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Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1949
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
61 BATHURST MEWS W2 LIMITED 03304277 20/01/1997 Dissolved
Capital Management Ltd 01567376 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Cellcover Ltd 02049551 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Cellular Wholesale Ltd 01976066 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Designcall Ltd 01995455 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Europa Finance Ltd 01885696 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Europa Leasing Ltd 01888727 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Jayscott Ltd 02009365 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Mergeco Ltd SC162142 10/11/1999 Dissolved
Mobile Communications U K Ltd 02843263 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Occ Leasing Ltd 01883555 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Pinnacle Air Time Ltd SC159198 10/11/1999 Dissolved
Pinnacle Paging Ltd SC159196 10/11/1999 Dissolved
Pinnacle Phone Services Ltd SC159197 10/11/1999 Dissolved
Pinnacle Service Centre Ltd SC159195 10/11/1999 Dissolved
Portable Data Communications Ltd 02113486 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Talkland Ltd 02156290 01/07/1999 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ASTEC COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02023193 02/11/1998 01/04/2002 Dissolved
BACK LABEL LIMITED 07204536 26/03/2010 01/04/2012 Dissolved
BARNSLEY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02466594 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
BIRMINGHAM CABLE CORPORATION LIMITED 02170379 20/11/1996 28/10/1998 Dissolved
BRADFORD CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02664803 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
CABLE CORPORATION LIMITED(THE) 02075227 29/11/1996 03/09/1998 Dissolved
DONCASTER CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02407940 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
FASTRAK LIMITED 01804294 12/03/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
FILEGALE LIMITED 02804553 12/03/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
HALIFAX CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02459173 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
I E S TELECOM LIMITED 03097082 01/01/2000 01/04/2002 Dissolved
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP LIMITED 02151129 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
Intercomm Cellular Ltd 01916107 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
International Communications Services Ltd 01916083 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
MAYFAIR WAY MANAGEMENT LIMITED 02681702 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
NORTHERN CREDIT LIMITED 02743896 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
PEOPLES PHONE LIMITED 02262870 02/11/1998 01/04/2002 Strike Off
PINNACLE CELLULAR GROUP LIMITED SC123629 10/11/1999 01/04/2002 Strike Off
PINNACLE CELLULAR LIMITED SC127133 10/11/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
ROTHERHAM CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02455726 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
SHEFFIELD CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02465953 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
TALKLAND AIRTIME SERVICES LIMITED 02970921 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Strike Off
TALKLAND COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 01886147 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
TALKLAND MIDLANDS LIMITED 03089104 01/01/2000 01/04/2002 Dissolved
TALKLAND RETAIL LIMITED 03509047 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
TALKLAND SCOTLAND LIMITED SC108045 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
TELEWEST LIMITED 03291383 05/01/1998 03/09/1998 Amber
THE YORKSHIRE CABLE GROUP LIMITED 02782818 03/12/1996 03/09/1998 Dissolved
TNS - TRANSLINE UNLIMITED 03515161 01/09/1998 05/10/1998 Dissolved
VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS LIMITED 01785381 12/03/1997 03/09/1998 Amber
VM TRANSFERS (NO 4) LIMITED 02369824 01/11/1996 03/09/1998 Amber
VM TRANSFERS (NO 5) LIMITED 02798236 02/04/1998 03/09/1998 Dissolved
VODAFONE (NI) LIMITED NI023033 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
VODAFONE (SCOTLAND) LIMITED SC170238 10/11/1999 01/04/2002 Not Trading
VODAFONE DISTRIBUTION LIMITED 01967931 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
VODAFONE LIMITED 01471587 10/04/2001 01/04/2002 Silver
VODAFONE RETAIL (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 03381659 02/11/1998 01/04/2002 Silver
VODAFONE RETAIL LIMITED 01759785 02/11/1998 01/04/2002 Dissolved
VODAFONE SECONDMENT LIMITED 02102733 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
VODAFONE UK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 02227940 16/04/1999 01/04/2002 Gold
WAKEFIELD CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02400909 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
WOODEND CELLULAR LIMITED SC093186 10/11/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
WOODEND COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED SC089533 10/11/1999 14/10/2002 Dissolved
WOODEND GROUP LIMITED SC140935 10/11/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
WOODEND HOLDINGS LIMITED SC128335 10/11/1999 14/10/2002 Dissolved
WORLDWIDE CONNECTIONS LIMITED 02328710 01/07/1999 01/04/2002 Dissolved
YORKSHIRE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02490136 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Amber
YORKSHIRE CABLE FINANCE LIMITED 02993376 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
YORKSHIRE CABLE LIMITED 02792601 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
YORKSHIRE CABLE PROPERTIES LIMITED 02951884 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved
YORKSHIRE CABLE TELECOM LIMITED 02743897 16/12/1997 03/09/1998 Dissolved