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Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1953
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
BEAM CARRIER TRADING LIMITED 05853875 15/09/2006 Dissolved
E & C T K Trustees Limited 02502667 16/05/1991 Dissolved
F S T Gaming Llp OC316617 09/12/2005 Dissolved
Glynbrochan (Cheltenham) Ltd 01663500 01/11/2004 Dissolved
Greten Trustees (Uk) Ltd 03536206 24/03/1998 Dissolved
SURFBEAM FUTURE BANDWIDTH LIMITED 06528470 29/08/2008 Dissolved
TP70 VCT PLC 06010401 05/12/2006 Dissolved
Triple Point Vct Plc 05304481 14/01/2005 Dissolved
WIDE AREA NETWORK SOLUTIONS LIMITED 06022739 18/12/2006 Dissolved
Web Site Factory Ltd 03727128 29/03/1999 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ADVANCR GROUP LLP OC320767 26/07/2006 01/03/2007 Silver
Ashcourt Consultants Ltd 03234547 23/09/1996 16/03/1999 Dissolved
BETEX LLP OC311690 19/02/2005 12/02/2016 Insolvent
BOURNE LEISURE HOLDINGS LIMITED 04011667 23/10/2000 02/04/2004 Gold
BOURNE LEISURE LIMITED 04011660 13/10/2000 30/09/2003 Silver
BUTLINS SKYLINE LIMITED 04011665 13/10/2000 13/02/2002 Bronze
Birdrain Ltd. 02945252 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
Breakpoint (Uk) Ltd 03583147 29/11/2000 12/08/2002 Dissolved
CATCO KIDS LLP OC317013 04/01/2006 12/02/2016 Bronze
CLEAVE & COMPANY LIMITED 04259273 25/07/2001 18/05/2016 Gold
CLEAVE & COMPANY LIMITED 04259273 25/07/2001 18/05/2016 Gold
Cfas (Uk) Ltd 03098844 16/11/1995 12/10/1998 Dissolved
DAARASP LLP OC306942 17/02/2004 11/02/2016 Insolvent
Donpine Ltd 03454840 24/10/1997 17/03/1999 Dissolved
Ewaj Cr Consultants Ltd 03277089 15/01/1997 17/03/1999 Dissolved
FARDAAR LLP OC307417 27/03/2004 11/02/2016 Silver
Global Verification Services Ltd 02943594 28/06/1994 12/04/1995 Dissolved
INKA VENTURES LIMITED 05712393 06/03/2006 22/01/2010 Insolvent
Idd (Uk) Design Consultants Ltd. 02869671 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
Input Supplies Ltd. 02941408 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
JR CONCEPTS LIMITED 08825285 23/12/2013 19/01/2024 Silver
Keston Enterprises Ltd 03012022 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
MELESEY LIMITED 04011662 23/10/2000 13/02/2002 Silver
OCORIAN (UK) LIMITED 05534412 05/10/2005 13/05/2009 One Red Flag
OCORIAN CORPORATE SERVICES (UK) LIMITED 05593045 14/02/2006 31/01/2009 Amber
PERRY LIMITED 06981208 01/12/2009 11/07/2013 Bronze
PI CUBED LLP OC306761 19/06/2004 19/01/2021 Dissolved
PRANA CAPITAL LLP OC318012 27/02/2006 01/01/2007 Dissolved
PREFECT SOFTWARE LLP OC310486 09/12/2004 11/02/2016 Silver
Panbark Ltd. 02945251 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
ROYAL BANK OF CANADA TRUST CORPORATION LIMITED 00849073 30/11/2001 31/03/2004 Silver
Roocard Limited 02690025 12/02/1996 20/11/2000 Dissolved
Starchek Systems Ltd 02977018 14/10/1994 12/04/1995 Dissolved
TP70 2008(II) VCT PLC 06421355 30/11/2007 27/03/2009 Dissolved
TP70 2008(II) VCT PLC 06421355 27/03/2009 02/06/2011 Dissolved
TRIPLE POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED 05304338 03/12/2004 08/12/2017 Silver
TRIPLE POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED 05304338 03/12/2004 08/12/2017 Silver
TRIPLE POINT INCOME VCT PLC 06421083 30/11/2007 21/11/2012 Insolvent
TRIPLE POINT LLP OC310549 10/12/2004 01/01/2007 Bronze