
Key Data
Date of Birth
Apr 1965
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ATOS INTERNATIONAL IT LIMITED 01907841 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Gold
ATOS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 04140467 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Gold
ATOS IT SERVICES LIMITED 01240677 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Amber
ATOS IT SERVICES UK LIMITED 01245534 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Amber
ATOS ORIGIN (SEMA) PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITED 04044489 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
ATOS ORIGIN BARBADOS LIMITED 02144824 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
ATOS ORIGIN CS PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITED 04044483 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
BARABAS LIMITED 03294014 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Not Trading
BR BUSINESS SYSTEMS LIMITED 03222541 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Not Trading
CONTINUITY SERVICES LIMITED 02114993 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
CRISIS MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED 02485393 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Computer Analysts & Programmers Ltd 00723035 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Data Recovery Ltd 02019782 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
L H S Europe Ltd 03114370 21/06/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
L H S Europe Ltd 03114370 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Meridian Information Systems Ltd 01672402 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Metra-Hos Ltd 01782522 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Perthcrest Ltd 01856208 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Perthcrest Managed Services Ltd 01533793 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA CONSULTING LIMITED 00949745 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA INVESTMENT UK LIMITED 04168291 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Gold
SEMA INVESTMENT UK LIMITED 04168291 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Gold
SEMA PARTNER 1 LIMITED 04125843 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA PARTNER 1 LIMITED 04125843 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA SYSTEMS LIMITED 01417035 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA-LHS (UK) LIMITED 04106026 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
SEMA-LHS (UK) LIMITED 04106026 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Atlanta Ltd 04089345 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Atlanta Ltd 04089345 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Canada Ltd 02767954 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Mobile Communications Ltd 00450335 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Outsourcing Plc 02002981 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Partner 2 Ltd 04125837 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Partner 2 Ltd 04125837 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Quest Trustee Ltd 03871219 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Quest Trustee Ltd 03871219 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Telecom Services Ltd 03958430 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Telecom Services Ltd 03958430 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema Us Ltd 04089348 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema-Lhs (Europe Holdings) Ltd 04106076 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Sema-Lhs (Europe Holdings) Ltd 04106076 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
Syntax Managed Services Ltd 02442594 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved
YARROW LIMITED 00121699 30/03/2001 30/08/2001 Dissolved