
Key Data
Date of Birth
Aug 1971
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
13114 PUBLISHING LIMITED 01542205 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ARMS AND ARMOUR PRESS LIMITED 00916307 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ARTHUR BARKER LIMITED SC024615 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ARTUS PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 01265353 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
BLANDFORD PRESS LIMITED 01341172 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
BLANDFORD PUBLISHING (USA) LIMITED 01400126 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
BLANDFORD PUBLISHING LIMITED 01490020 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
BREWERS PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 01256830 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
CASSELL EDUCATIONAL LIMITED 01993768 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
CASSELL LIMITED 02004498 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
CASSELL PUBLISHERS LIMITED 02043304 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
CONTACT PUBLICATIONS LIMITED 00596127 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
GEORGE WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON LIMITED 00395166 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
GEORGE WEIDENFELD HOLDINGS LIMITED 00698701 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
J.M.DENT & SONS LIMITED 00331386 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
MRS. BEETON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 01085673 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
NEW ORCHARD EDITIONS LIMITED 01341559 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ORION BOOKS LIMITED 02701090 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ORION MULTIMEDIA LTD 01332842 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
ORION PUBLISHING LTD 00742993 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
PHOENIX HOUSE (PUBLISHERS) LIMITED 02201445 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
RIGEL PUBLICATIONS LIMITED 01109438 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
STUDIO VISTA LIMITED 02663454 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
THE ORION PUBLISHING GROUP LIMITED 02663988 16/03/2005 10/06/2011 Bronze
THE ORION PUBLISHING GROUP LIMITED 02663988 03/01/2006 10/06/2011 Bronze
VICTOR GOLLANCZ LIMITED 01944299 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
WARD LOCK LIMITED 00201547 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
WARD LOCK PUBLISHING LIMITED 01127110 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON (WORLD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY)LIMITED 00742992 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
WEIDENFELD (PUBLISHERS) LIMITED 00472173 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved
WEIDENFELD LIMITED 01797028 25/04/2008 10/06/2011 Dissolved