
Key Data
Date of Birth
Aug 1938
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Balfour Land Ltd 02650249 02/10/1991 Dissolved
Burrowmore Ltd 03586965 29/07/1998 Dissolved
Fangate Publishing Limited 02765139 07/12/1992 Dissolved
General Finance Ltd 01691152 14/05/1991 Dissolved
RRHB2 LLP OC391727 05/03/2014 Dissolved
RRHE2 LLP OC391729 05/03/2014 Dissolved
RRHS2 LLP OC391728 05/03/2014 Dissolved
Rasing Ltd 03901472 10/01/2000 Dissolved
Sellar Morris Land Ltd 01688051 15/05/1991 Dissolved
Sellar Properties (Hampshire) Ltd 03571411 29/05/1998 Dissolved
Sellar Trading Corporation Limited 02627089 10/07/1991 Dissolved
South Coast Tennis & Sport Ltd 03457692 14/11/1997 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ACTONSIDE PROPERTIES LIMITED 02483423 20/03/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
ARNLODGE LTD 04260646 03/08/2001 04/02/2002 Gold
Atholl Building Contractors (Scotland) Ltd SC058497 27/07/1989 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Atholl Developments (Scotland) Ltd SC046114 27/07/1989 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Atholl Holdings (Scotland) Ltd SC074061 27/07/1989 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Atholl Land Ltd SC089767 27/07/1989 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Atholl Properties (Scotland) Ltd SC056377 16/10/1990 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Atholl Property Consultants (Scotland) Ltd SC056898 27/07/1989 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Brackenvale Ltd 02352422 15/04/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Brookmount Leisure Ltd 02340481 19/04/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
City & Provincial Co (Properties) Ltd 02015654 12/01/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
City & Provincial Holdings Ltd 00704787 12/01/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
DOUBLEMORE LTD 03562960 02/06/1998 16/12/2001 Gold
ECOTHRU LTD 03881594 17/02/2000 31/12/2006 Silver
F S M (Highway) Ltd 00611021 19/05/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Ford Sellar Morris Developments Ltd 02111793 12/01/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Ford,Martin,Industries Ltd 00568624 12/01/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
GILLINGHAM HOLDINGS LTD 03178837 12/04/1996 31/12/2006 Gold
LADYSMITH HOLDINGS LTD 03105218 17/10/1995 31/12/2006 Gold
Law 43 Limited 02281038 15/01/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Mellow Trend Ltd 02365967 10/05/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Newman Street Properties Ltd 02357218 01/03/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
Newton Abbot Developments Ltd 02467837 12/04/1991 25/06/1991 Dissolved
PORTSMOUTH CUBE LIMITED 04640340 29/01/2003 26/01/2006 Silver
PORTSMOUTH INVESTMENTS LTD 03177089 12/04/1996 31/12/2006 Insolvent
Pensel Sport Ltd 03876382 03/08/2000 13/11/2002 Dissolved
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT (UK) LIMITED 07870825 12/01/2012 26/02/2017 Bronze
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (LONDON) LTD 02624353 01/07/1991 31/12/2006 One Red Flag
RRHB LLP OC306336 13/12/2003 12/11/2014 Bronze
RRHE LLP OC306338 13/12/2003 12/11/2014 Bronze
RRHS LLP OC306334 13/12/2003 12/11/2014 Bronze
SELLAR PROPERTIES (CHALK FARM) LTD 03835824 10/09/1999 20/08/2003 Not Trading
SELLAR PROPERTIES (COVENTRY) LTD 03888337 17/02/2000 31/12/2006 One Red Flag
SELLAR PROPERTIES (EASTERN) LIMITED 03292951 20/01/1997 31/12/2006 Gold
SELLAR PROPERTIES (LONDON 2) LIMITED 03172894 12/04/1996 26/02/2017 Silver
SELLAR PROPERTIES (LONDON BRIDGE) LTD 04288760 08/10/2001 31/12/2006 Gold
SELLAR PROPERTIES (MIDLANDS) LIMITED 03271500 20/11/1996 31/12/2006 Bronze
SELLAR PROPERTIES (PORTSMOUTH) LIMITED 03042091 16/06/1999 31/12/2006 Insolvent
SELLAR PROPERTIES (SOUTH) LIMITED 02627083 10/07/1991 31/12/2006 Gold
SELLAR PROPERTIES (WATERLOO) LLP OC307643 13/04/2004 07/02/2018 Silver
SELLAR PROPERTIES (WESTERN) LIMITED 03097139 31/08/1995 31/12/2006 Silver
SLIDESILVER LTD 04615679 29/01/2003 31/12/2006 Insolvent
Sellar Properties (Mayfair) Ltd 03173567 15/03/1996 31/12/2006 Dissolved
THE POMPEY CENTRE LIMITED 03838086 10/09/1999 31/12/2006 Dissolved
THREE TEN BERMONDSEY LTD 03182955 12/04/1996 31/12/2006 Silver
VANSEND LIMITED 03208010 12/06/1996 26/02/2017 Gold