Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Beehive Developments Limited | 01523744 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Beehive Enterprises Ltd | 01523745 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Beehive Offices Limited | 01600673 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Beehive Projects Limited | 01523746 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Beehive Securities Limited | 01523747 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Beehive Units Limited | 01523748 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Estates Inner Cities Ltd | 02221649 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Estates Ltd | 01633641 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Estates North Ltd | 01532166 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Estates North West Ltd | 02108994 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Industrial Estates Ltd | 01600387 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Industrial Properties Limited | 01600186 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
English Rural Workshops Limited | 01600680 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
GENTOO GROUP LIMITED | 04039205 | 19/03/2009 | Dissolved |
JOHN R WALKER ASSOCIATES LIMITED | 06922879 | 09/07/2009 | Dissolved |
Team Valley Estates Limited | 01531997 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Team Valley Properties Limited | 01531998 | 25/03/1997 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
ASTLEY FACADES LIMITED | 04404078 | 21/03/2013 | 26/03/2015 | Dissolved |
BARKING RIVERSIDE LIMITED | 05055132 | 30/03/2007 | 01/01/2009 | One Red Flag |
BLUEPRINT (GENERAL PARTNER) LIMITED | 05340186 | 08/06/2006 | 10/11/2006 | Gold |
BLUEPRINT (NOMINEES) LIMITED | 05385025 | 29/08/2006 | 10/11/2006 | Not Trading |
Beehive Workshops Ltd | 01505039 | 25/03/1997 | 24/12/2009 | Dissolved |
ECF (GENERAL PARTNER) LIMITED | 04335331 | 18/12/2001 | 01/12/2008 | Bronze |
EMEP LIMITED | 05340573 | 08/06/2006 | 10/11/2006 | Dissolved |
ENGLISH HERITAGE TRADING LIMITED | 02970369 | 23/08/2010 | 31/01/2014 | Bronze |
ESH HOLDINGS LIMITED | 03724890 | 01/04/2009 | 30/09/2017 | Silver |
ESH INVESTMENTS LIMITED | 09286149 | 07/04/2015 | 30/09/2017 | Bronze |
English Partnerships (Medway) Ltd | 01724926 | 25/03/1997 | 24/12/2009 | Dissolved |
English Partnerships Ltd | 02926437 | 25/03/1997 | 24/12/2009 | Dissolved |
GENTOO GENIE ADMIN LIMITED | 08201449 | 07/02/2013 | 15/09/2016 | Dissolved |
HULL URBAN REGENERATION COMPANY LIMITED | 04617193 | 21/06/2006 | 28/08/2007 | Dissolved |
JUST ASK GENIE LIMITED | 07139030 | 28/05/2015 | 15/09/2016 | Dissolved |
NETWORK SPACE (NETWORKCENTRES) LIMITED | 03674369 | 01/07/2001 | 01/10/2007 | Dissolved |
NOTTINGHAM REGENERATION LIMITED | 03665996 | 06/09/2006 | 21/11/2006 | Insolvent |
OLYMPIC PARK LEGACY COMPANY LIMITED | 06900359 | 13/05/2009 | 16/12/2009 | Dissolved |
PRIORITY SITES INVESTMENTS LIMITED | 03315488 | 26/06/2001 | 17/03/2009 | Dissolved |
PRIORITY SITES LIMITED | 03331068 | 26/06/2001 | 17/03/2009 | Insolvent |
PROSPECT LEICESTERSHIRE LIMITED | 04324852 | 19/06/2006 | 10/11/2006 | Dissolved |
ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY C.I.C. | 08543882 | 04/03/2014 | 01/04/2017 | Bronze |
SUNDERLAND ARC LIMITED | 04429478 | 01/05/2002 | 30/04/2004 | Dissolved |
Sheffield City Centre Urban Regeneration Co Ltd | 04053017 | 15/05/2006 | 10/11/2006 | Dissolved |
THE LAND RESTORATION TRUST | 05077263 | 06/04/2004 | 26/11/2008 | Gold |