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Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1941
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ARENA ZME LIMITED 02592742 21/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
BRITAINS PETITE LIMITED 00264136 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
Britains Ltd 01738925 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
CONTINENTAL FSW LIMITED 02763945 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Constat Fifteen Ltd 01639351 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
DOBSON PARK (NO.3) LIMITED 00126447 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
DOBSON PARK NO, 2 LIMITED 00163014 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Insolvent
DOBSON PARK PROPERTIES LIMITED 00067851 21/11/1995 06/03/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park (No 4) Ltd 01738926 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park (No 5) Ltd 02749622 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park (No 6) Ltd 00548382 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park Engineering Ltd 00031251 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park Industries Finance Ltd 01908786 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park International Ltd 00347110 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park Overseas Ltd 01724490 21/11/1995 16/07/1996 Dissolved
Dobson Park Properties (Southern) Ltd 01838433 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Entek I R D International Ltd 01177798 21/11/1995 17/07/1996 Dissolved
Equipment (Mining & Industrial) Finance Ltd 01583594 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
Gullick Pitcraft Ltd 01007009 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
HERBERT COTTERILL LIMITED 00527912 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Insolvent
Harland Crosfield Ltd 02760868 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Herald Miniatures Ltd 00590777 21/11/1995 22/08/1996 Dissolved
Hyd Ltd 00909358 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
I R D Condition Monitoring Ltd 02265135 21/11/1995 17/07/1996 Dissolved
Indian Longwall Ltd 01908014 27/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
JOY GLOBAL (UK) LIMITED 02546087 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Bronze
JOY GLOBAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED 00951411 24/11/1995 06/03/1996 Bronze
JOY GLOBAL VENTURES 03096838 31/08/1995 19/01/1996 Dissolved
JOY MANUFACTURING COMPANY (U.K.) LIMITED SC063727 17/12/1992 25/08/1997 Dissolved
Joy M M Holdings (U K) Ltd 02669864 23/10/1995 20/08/1997 Dissolved
LONGWALL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 02738310 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
LONGWALL ROOF SUPPORTS LIMITED 00187698 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Longwall A F C Ltd 02552425 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Longwall International Marketing Ltd 01891816 27/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Longwall M S C Ltd 00671258 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
MECO ELECTRONICS LIMITED 01332220 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Insolvent
MECO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SC114465 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
MECO MINING EQUIPMENT LIMITED 00450652 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Insolvent
Meco Conveyors Ltd 00832053 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Meco Exports Ltd 02606838 27/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Meco Mining Machinery Ltd 01045213 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Meco Roadheaders Ltd 02552434 27/11/1995 20/08/1996 Dissolved
Mining Supplies (Longwall) Ltd 02752990 27/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
PRECIS (1171) LIMITED 01710667 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Insolvent
Precis (1168) Ltd 00095929 27/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Precis (343) Ltd 01860711 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
Precis (397) Ltd 00861801 21/11/1995 30/05/1996 Dissolved
Precis Fifty Seven Ltd 01583516 21/11/1995 30/05/1996 Dissolved
The Nottingham Colwick Estates Ltd 00147400 21/11/1995 13/05/1996 Dissolved
W E & F DOBSON LIMITED 00696404 21/11/1995 30/05/1996 Insolvent
Wm Park & Co Forgemasters (Pensions) Limited 00690748 21/11/1995 30/05/1996 Dissolved