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Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1965
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
CLERMAN RECRUITMENT LIMITED 02770095 09/07/2001 Insolvent
CLERMAN RECRUITMENT LIMITED 02770095 09/07/2001 Insolvent
EPL (MIDLANDS) LIMITED 01979978 11/06/2020 One Red Flag
GROSVENOR PARK 2005 FILM PARTNERSHIP NO.1 LLP OC307609 15/03/2005 Dissolved
Russell Brookes Print Ltd 01685605 29/03/2004 Dissolved
Srm Painting & Decorating Ltd 02773654 20/01/1993 Dissolved
Srm Painting & Decorating Ltd 02773654 20/01/1993 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Acorn Supplies Ltd 04411142 08/04/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Belhaven Ltd 02421189 05/03/1991 07/06/2000 Dissolved
Belhaven Ltd 02421189 05/03/1991 07/06/2000 Dissolved
Buildwell Consultants Ltd 04405523 05/03/2003 30/06/2005 Dissolved
Buildwell Consultants Ltd 04405523 27/03/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
CLERMAN RECRUITMENT LIMITED 02770095 19/05/1994 12/07/1998 Insolvent
CLERMAN RECRUITMENT LIMITED 02770095 19/05/1994 12/07/1998 Insolvent
DAVID POYNER HOMES LIMITED 04712097 26/03/2003 31/05/2005 Dissolved
DAVID POYNER HOMES LIMITED 04712097 26/03/2003 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Diverse Investments (Midlands) Ltd 04588569 13/11/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Doc-U-Store Ltd 05146283 04/06/2004 05/06/2005 Dissolved
Dph Investments Ltd 05238993 23/09/2004 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Dph Investments Ltd 05238993 23/09/2004 30/03/2006 Dissolved
EASYLET (MIDLANDS) LIMITED 06971069 04/08/2009 16/11/2009 Dissolved
ELMONDSTONE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 03488905 29/03/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
EPL (MIDLANDS) LIMITED 01979978 15/07/1991 23/10/1991 One Red Flag
EPL (MIDLANDS) LIMITED 01979978 01/09/1993 14/05/1998 One Red Flag
Elmondstone Maintenance Ltd 03382021 07/02/2003 31/05/2005 Dissolved
Elmondstone Maintenance Ltd 03382021 05/06/1997 18/06/1998 Dissolved
Gw 1265 Ltd 04990697 29/03/2004 13/05/2005 Dissolved
Hunt Gilbert Group Ltd 04575005 28/10/2002 27/06/2005 Dissolved
Hunt Gilbert Properties Ltd 04581145 04/11/2002 27/06/2005 Dissolved
Lanesborough Construction Ltd 04200240 13/04/2001 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Lanesborough Construction Ltd 04200240 13/04/2001 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Lanesborough Investments (Midlands) Ltd 04588568 13/11/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Mymortgageright Ltd 04977693 26/11/2003 07/12/2004 Dissolved
Night Concept Ltd 05165543 13/07/2004 30/03/2006 Dissolved
POYNER GILBERT PROPERTIES LIMITED 04712088 26/03/2003 31/05/2005 Dissolved
POYNER GILBERT PROPERTIES LIMITED 04712088 26/03/2003 30/03/2006 Dissolved
Pgp Leisure Ltd 06664534 05/08/2008 23/11/2009 Dissolved
Plowman Gilbert Developments Ltd 05146025 04/06/2004 09/05/2005 Dissolved
R & S Gilbert Investments 05353279 04/02/2005 30/03/2006 Dissolved
R AND S GILBERT PROPERTIES LIMITED 04477534 04/07/2002 30/03/2006 Dissolved
RADBROOK HOMES LIMITED 05447732 10/05/2005 30/03/2006 Dissolved
RICHES HOUSE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 05242776 27/09/2004 30/03/2006 Amber
Ringframe Systems Ltd 02890640 24/05/2004 06/04/2005 Dissolved