
Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1957
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Borrego Taverns Ltd 02695361 01/07/1993 Dissolved
Bright Fm Radio Ltd 02410195 01/03/1992 Dissolved
Cable Partners Europe Ltd 02595476 22/02/1993 Dissolved
Camdale Limited 02173069 31/03/1992 Dissolved
E-Dynamics Ltd 06905589 14/05/2009 Dissolved
E-Dynamics Ltd 06905589 14/05/2009 Dissolved
GIRLSQUAD (UK) LTD 06708284 25/09/2008 Dissolved
GIRLSQUAD (UK) LTD 06708284 30/06/2014 Dissolved
Hustlertv (Gb) Ltd 04540709 31/03/2005 Dissolved
KENSUB1 LIMITED 08474080 23/04/2013 Dissolved
Oldbot Ltd 03175933 26/06/2007 Dissolved
TAUPE LIVING LTD 06708259 25/09/2008 Dissolved
TAUPE LIVING LTD 06708259 30/06/2014 Dissolved
TVG WEB LTD. 04368738 31/03/2005 Dissolved
The London Satellite Centre Ltd 03069970 19/06/1995 Dissolved
VENN IT SYSTEMS LIMITED 05282057 09/11/2004 Silver
Wilton Communications Ltd 02838490 01/10/1995 Dissolved
Wilton Films Ltd 02836028 01/10/1995 Dissolved
Wilton Group Securities Limited 02202023 01/10/1995 Dissolved
Wilton Television Ltd 02836341 01/10/1995 Dissolved
XPLICIT PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 05639513 15/12/2005 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BAXTER CHARLES LIMITED 07666955 13/06/2011 03/07/2012 Gold
Bright Fm Radio Ltd 02410195 01/03/1992 04/01/1997 Dissolved
CC DECODERS LTD. 02966803 27/10/1999 23/10/2003 Dissolved
CITYPOINT INVESTMENTS PLC 03813937 30/06/2003 30/06/2004 Dissolved
CITYPOINT INVESTMENTS PLC 03813937 18/06/2003 30/06/2004 Dissolved
ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION LIMITED 04216231 21/01/2003 15/05/2003 Bronze
EUROPEAN MEDIA VENTURES LIMITED 02385128 06/10/1993 15/03/2018 Silver
EUROPEAN MEDIA VENTURES LIMITED 02385128 01/05/2004 05/09/2017 Silver
European Satellite Services Ltd 02953630 28/07/1994 31/07/2005 Dissolved
Foxhollies Ltd 02848606 06/09/1993 26/03/1994 Dissolved
HEMOGENYX PHARMACEUTICALS PLC 08401609 13/11/2014 29/07/2015 Amber
Helladic Leisure Ltd 02826751 10/07/1993 26/03/1994 Dissolved
J.JOSLIN(CONTRACTORS)LIMITED 00818393 01/10/1995 17/12/1997 Dissolved
LE SOULA LIMITED 07475930 22/12/2010 02/08/2012 Amber
Longfellow Inns Ltd 02848604 06/09/1993 26/03/1994 Dissolved
PETROCAPITAL RESOURCES LIMITED 05724972 24/09/2008 01/09/2010 Bronze
PETROCAPITAL RESOURCES LIMITED 05724972 24/09/2008 19/05/2010 Bronze
Pacific Media Global Sourcing Ltd 03298605 19/03/1997 04/05/2004 Dissolved
Pacific Media Global Sourcing Ltd 03298605 10/06/2001 04/05/2004 Dissolved
RICHARDS WALFORD & COMPANY LIMITED 01631757 14/09/2009 30/04/2012 Gold
RICHARDS WALFORD & COMPANY LIMITED 01631757 08/11/2010 30/04/2012 Gold
Responzetv Plc 01512221 24/06/1996 30/04/2004 Dissolved
Responzetv Plc 01512221 27/10/1999 30/04/2004 Dissolved
Road Runner Inns Ltd 02751166 10/07/1993 26/03/1994 Dissolved
Rodsandsods.Com Ltd 04159772 15/12/2003 30/04/2004 Dissolved
Sirius (Text) Ltd 04247005 26/02/2003 15/05/2003 Dissolved
Sirius Holdings (Asia-Pacific) Ltd 04468638 26/02/2003 15/05/2003 Dissolved
Sirius Television Ltd 04511407 26/02/2003 15/05/2003 Dissolved
THE CHINESE CHANNEL LIMITED 02502925 27/10/1999 23/10/2003 Dissolved
THE TV GROUP HOLDING LIMITED 04550917 09/03/2005 31/01/2019 Silver
THE TV GROUP LIMITED 04375914 31/03/2005 31/01/2019 One Red Flag
Tv Innovations (U K) Ltd 03362258 15/02/2001 04/05/2004 Dissolved
Tv Innovations (U K) Ltd 03362258 06/03/2001 04/05/2004 Dissolved
Tv Media (U K) Ltd 03493296 15/02/2001 04/05/2004 Dissolved
Tv Media (U K) Ltd 03493296 06/03/2001 04/05/2004 Dissolved
Wilton Group Properties Ltd 01124637 01/10/1995 04/05/2004 Dissolved