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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
APIAN (UK) LIMITED 05867122 05/07/2006 Dissolved
Anderton Management Ltd 06132436 28/03/2007 Dissolved
B INVEST LIMITED 05848936 16/06/2006 Dissolved
CADDICK ESTATES LIMITED 05851133 17/11/2006 Dissolved
Green Bear Holdings Ltd 05838135 06/06/2006 Dissolved
Intelligent Connections Ltd 05764055 02/08/2006 Dissolved
Markerwind Ltd 05844531 19/07/2006 Dissolved
Modern Trucks Ltd 06002396 17/11/2006 Dissolved
Okalla Ltd 05949043 27/09/2006 Dissolved
SHENANDOAH LIMITED 03516227 28/11/2006 Gold
William Kenyon Ltd 05219035 10/08/2006 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BARTON ARCADE NOMINEES (NO.1) LIMITED 06034210 20/12/2006 23/09/2008 Dissolved
BARTON ARCADE NOMINEES (NO.2) LIMITED 06034211 20/12/2006 23/09/2008 Dissolved
Blockos Ltd 06158742 14/03/2007 23/09/2008 Dissolved
Chemical & Biochemical Corporation Ltd 06023841 08/12/2006 30/09/2008 Dissolved
Clarice Enterprises Ltd 06132450 05/04/2007 03/04/2009 Dissolved
Euro Business Partners Ltd 06158587 14/03/2007 24/09/2008 Dissolved
HORONU HOLDING LIMITED 05943821 22/09/2006 26/10/2009 Dissolved
Henleaze Enterprises Ltd 05955143 05/04/2007 03/04/2009 Dissolved
JADRAN INVESTMENTS LIMITED 06189845 28/03/2007 05/08/2008 Dissolved
LA COLLINE UK LIMITED 05837312 05/06/2006 21/09/2010 Dissolved
LANCASTER BUILDINGS NOMINEES (NO. 1) LIMITED 06129904 27/02/2007 23/09/2008 Dissolved
LANCASTER BUILDINGS NOMINEES (NO. 2) LIMITED 06129905 27/02/2007 23/09/2008 Dissolved
PRAXISIFM TRUSTEES (UK) LIMITED 05215611 20/12/2007 21/01/2014 Amber
PULTENEY BRIDGE CONSULTANCY LIMITED 03383029 11/04/2007 17/10/2007 Dissolved
QUALITY ENTERPRISES LIMITED 05764046 09/06/2006 04/01/2008 Dissolved
SMAF LIMITED 06180105 23/03/2007 08/05/2007 Dissolved
Spark Management Services Ltd 06013171 05/04/2007 03/04/2009 Dissolved