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Key Data
Date of Birth
Mar 1962
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
BELLEROPHON PROJECTS LLP OC371968 21/12/2016 Insolvent
Dresswell Ltd 00651524 22/07/2002 Dissolved
Edwin Mason Ltd 00363834 22/07/2002 Dissolved
Joseph Carr Ltd 00344682 22/07/2002 Dissolved
Ladylike Ltd 01982175 22/07/2002 Dissolved
MORGAN CREDIT ENERGY WALES LIMITED 07261843 01/07/2010 One Red Flag
Peacocks Employees Nominees Ltd 03355610 03/07/1997 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BELLEROPHON PROJECTS LLP OC371968 21/09/2012 03/02/2016 Insolvent
BMGL REALISATIONS LIMITED 04172055 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
BMHL REALISATIONS LIMITED 03090269 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
DORSMAN ESTATES CO LIMITED 00368352 21/05/2001 01/05/2007 Dissolved
HENSON NO. 1 LIMITED 05556582 20/09/2005 01/05/2007 Dissolved
HENSON NO.2 LIMITED 05590960 12/10/2005 01/05/2007 Dissolved
HENSON NO.3 LIMITED 05590962 12/10/2005 01/05/2007 Dissolved
HENSON NO.4 LIMITED 05590963 12/10/2005 01/05/2007 Dissolved
HILTON FASHIONS LIMITED 02561647 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
I G H PROPERTIES LIMITED 07301404 06/09/2011 17/05/2021 Dissolved
INGENIOUS FILM PARTNERS 2 LLP OC314069 31/03/2006 10/04/2012 Bronze
INHOCO 336 LIMITED 02931581 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
JAMES HARTLEY,LIMITED 00398001 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
JOHN JONES(AGO WEAR)LIMITED 00142567 11/04/2003 01/05/2007 Dissolved
LMB REALISATIONS LIMITED 00270937 22/07/2002 01/05/2007 Dissolved
LOGISTICS PGLL LIMITED 03518611 18/03/1998 01/05/2007 Dissolved
M J B PROPERTIES (REDBOURN) LIMITED 02006447 11/04/2003 01/05/2007 Dissolved
MILLETTS (CAMPING AND COUNTRYWEAR) LIMITED 01040082 11/04/2003 01/05/2007 Dissolved
P & B FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED 05259847 14/10/2004 01/05/2007 Dissolved
PGL REALISATIONS PLC 03300987 18/06/1997 01/05/2007 Dissolved
PNANT REALISATIONS LIMITED 03319495 21/05/2001 01/05/2007 Dissolved
PROPERTIES PGPL LIMITED 03518609 18/03/1998 01/05/2007 Dissolved
PSTORES REALISATIONS LIMITED 00290792 26/03/1999 01/05/2007 Insolvent
RETAIL PGRL LIMITED 03518606 18/03/1998 01/05/2007 Dissolved
Rock Oldco 1 Ltd 03919189 02/06/2004 01/12/2006 Dissolved
WILTEX BY WILSON LIMITED 00631531 22/07/2002 01/06/2007 Dissolved