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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Cardiff Holdings Ltd 00944463 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Cooke Troughton & Simms Ltd 00202708 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Intelligent Controls, Ltd. 02725886 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
JOHN HASTIE OF GREENOCK (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 00678786 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
JOHN HASTIE OF GREENOCK LIMITED 01283063 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Not Trading
Langdon Precision Engineers Ltd 00401259 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Medico (Woking) Ltd 00223972 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Millbank Development Services Ltd 00470390 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Millbank Offshore Exploration Services (1981) Ltd 00678787 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
OXFORD MAGNET TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 00566186 19/09/1997 18/12/1997 Dissolved
OXYGENAIRE LIMITED 00369927 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
POWERFIELD SPECIALIST ENGINES LIMITED 01783762 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
RALLYSWIFT LIMITED 03471289 26/03/1998 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Supermarine Aviation Works (Vickers) Ltd (The) 00355921 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Swindon Trading Estates Limited 01166917 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
TIMEC 1487 LIMITED 00167657 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Not Trading
VICKERS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT LIMITED 00100453 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
VICKERS MEDICAL LIMITED 00996819 23/10/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
VICKERS PRESSINGS LIMITED 00266309 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
VINTERS DEFENCE SYSTEMS LIMITED 00542023 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Not Trading
VINTERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 00542021 04/07/1997 31/07/1998 Bronze
VINTERS LIMITED 03517200 03/04/1998 31/07/1998 Silver
VINTERS RESEARCH LIMITED 00163908 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
VINTERS-ARMSTRONGS (ENGINEERS) LIMITED 00542022 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Not Trading
VINTERS-ARMSTRONGS LIMITED 00227013 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Not Trading
Vickers Elan Ltd 00839506 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vickers Engineering Equipment (Overseas) Ltd 00838901 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vickers Neurodiagnostic Products Ltd 00223986 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters (Finance) Ltd 00391899 12/12/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Automotive Products Ltd 00059087 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Healthcare Equipment Ltd 00791021 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters International Contracts Ltd 00489718 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Marine Equipment Ltd SC006596 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Neonatal Equipment Ltd 00220117 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Precision Components Ltd 00720207 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Properties Ltd 00542020 27/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
Vinters Securities Ltd 00254753 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
W.H.HOWSON LIMITED 00433732 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved
ZULU ENGINEERING LIMITED 00612057 01/01/1997 31/07/1998 Dissolved