
Kyle Pollock Media Ltd 03679670 07/12/1998 Dissolved
Media Circus Ltd 04164373 20/02/2001 Dissolved
Portia Consultants Ltd 01872200 12/05/1991 Dissolved
Revisetake Limited 02678460 29/01/1992 Dissolved
Williams Engineering Ltd 00535353 07/11/1991 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
2CG SENHOUSE INVESTMENTS LIMITED 04028469 06/07/2000 14/07/2000 Dissolved
ADDMARGIN LIMITED 02309571 01/06/1992 01/11/1996 Silver
Aglofone Ltd 04906431 21/09/2003 01/10/2003 Dissolved
Ashurst Technology Services (Uk) Ltd 03373837 20/05/1997 18/06/1997 Dissolved
BISHOP & SEWELL DIRECTORS LIMITED 05467413 31/05/2005 21/09/2009 Not Trading
BISHOP & SEWELL SECRETARIES LIMITED 05467422 31/05/2005 13/07/2010 Not Trading
BISHOP & SEWELL TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED 05458937 20/05/2005 10/04/2008 Not Trading
BLACK DUCK SECURITIES LIMITED 04124743 13/12/2000 13/12/2000 Dissolved
Biswell 2007 Ltd 04164360 20/02/2001 01/03/2002 Dissolved
Britchem Trading Ltd 03067381 12/06/1995 01/08/1995 Dissolved
COASTER CO UK LIMITED 03978202 20/04/2000 09/05/2000 Dissolved
COMPLYPAK LIMITED 04164355 20/02/2001 09/08/2001 Gold
Carefree Coasters Ltd 02918011 12/04/1994 12/04/1994 Dissolved
Charles Street Ltd 02817460 13/05/1993 13/05/1993 Dissolved
City Child Bridgewater Ltd 03481816 16/12/1997 18/12/1997 Dissolved
DATAFLEX LIMITED 05004543 30/12/2003 22/01/2004 Dissolved
DATEMOVE LIMITED 02465415 02/03/1993 14/07/1998 One Red Flag
DOWNESBURY (MANAGEMENT) LIMITED 04434589 09/05/2002 06/03/2003 Not Trading
EROSTIN DEVELOPMENTS (NO.4) LIMITED 02419311 04/09/1993 22/07/1999 Not Trading
ESEYE DESIGN LTD 04641762 20/01/2003 31/03/2003 One Red Flag
Environmental Protection Industries Ltd 03525768 11/03/1998 11/03/1998 Dissolved
Fanalton Limited 01933856 21/07/1991 18/08/1995 Dissolved
Flawless Films Ltd 04326106 21/11/2001 02/01/2002 Dissolved
Flawless Services Ltd 04131514 28/12/2000 09/01/2002 Dissolved
GRANGE CONTRACTS LIMITED 03823275 11/08/1999 15/12/1999 One Red Flag
HOCAPS LIMITED 03026633 27/02/1995 01/05/1995 Gold
IBICUS UK LIMITED 05402516 23/03/2005 23/01/2006 Dissolved
IVANHOE CAPITAL CORPORATION (UK) LIMITED 03305738 16/01/1997 01/01/2008 Gold
KINGSGATE NOMINEES LIMITED 01552877 04/01/1992 04/01/2010 Not Trading
Media Circus Animations Ltd 03680207 08/12/1998 21/01/1999 Dissolved
Media Circus Card Ltd 03679665 07/12/1998 04/10/2000 Dissolved
PATAK'S BREADS LIMITED 03385960 21/02/2001 23/08/2002 Not Trading
PIPT LIMITED 02908502 15/03/1994 29/03/1994 Dissolved
PORTIA NOMINEES LIMITED 01621009 04/01/1991 04/01/2010 Not Trading
PRESSURE COOLERS LIMITED 03787032 10/06/1999 10/06/1999 Gold
PRISMM LIMITED 03924303 11/02/2000 25/02/2000 Bronze
Paradex Developments Ltd 03533153 27/04/1998 20/07/2001 Dissolved
Pharma Consulting International Limited 02120411 13/10/1991 01/01/1992 Dissolved
R & S Greeting Cards (Properties) Ltd 03480516 31/03/1998 03/04/1998 Dissolved
R & S Holdings Ltd 03480508 31/03/1998 03/04/1998 Dissolved
ROYAL BLACKHEATH GOLF CLUB ESTATES,LIMITED(THE) 00226200 06/10/2001 05/11/2002 Amber
Rbgc Events Ltd 03025012 06/10/2001 06/10/2002 Dissolved
Retail Print Services Limited 02743665 28/08/1992 28/08/1992 Dissolved
Rogers Advertising Ltd 04164365 20/02/2001 01/03/2002 Dissolved
SCANPOLE LIMITED 03971977 13/04/2000 05/06/2000 Amber
Seltronix Ltd 03480513 31/03/1998 03/04/1998 Dissolved
TERRACO (U.K.) LIMITED 01842680 14/10/1991 30/08/2006 Dissolved
Thc Consulting Ltd 03160642 16/02/1996 19/02/1996 Dissolved
The Official Guide Ltd 02819862 20/05/1993 01/01/1995 Dissolved
The Sponsorship Register Ltd 03019737 08/02/1995 09/02/1996 Dissolved
Toftejorg Ltd 03663166 06/11/1998 31/01/1999 Dissolved
VALENSE LTD 04925628 08/10/2003 06/11/2003 Gold
VITTON (1) LIMITED 04630854 04/04/2003 28/06/2003 Not Trading
VITTON (2) LIMITED 04630898 04/04/2003 28/06/2003 Not Trading
VITTON LIMITED 04630847 04/04/2003 28/06/2003 Not Trading
Woodlands Art Gallery Ltd 02603520 19/04/1991 19/06/1993 Dissolved
Woodlands Art Gallery Ltd 02603520 19/04/1991 18/04/2002 Dissolved
YELLOWPATTER (CHINA) LIMITED 05373816 23/02/2005 11/03/2005 Dissolved
on-Line Matched Trades Ltd 02863390 19/10/1993 19/10/1993 Dissolved