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Key Data
Date of Birth
Apr 1932
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
00026461 LIMITED 00026461 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Strike Off
00250700 LIMITED 00250700 18/11/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
A 1 Petrochemicals Ltd 00951057 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
A C FABRICATIONS & PIPEWORK (PETROCHEMICALS) LIMITED 00469269 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Not Trading
ALDRIDGE HEAT TREATMENT LIMITED 00503286 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Not Trading
ATLAS COMPOSITES LIMITED 01981314 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Not Trading
Airtech Fan Coils Limited 00304978 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
BANDT LIMITED SC009743 26/03/1993 31/12/1997 Insolvent
Compoflex Co Ltd 00809451 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Cotswold Heat Treatment Services Ltd 01325883 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
DURHAM TUBE LIMITED SC038309 01/08/1990 31/05/1992 Dissolved
General Consolidated Investment Trust Plc 00047321 20/11/1992 17/10/1995 Dissolved
Green's Economiser Limited 00529770 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Green,E,& Son (Castings) Ltd 00138099 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Guthrie Adams (Heat Treatment) Ltd 00666247 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
HADLEIGH PLC 01299631 31/07/1992 31/12/1998 Insolvent
HENRY HARGREAVES & SONS LIMITED 00543146 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
INTERNATIONAL FIBRES GROUP (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 00468624 20/05/1994 31/03/1997 Silver
Ideal Tubes and Conduits Ltd 00588494 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
James Dickie Ltd SC019386 01/07/1992 08/12/1993 Dissolved
Le Bas Tube Co Ltd 00919629 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Luton Heat Treatment Co Ltd 00729655 06/11/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
PENTAIR TUBING LIMITED 00223955 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Phoenix Drawn Tube Ltd 02158875 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Phoenix Flexible Tubes Ltd 01253093 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Precision Heat Treatment Ltd 00524695 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Premier Tubes Ltd 01235461 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
R.F. Luke (Structural Steelwork) Ltd 00517769 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR AEROSPACE LIMITED 01127979 08/06/1991 21/05/1992 Not Trading
SENIOR AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED 01997380 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Not Trading
SENIOR CONTROL ENGINEERING LTD. 00440221 22/05/1992 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR ECONOMISERS LIMITED 00873143 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR ENGINEERING (FINANCE) LIMITED 01997378 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR FLEXONICS TUBE COMPONENTS LIMITED 00503492 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR HOLDINGS LIMITED 00932648 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR OPERATIONS LIMITED 00953650 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
SENIOR PLC 00282772 08/06/1992 31/05/1996 Gold
SENIOR TRUSTEE LIMITED 01997379 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Not Trading
SENIOR UK LIMITED 01928053 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Bronze
Senior Airo Products (Wb) Ltd 01235459 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Control Engineering (No 5) Ltd 00425659 17/09/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Control Engineering (No.3) Limited 00327959 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Control Engineering (No.4) Limited 00208089 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Engineering (Littleborough) Ltd 01397634 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Green Boilers Ltd 00629823 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Heat Exchangers Limited 01257348 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Platecoil Ltd 00867561 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Swiftair (D D) Ltd 00066606 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Senior Tift Ltd 00327495 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Stovestile Ltd 01898968 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
T P Manipulations (R M C) Ltd 00503173 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
THE PHOENIX STEEL TUBE COMPANY LIMITED 00766457 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
TUBE COMPONENTS LIMITED 01059437 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
The Power Flexible Tubing Company Ltd 00151983 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
Thermal Efficiency Ltd 00515732 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved
United Flexible Metallic Tube Co Ltd 00592510 08/06/1991 31/05/1992 Dissolved