
Key Data
Date of Birth
Nov 1957
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Paperplan Limited 02500887 27/01/1995 Dissolved
Pridelesson Limited 02624958 27/01/1995 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Aidcom Technology Ltd 01641049 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Choicethink (1995) Ltd 02207359 27/01/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Customer Satisfaction Surveys Ltd 02033151 22/01/1999 26/06/2002 Dissolved
KANTAR DORMANT LIMITED 02679478 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
KANTAR UK LIMITED 03073845 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Silver
Media Vision Research Ltd 02711063 16/07/1998 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Mrm Promotional Services 02802877 27/01/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Professional Perspectives Ltd 00629357 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Professional Perspectives Ltd 00629357 31/12/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Reach: The National Advice Centre for Children With Reading 02202913 18/09/1992 15/11/2000 Dissolved
Reach: The National Advice Centre for Children With Reading 02202913 18/09/1992 15/11/2000 Dissolved
S R Packaging Ltd. 02763673 27/01/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
SYSTEM 3 FINANCE LIMITED 02324887 22/07/2003 22/07/2003 Not Trading
TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 01953112 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Silver
TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES SERVICES LIMITED 03848002 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Silver
TNS AGB LIMITED 02182246 27/01/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS FIELD LIMITED 02597974 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 00912624 30/11/2001 06/02/2002 Bronze
TNS INSIGHT LIMITED 03032722 14/03/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS OVERSEAS HOLDINGS (ALPHA) LIMITED 03965470 31/03/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS OVERSEAS HOLDINGS (BETA) LIMITED 03965472 31/03/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS OVERSEAS HOLDINGS (DELTA) LIMITED 03968944 05/04/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS OVERSEAS HOLDINGS (EPSILON) LIMITED 03986121 28/04/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS OVERSEAS HOLDINGS (GAMMA) LIMITED 03965469 31/03/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved
TNS SPORT LIMITED 02824645 27/09/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Taylor Nelson Agb Ltd 03510405 31/01/2002 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Teledynamics Ltd 01839253 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
The British Market Research Association Ltd 03419017 06/11/1997 01/09/1998 Dissolved
Tns 6TH Dimension Ltd 01747750 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Tns Euro Finance Ltd 03229747 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Tns Marketing Ltd 02184976 27/01/1995 26/06/2002 Dissolved
WPP MR OVERSEAS MEDIA HOLDINGS LIMITED 04177804 12/03/2001 26/06/2002 Bronze
Warebourne Ltd 00865885 30/11/2001 26/06/2002 Dissolved
Warebourne Ltd 00865885 31/12/2000 26/06/2002 Dissolved