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Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1954
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Commence Company No. 9106 Limited 02572796 04/08/1991 Dissolved
Community Computers Limited 02729641 24/03/1995 Dissolved
Coventry Automation Realisations Ltd 00360199 03/05/1992 Dissolved
E.D.A.Installations Limited 00542505 14/02/1992 Dissolved
Field Arnott Basell Advertising Ltd 01379239 12/11/1993 Dissolved
Fine & Humfrey (Holdings) Ltd 00989634 03/03/1992 Dissolved
H S Power Systems Ltd 01816827 14/02/1992 Dissolved
HARLAND SIMON AUTOMATION SYSTEMS LTD 01140312 01/01/1992 Insolvent
Harland Simon Computer Systems Ltd 01863314 24/09/1991 Dissolved
Harland Simon Group Plc 01963605 12/10/1992 Dissolved
Harland Simon International Ltd 02310245 28/10/1991 Dissolved
Harland Simon Library Systems Ltd 02213649 01/02/1992 Dissolved
P A S Realisations Ltd 02217777 01/01/1992 Dissolved
P I Information Services Realisations Ltd 02467150 05/02/1992 Dissolved
Phoenix Travel (H S) Ltd 02606136 23/05/1991 Dissolved
Sphere Communications 2000 Ltd 00756592 27/07/1993 Dissolved
Taylor Nelson International Ltd 01714917 06/08/1993 Dissolved
The Tab Shop Ltd 01653063 16/02/1994 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Aidcom Technology Ltd 01641049 06/08/1993 30/11/2001 Dissolved
KANTAR DORMANT LIMITED 02679478 16/06/1992 30/11/2001 Dissolved
KANTAR UK LIMITED 03073845 22/08/1995 30/11/2001 Silver
Netsign Limited 02341988 31/01/1991 17/04/1991 Dissolved
Professional Perspectives Ltd 00629357 06/08/1993 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Silbury Nominees Limited 02753056 17/12/1992 14/08/1993 Dissolved
TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 01953112 06/08/1993 30/11/2001 Silver
TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES SERVICES LIMITED 03848002 24/09/1999 30/11/2001 Silver
TNS FIELD LIMITED 02597974 28/04/1993 30/11/2001 Dissolved
TNS GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 00912624 01/03/1993 30/11/2001 Bronze
TNS INSIGHT LIMITED 03032722 09/11/1995 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Taylor Nelson Agb Ltd 03510405 04/03/1998 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Teledynamics Ltd 01839253 25/05/1993 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Tns 6TH Dimension Ltd 01747750 01/03/1999 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Tns Euro Finance Ltd 03229747 08/10/1996 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Warebourne Ltd 00865885 06/08/1993 30/11/2001 Dissolved