Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
AECOM DESIGN BUILD LIMITED | 02699219 | 23/04/1996 | 23/04/1997 | Silver |
ARBRE FARMING LIMITED | 03205944 | 31/05/1996 | 29/04/1997 | Dissolved |
Arbre Energy Ltd | 03014342 | 20/03/1995 | 29/04/1997 | Dissolved |
BDR WASTE DISPOSAL LIMITED | 02692495 | 24/03/1993 | 02/03/1993 | Amber |
Botan Ltd | 00429595 | 05/11/1993 | 01/08/1994 | Dissolved |
DERBYSHIRE WASTE LIMITED | 02666323 | 24/02/1994 | 01/05/1997 | Amber |
DYVELL (HOLDINGS) LIMITED | 02531375 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
DYVELL INCINERATION SERVICES LIMITED | 02858330 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
DYVELL LIMITED | 02618679 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
DYVELL WASTE CARE LIMITED | 02847513 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
Dyvell Healthcare Limited | 02829561 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
Dyvell Medical Services Limited | 02855054 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
Dyvell Services Ltd | 02635614 | 01/03/1994 | 09/07/1996 | Dissolved |
ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION LIMITED | 00962961 | 23/11/1994 | 22/11/1995 | Gold |
Fospur International Ltd | 00253582 | 05/11/1993 | 01/08/1994 | Dissolved |
Fospur Ltd | 00937045 | 30/09/1992 | 25/06/1996 | Dissolved |
KELDA GROUP LIMITED | 02366627 | 24/05/1994 | 31/03/2000 | Gold |
KELDA GROUP PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITED | 03309639 | 12/03/1997 | 31/03/2000 | Not Trading |
KELDA WATER SERVICES LIMITED | 02180706 | 23/04/1996 | 20/04/1998 | Gold |
THE YORK WATERWORKS LIMITED | 02511298 | 18/03/1999 | 31/03/2000 | Dissolved |
The Water Services Association of England & Wales | 01710723 | 01/05/1997 | 31/03/2000 | Dissolved |
UTILITIES AND SERVICE INDUSTRIES TRAINING LIMITED | 01741451 | 09/06/1999 | 31/03/2000 | Dissolved |
WATER UK | 03539600 | 17/06/1998 | 31/03/2000 | Silver |
WHITE ROSE ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS LIMITED | 02428371 | 30/09/1992 | 17/02/1998 | Dissolved |
YORKSHIRE WATER SERVICES LIMITED | 02366682 | 01/04/1997 | 31/03/2000 | Silver |
York Gas Ltd | 03061131 | 18/03/1999 | 01/11/1999 | Dissolved |
York Waterworks Enterprises Ltd | 03050705 | 18/03/1999 | 31/03/2000 | Dissolved |