
Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1939
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
C FRY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 08070398 17/05/2012 Dissolved
CHARDA LIMITED 02271709 31/08/1991 Dissolved
E M C 2 Productions Ltd 02905165 10/07/1998 Dissolved
E M C 2 Productions Ltd 02905165 08/07/1998 Dissolved
Gold 5 Corporate Founder Partner Ltd 04760378 12/05/2003 Dissolved
Gold 6 Corporate Founder Partner Ltd 04759665 09/05/2003 Dissolved
Income Booster 1 Plc 02800118 16/03/1993 Dissolved
Income Booster 2 Plc 02800124 16/03/1993 Dissolved
J FRY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 08069872 18/05/2012 Dissolved
LAVASTONE LLP OC370308 30/11/2011 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Aim V C T Managers Ltd 03056126 23/05/1995 13/02/1996 Dissolved
CARROLL & PARTNERS LIMITED 02267055 01/05/1998 10/08/2007 One Red Flag
DE CANDOLE LIMITED 07899428 20/07/2012 10/02/2014 Strike Off
E-MONEY CAPITAL LTD 04861007 31/08/2005 25/10/2007 Gold
ELLEBANNA LIMITED 05127253 13/05/2004 18/06/2015 Silver
ELLEBANNA LIMITED 05127253 13/05/2004 02/02/2015 Silver
Einstein Asset Management (Uk) Ltd 05682098 14/02/2006 25/10/2007 Dissolved
GOLD 5 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED 04759647 09/05/2003 09/05/2005 Dissolved
GOLD 8 GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED 05092919 02/04/2004 09/05/2005 Dissolved
GOLD 8 NOMINEES LIMITED 05092920 02/04/2004 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 2 First Nominees Ltd 04395981 15/03/2002 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 2 Second Nominees Ltd 04395419 15/03/2002 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 4 General Partner Ltd 04597162 21/11/2002 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 6 General Partner Ltd 04760144 12/05/2003 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 7 General Partner Ltd 04894145 10/09/2003 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Gold 9 General Partner Ltd 05153968 15/06/2004 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Jfp Commercial Ltd 02937992 13/06/1994 31/12/1995 Dissolved
Johnson Fry Finance 3 Ltd 03051765 23/05/1995 31/12/1997 Dissolved
Johnson Fry Shelf 1 Ltd 03187907 13/08/1997 31/12/1997 Dissolved
Johnson Fry Trustees Ltd 03056566 23/05/1995 03/09/1996 Dissolved
Johnson Fry Vct Managers Ltd 03048183 23/05/1995 13/02/1997 Dissolved
Legg Mason Investments Secretaries Ltd 02261126 29/09/1997 31/12/1997 Dissolved
MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB FOUNDATION 02747238 06/10/2010 25/01/2018 Silver
Network Einstein Ltd 05682102 14/02/2006 25/10/2007 Dissolved
PINDER FRY & BENJAMIN LLP OC315859 05/12/2005 31/03/2008 Dissolved
Pfb Nominees Ltd 04340081 14/12/2001 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Pfb Run Off Ltd 03525078 13/03/1998 30/06/2005 Dissolved
Pfb Second Nominees Ltd 04384794 01/03/2002 09/05/2005 Dissolved
Protection Income & Partnership Vct Ltd 03174562 29/01/1997 19/02/1997 Dissolved