Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Autoservicing Ltd | 00173934 | 05/11/1996 | Dissolved |
Baldwar Holdings Ltd | 01108596 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Baldwins Garage (Warrington) Ltd | 00622329 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
CALLANDER'S GARAGES. LIMITED | SC020761 | 16/12/1994 | Not Trading |
Drabble & Allen (Knutsford) Ltd | 00164177 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Eighttwofive Ltd | 01969825 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Fleetdrive Ltd | 02225428 | 05/11/1996 | Dissolved |
GRAHAM'S OF SALISBURY LIMITED | 01194575 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Graham's of Ashton Ltd | 00471176 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Graham's of Wigan Ltd | 01783609 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Nineninefour Ltd | 00437994 | 30/05/1996 | Dissolved |
Sixninefour Ltd | 01366904 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Sixsixsix Ltd | 00635666 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Swan National Motors (Aberdeen) Ltd | SC052402 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Swan National Motors (Bolton) Ltd | 00237505 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Swan National Motors (Sale) Ltd | 00541590 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Target of Crawley Ltd | 02192105 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Target of Gloucester Ltd | 00729734 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
WATSON BROS. (AIRDRIE) LIMITED | SC030309 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
target of eastbourne ltd | 00789524 | 16/12/1994 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
00128205 LIMITED | 00128205 | 01/01/1997 | 27/02/1998 | Insolvent |
AUTOWINDSCREENS (UK) LIMITED | 01051014 | 30/05/1996 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
CAAPS TRUSTEE LIMITED | 08134069 | 17/12/2012 | 31/03/2019 | Not Trading |
CALLANDER'S ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED | SC021945 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
CAVIAPEN TRUSTEES LIMITED | 01739994 | 01/01/2001 | 31/03/2019 | Not Trading |
Callanders Engineering (Aberdeen) Ltd | SC020630 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
EIGHTSEVENNINE LIMITED | 00473879 | 01/01/1997 | 27/02/1998 | Insolvent |
Fivezeroone Ltd | 00501938 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
GILBERT RICE LIMITED | 00191856 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Hyundai Car Distributors (U K) Ltd | 01314012 | 01/05/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Hyundai Parts & Service Ltd | 00146917 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
I.M. NELCV (UK) LIMITED | 01459932 | 01/05/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Not Trading |
James & Emanuel Ltd | 00082844 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
LEX MOTOR GROUP LIMITED | 01959224 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Lex Brooklands (Bristol) Ltd | 01614656 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Lex Industrial Services Group Ltd | 02058282 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
NATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES LIMITED | 05685495 | 21/06/2006 | 30/06/2019 | Not Trading |
NATS (EN ROUTE) PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY | 04129273 | 26/07/2001 | 30/06/2019 | Silver |
NATS (SERVICES) LIMITED | 04129270 | 26/07/2001 | 30/06/2019 | Silver |
NATS EMPLOYEE SHARETRUST LIMITED | 04152329 | 04/06/2001 | 26/07/2001 | Not Trading |
NATS HOLDINGS LIMITED | 04138218 | 31/03/2001 | 30/06/2019 | Silver |
NATS LIMITED | 03155567 | 20/10/1999 | 30/06/2019 | Silver |
NATS SOLUTIONS LIMITED | 09150697 | 28/07/2014 | 30/06/2019 | Bronze |
NATSNAV LIMITED | 04164590 | 17/10/2002 | 30/06/2019 | Gold |
NINESEVENFIVE LIMITED | SC026975 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Nineninefive Ltd | 01005995 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Onethreenine Ltd | 00239139 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
S A Commercials Ltd | 00750539 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
SIXTWOTHREE LIMITED | 00906623 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
SPECIALIST CARS (SNM) LIMITED | 00226340 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Sixoneone Ltd | 00181611 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
TWO TWO SIX LIMITED | 00671226 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
The Angus Garage Co Ltd | SC013380 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
The Scottish Motor Traction Co Ltd | 02034486 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Threesixsix Ltd | 00913666 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Twofivethree Ltd | 02986253 | 14/08/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
V O C S Contract Hire Ltd | 02094033 | 12/02/1993 | 18/07/1997 | Dissolved |
XEL RETAIL GROUP LIMITED | 00612403 | 01/01/1997 | 27/02/1998 | Insolvent |
Xel Retail (Europe) Ltd | 03110260 | 30/05/1996 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
ZEROSEVENTWO LIMITED | 02122072 | 16/12/1994 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |
Zerofourone Ltd | 00620041 | 08/09/1995 | 25/06/1997 | Dissolved |