
Key Data
Date of Birth
May 1963
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
BGGF LIMITED 11168763 25/01/2018 Bronze
EAST OF THE OAK LIMITED 07505961 23/02/2018 Gold
FWS GROUP LIMITED 10781928 22/05/2017 Dissolved
MARGIN DRIVE GREEN LIMITED 08854888 21/01/2014 Amber
MORTON GAMBLE GARDENS LIMITED 06846739 10/05/2018 Silver
Torq Ltd 01946473 04/12/1992 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
'Cygnus Properties Limited' 02720903 18/06/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL CORPORATE HOLDINGS LIMITED. 04033204 26/04/2001 05/12/2001 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL GROUP LIMITED 03970800 26/05/2000 05/12/2001 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL GROUP LIMITED 03970800 26/05/2000 24/11/2000 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 04033166 26/04/2001 05/12/2001 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL SECURITIES LIMITED 03964824 29/09/2000 05/12/2001 Dissolved
BRIDGEWELL SECURITIES LIMITED 03964824 16/05/2000 24/08/2005 Dissolved
CAPITAL ACCESS GROUP LIMITED 03510657 11/09/2007 27/07/2015 One Red Flag
COLLINGTREE PARK GOLF COURSE LIMITED 02619851 18/06/1992 09/09/1993 Insolvent
CORE VCT IV PLC 05957412 09/04/2009 25/08/2010 Insolvent
CORE VCT V PLC 05957415 09/04/2009 16/04/2015 Insolvent
Deluxename Limited 02631183 22/07/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
ELMBRIDGE ESTATES LIMITED 02474784 27/02/1993 27/02/1993 One Red Flag
GILBERT ELIOTT & COMPANY LIMITED. 04033168 26/04/2001 05/12/2001 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Corporate Finance Plc 02196757 08/05/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Finance Plc 02148870 02/02/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Ltd 02035821 08/05/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Nominees Ltd 02160321 15/03/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Property Services Limited 02552719 31/12/1991 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Gamlestaden Research Ltd 02139759 31/12/1991 09/09/1993 Dissolved
INTERIOR SERVICES GROUP (UK HOLDINGS) LIMITED 04446413 01/07/2010 27/04/2016 Insolvent
ISG CENTRAL SERVICES LIMITED 02997684 14/01/2008 27/04/2016 Insolvent
ISG OVERSEAS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 03791978 23/06/2014 27/04/2016 Insolvent
KAUPTHING SINGER & FRIEDLANDER LIMITED 00875947 01/01/1999 29/09/2000 Dissolved
Lft Trustees Limited 02573177 11/03/1993 09/09/1993 Dissolved
MARINE POINT (MANAGEMENT COMPANY) LIMITED 02682498 06/10/1992 30/10/1992 Gold
PHILIPPINE GOLD LIMITED 00666509 08/03/1992 09/09/1993 One Red Flag
Smartpine Leisure Ltd 02576369 02/05/1991 09/09/1993 Dissolved
Sprintbronze Ltd 02476385 04/09/1992 09/09/1993 Dissolved
WILLINGTON SCHOOL FOUNDATION LIMITED 00708188 26/09/2007 19/03/2014 Gold
Worthlink Limited 02561357 31/12/1991 09/09/1993 Dissolved