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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jun 1936
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
APPOLY PROPERTY LTD 15627582 09/05/2024 Amber
Isis Medical Technology Ltd 03043810 20/02/1997 Dissolved
The Max Wiseman Memorial Fund Ltd 00577657 09/11/1995 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
38 REDCLIFFE SQUARE (SW10) LIMITED 03596977 13/07/1998 03/07/2000 Not Trading
BRITISH RETAIL CONSORTIUM 00405720 21/11/1991 28/11/1991 Silver
Business Action Team (Birmingham) Ltd 02265114 12/11/1992 06/06/1993 Dissolved
Contact Lenses (Insurance) Limited 00524304 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Cosmetics for Eyes Limited 01891831 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Davies and Rogers Opticians Ltd 01753992 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
EUROPEAN VISION LIMITED 00575754 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Silver
EV ONE LIMITED 00352324 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
EV OPTICAL LIMITED 00184410 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
EV PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIMITED 00879798 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
EYE RESEARCH UK 04424695 25/04/2002 20/10/2005 Dissolved
FIRST SIGHT OPTICAL LIMITED 00917176 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
FOR EYES LIMITED 00917132 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
FOR EYES SERVICES LIMITED 00796955 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
First Sight Opticians Ltd 01351355 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
GALLAHER LIMITED 01501573 01/03/1992 30/06/1993 Bronze
GALLAHER PENSIONS LIMITED 00765844 15/01/1991 30/06/1993 Amber
Gallaher Pensions Holdings Ltd 01305029 01/03/1992 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Geekay Optical Co Ltd 00934881 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Harvey Harris & Co. Ltd 00694933 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Hudson Verity Ltd 00149267 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
KEELER LIMITED 00408759 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Silver
Plantopic 1995 Ltd 00121203 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty Five Ltd 01010042 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty Ltd 00296295 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Eight Ltd 00190472 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Four Ltd 00875869 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Nine Ltd 02023509 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-One Ltd 00348046 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Seven Ltd 01270230 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Six Ltd 01552643 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Three Ltd 00635047 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Fifty-Two Ltd 00504010 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Sixty Ltd 01313054 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Sixty-One Ltd 01393620 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Plantopic Thirty Ltd 01720606 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
R N C ENTERPRISES LIMITED 01747998 11/07/1991 21/09/1995 One Red Flag
Roughburn Forestry Ltd SC061580 06/04/1989 30/06/1993 Dissolved
S N Farms Ltd 01236375 01/03/1992 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Spec Rack Limited 01891837 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Sprayplace Limited 01905988 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
THE ROYAL NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND 02367626 03/04/1989 21/09/1995 Silver
THEODORE HAMBLIN LIMITED 00132399 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
VANTAGE LIMITED 00888813 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
VISION CENTRES LIMITED 01905771 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
W. Gordon (Llandudno) Ltd 00564754 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Watson,R Kelvin Ltd 00935164 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved
Watsons Opticians Ltd 00365017 05/07/1991 30/06/1993 Dissolved