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Key Data
Date of Birth
Feb 1965
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
120 Cheapside Nominee (No.1) Ltd 04343532 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
120 Cheapside Nominee (No.2) Ltd 04343446 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
121 KHS LIMITED 03870342 08/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
25-28 OLD BURLINGTON STREET (NO.1) LIMITED 04161242 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 One Red Flag
25-28 Old Burlington Street (No.2) Ltd 04161264 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK (RIVERMILL) LIMITED 03377598 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK CAPITAL LIMITED 01621044 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 01528286 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK GROUP LIMITED 00961142 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 05161297 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO LIMITED 05161321 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK JER LP 1 LIMITED 04088352 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
BENCHMARK ST JOHN STREET LIMITED 02367309 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Bg Property Management Ltd 02310881 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Cambridge Circus Ltd 03753531 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
DRAKEMANOR LIMITED 03527773 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
EGGINTON HOUSE LIMITED 03786482 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Expertcorp Ltd 04443497 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (CUMBERNAULD GP) LIMITED 04222551 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (ESTATES) LIMITED 03406497 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (FUNDING) LIMITED 01970191 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (HOLDINGS) 02849023 08/09/2003 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (LITTLE LONDON GP) LIMITED 04104017 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (NEW PARTNERSHIP GP) LIMITED 04299739 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (PROPERTIES) LIMITED 01513465 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT) LIMITED 03406547 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (TRADING LP) LIMITED 03377349 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE CAPITAL CORPORATION (WHERRY GP) LIMITED 03553441 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE REAL ESTATE LENDING 04364894 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE REAL ESTATE LEVERAGED LOANS LIMITED 04936263 15/12/2003 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE REAL ESTATE LOANS LIMITED 00606529 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
GE REAL ESTATE PARTNERS LIMITED 04348344 23/04/2003 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Bittern Gp) Ltd 04139783 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Bluebell Gp) Ltd 03377356 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Bridewell Gp) Ltd 03401906 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Chainbow Gp) Ltd 03561895 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Dartmoor Gp) Ltd 03336076 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Dartmoor Lp) Ltd 03335627 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Eagle Gp) Ltd 04139721 17/10/2002 01/10/2003 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Galleria Gp) Ltd 03764715 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Herald Gp) Ltd 03808859 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Lavender Gp) Ltd 03561896 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Northern Portfolio Gp) Ltd 04126149 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Sovereign Gp) Ltd 04222617 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Ge Capital Corporation (Swinton Gp) Ltd 04187604 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
HASLEMERE ESTATES LIMITED 00382593 03/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
HASLEMERE ESTATES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 01056864 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
HASLEMERE PROPERTY INVESTMENT LIMITED 01971232 03/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
HEADROW GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED 04139790 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Hamastead Ltd 01457887 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Haslemere Advisers Ltd 04826411 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Haslemere Finance Ltd 00730127 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Haslemere Partners Ltd 04714564 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Haslemere Services Uk Ltd 02774890 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
ILMAHOC TRADING PROPERTIES LIMITED 03786488 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
KENSINGTON UK REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 04365051 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Leadenhall Street Ltd 03789643 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
MELROSE HOUSE (NO. 2) LIMITED 04616204 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
MELROSE HOUSE (NO. 1) LIMITED 04616198 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
METROPOLITAN & CAPITAL PROPERTIES LIMITED 03790922 17/10/2002 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 25 LIMITED 04955385 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 26 LIMITED 04955318 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 27 LIMITED 04955345 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 29 LIMITED 04955397 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 31 LIMITED 04955371 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 32 LIMITED 04955213 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PHJW NO 34 LIMITED 04955168 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
PM SHAREHOLDER LIMITED 04838455 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Phjw No 28 Ltd 04955409 07/06/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Piercy House Holdings Ltd 04092658 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Pitchland Ltd 03902438 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
REAL ESTATE EUROPEAN LENDING LIMITED 04995533 08/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
SENIORDECISION LIMITED 04439583 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
TREVELYAN HOUSE LIMITED 04091929 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
TREVELYAN HOUSE NOMINEE 1 LIMITED 04340905 01/07/2004 03/12/2004 Dissolved
TREVELYAN HOUSE NOMINEE 2 LIMITED 04350734 01/07/2004 03/12/2004 Dissolved
The Benchmark Employee Trust Co Ltd 03445585 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
Trevelyan House (2) Ltd 04087692 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved
WATER LANE (MANAGEMENT) LIMITED 02271046 03/06/2004 15/12/2004 One Red Flag
Worldteknix Ltd 03902428 01/07/2004 15/12/2004 Dissolved