
Key Data
Date of Birth
Apr 1947
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Acrossdepth Ltd 02687608 24/06/1994 Dissolved
Bettercharge Ltd. 02901381 15/07/1997 Dissolved
Homemaker One Plc 02784029 14/06/1993 Dissolved
Wigan Hospice Builders Ltd 02775030 18/12/1992 Dissolved
Wigan Hospice Builders Ltd 02775030 18/12/1992 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Acrossdepth Ltd 02687608 01/03/1992 02/03/1994 Dissolved
Acrossdepth Ltd 02687608 01/03/1992 02/03/1994 Dissolved
BOOKER MONTAGUE LEASING LIMITED 02606769 20/07/1991 15/05/1998 Dissolved
BOOKER MONTAGUE LEASING LIMITED 02606769 20/07/1991 29/04/2005 Dissolved
Burns-Anderson (Northern) Ltd 00403904 30/01/1992 01/02/1991 Dissolved
Burns-Anderson Financial Holdings Ltd 00742341 30/01/1992 01/02/1991 Dissolved
Butterfield,N T,& Son (Holdings) Ltd 02122460 27/11/1998 27/01/1999 Dissolved
Butterfield,N T,& Son (Holdings) Ltd 02122460 27/11/1998 29/08/2000 Dissolved
DAVENHAM GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 02537684 31/01/1992 15/05/1998 Dissolved
DAVENHAM GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 02537684 31/01/1992 29/04/2005 Dissolved
DAVENHAM GROUP PLC 03976032 13/06/2000 29/04/2005 Dissolved
DAVENHAM GROUP TRUSTEES LIMITED 04021288 22/09/2000 21/01/2005 Dissolved
DAVENHAM MORTGAGE FINANCE LIMITED 03238208 06/11/1997 05/08/2005 Dissolved
DAVENHAM MORTGAGE FINANCE LIMITED 03238208 06/11/1997 05/08/2005 Dissolved
DT REALISATIONS (2012) LIMITED 01644925 30/01/1992 15/05/1998 Dissolved
DT REALISATIONS (2012) LIMITED 01644925 30/01/1992 29/04/2005 Dissolved
DTF REALISATIONS (2012) LIMITED 01908417 30/01/1992 15/05/1998 Dissolved
DTF REALISATIONS (2012) LIMITED 01908417 30/01/1992 29/04/2005 Dissolved
FITEL NOMINEES LIMITED 01401140 25/01/1992 06/06/1996 Not Trading
Homemaker One Plc 02784029 23/04/1993 19/05/1993 Dissolved
Homemaker One Plc 02784029 23/04/1993 19/05/1993 Dissolved
Recordspread Ltd 02913766 15/06/1994 25/07/1994 Dissolved
ST JOHN STREET PROPERTIES LIMITED 02808847 14/06/1993 15/05/1998 Dissolved
ST JOHN STREET PROPERTIES LIMITED 02808847 14/06/1993 29/04/2005 Dissolved
Silverdale-Finance for Business Ltd 02862347 05/11/1993 18/12/1995 Dissolved
THE PENSIONS AGENCY LIMITED 02641438 22/10/1992 02/02/1993 Amber
Thornload Ltd 03569209 17/06/1998 27/01/1999 Dissolved
Thornload Ltd 03569209 26/01/1999 29/08/2000 Dissolved
W H IRELAND LIMITED 02002044 25/01/1992 25/04/1996 Amber
W H IRELAND LIMITED 02002044 25/01/1992 25/04/1996 Amber
W H IRELAND NOMINEES LIMITED 02908691 02/06/1994 06/06/1996 Not Trading
W H IRELAND NOMINEES LIMITED 02908691 02/06/1994 06/06/1996 Not Trading