Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Balmpower Ltd | 02299604 | 15/03/1991 | Dissolved |
Bishopsgate Investment Holdings Ltd | 02170045 | 10/04/1991 | Dissolved |
Egast Ltd | 00998824 | 26/06/1991 | Dissolved |
Granpeak Limited | 02320117 | 06/08/1991 | Dissolved |
HEADINGTON HOLDINGS LIMITED | 01982083 | 25/12/1990 | Dissolved |
HEADINGTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED | 02195568 | 30/05/1991 | Dissolved |
Hayville Limited | 02315070 | 20/08/1991 | Dissolved |
Headington Nominees Limited | 01999655 | 20/07/1991 | Dissolved |
I R Maxwell (Film Distributors) Ltd | 00547349 | 29/12/1990 | Dissolved |
Logocourt Limited | 02484416 | 23/03/1991 | Dissolved |
Lowerdawn Limited | 02324273 | 06/08/1991 | Dissolved |
Lynmead Limited | 02313298 | 20/08/1991 | Dissolved |
MAXWELL MEDIA TRUST PLC | 02000531 | 01/01/1991 | Dissolved |
Macreed Developments Limited | 02306853 | 06/08/1991 | Dissolved |
Magna Cell Ltd | 02188026 | 26/07/1991 | Dissolved |
Maxwell Aviation International Group Plc | SC099477 | 31/07/1989 | Dissolved |
Maxwell Financial Trust Ltd | 02421818 | 01/09/1991 | Dissolved |
Mirror Colour Magazines Ltd | 01999652 | 01/09/1991 | Dissolved |
Mirror Group (Holdings) Ltd | 00218062 | 28/11/1991 | Dissolved |
Oyez Managing Trustees Limited | 01470369 | 21/08/1991 | Dissolved |
PHL ESTATES LIMITED | 02484839 | 25/03/1991 | Dissolved |
Phaf Ltd | 02506708 | 23/05/1991 | Dissolved |
Preasset Limited | 02058914 | 07/07/1991 | Dissolved |
Q E D (Europe) Ltd | 02148832 | 13/09/1991 | Dissolved |
Quinside Limited | 02303415 | 06/08/1991 | Dissolved |
ROBERT MAXWELL GROUP PLC | 02181690 | 04/05/1991 | Dissolved |
Robert Maxwell Estates Ltd | 02612425 | 27/06/1991 | Dissolved |
TRACKSIGN PROPERTIES LIMITED | 02198012 | 21/06/1991 | Dissolved |
Worship Street (No 1) Ltd | 02195643 | 22/04/1991 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
00115634 PLC | 00115634 | 26/06/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Insolvent |
A G B RESEARCH P L C | 00875906 | 27/11/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
ANDERSTON QUAY PRINTERS LIMITED | SC097571 | 15/06/1989 | 28/06/1989 | Dissolved |
B P C C Graphics Ltd | 00254675 | 12/03/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
B P C Pension Trustee (Senior Executive Scheme) Ltd | 01274127 | 20/08/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
BRITISH INTERNATIONAL HELICOPTERS LIMITED | 00274607 | 14/01/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd | 02178426 | 28/03/1991 | 04/12/1991 | Dissolved |
Bits Corporation Ltd | 02571315 | 22/05/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
GLASWEGIAN PUBLICATIONS LIMITED | SC109893 | 23/04/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Insolvent |
HEADINGTON GROUP PLC | 02187825 | 26/07/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
Impex Fashions Limited | 02019381 | 31/01/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
Leesmere Properties Limited | 02207962 | 06/08/1991 | 05/11/1991 | Dissolved |
MAXWELL COMMUNICATION CORPORATION PLC | 00298463 | 28/09/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
MAXWELL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL LTD | 02126016 | 28/09/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
MAXWELL MEDIA PLC | 02192319 | 15/03/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
MEDIA SCOTLAND LIMITED | SC097566 | 15/06/1989 | 28/06/1989 | Not Trading |
METROMODE LIMITED | 01858496 | 28/09/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
MIRRORAIR LIMITED | 01376321 | 02/01/1992 | 08/01/1992 | Insolvent |
Maxwell Administration (M M) Ltd | 00428845 | 28/09/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
Maxwell Communication Pension Trustees (Works Scheme) Ltd | 01161725 | 01/03/1991 | 01/03/1993 | Dissolved |
Maxwell Communications Finance Ltd | 02441677 | 25/10/1991 | 05/11/1991 | Dissolved |
Pha Investments Ltd | 02466119 | 01/02/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
Professional & Executive Recruitment Ltd | 02256932 | 26/06/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
ROBERT MAXWELL HOLDINGS LIMITED | 01982081 | 01/09/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
SCOTTISH DAILY RECORD AND SUNDAY MAIL LIMITED | SC012921 | 15/06/1989 | 28/06/1989 | Silver |
SPHERE BOOKS LIMITED | 00887032 | 30/06/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
STRADBROOK HOLDINGS LIMITED | 00168660 | 30/10/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Not Trading |
T O B S Magazine Ltd | 00799604 | 19/08/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
TENDCLASS LIMITED | 02244161 | 13/04/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
THE GREAT BRITAIN SASAKAWA FOUNDATION | 01867362 | 01/06/1991 | 06/07/1992 | Silver |
Tendclass Investments Ltd | 02278180 | 25/04/1991 | 03/12/1991 | Dissolved |
Weystreet Ltd | 01860562 | 24/12/1991 | 08/01/1992 | Dissolved |
Worship Street (No.2) Ltd | 02207949 | 06/08/1991 | 05/11/1991 | Dissolved |