
Key Data
Date of Birth
Sep 1936
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Jq Properties Limited 01686200 01/08/1991 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Cable Europe Ltd SC076587 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
FILMCREST DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 01256136 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Gold
G F T Investors Ltd 01630874 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
GOLDCREST ANIMATION LIMITED 02209483 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Silver
GOLDCREST DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 01670264 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Not Trading
GOLDCREST FILMS AND TELEVISION (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 01775487 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Amber
GOLDCREST FILMS AND TELEVISION LIMITED 00026678 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Amber
GOLDCREST GROUP LIMITED SC101506 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Bronze
GOLDCREST INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED 02503356 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 One Red Flag
GOLDCREST MUSIC LIMITED 01670265 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Not Trading
GOLDCREST POST PRODUCTION FACILITIES LIMITED 02697403 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 One Red Flag
Goldblend Ltd 02363107 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest America Ltd 01479258 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Books Ltd 01492504 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Direct Broadcast Ltd 01650756 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Films & Television (Enterprises) Ltd 00172764 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Films International Ltd 01052044 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Films Ltd 01561914 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Independent Productions Ltd SC079135 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest L P Ltd 01635832 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Merchandising Ltd 01500941 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Mission Ltd 01670266 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Multimedia Television Limited 01589349 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Overseas Limited 01479252 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Partnership Finance Ltd 01584506 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Publications Ltd 01708592 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Records Ltd SC071736 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Revolution Ltd 01670638 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Studio Productions Ltd 01478919 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Television Ltd 01554030 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Video Ltd 01586682 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Goldcrest Video Publishing Ltd 01619897 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
Pay T V (U K) Ltd 01624488 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
The Body Machine Productions Ltd 01613868 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved
The Goldcrest Commercials Co Ltd 02717599 11/06/1993 21/08/1995 Dissolved