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Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1960
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
British Thornton Harrison Ltd 01933027 20/07/2001 Dissolved
British Thornton Harrison Ltd 01933027 14/02/2007 Dissolved
British Thornton Leasing Ltd 01809293 20/07/2001 Dissolved
British Thornton Leasing Ltd 01809293 14/02/2007 Dissolved
Design Furniture Concepts Ltd SC117457 20/07/2001 Dissolved
Design Furniture Concepts Ltd SC117457 14/02/2007 Dissolved
Jobshop Manufacturing Systems Ltd 04467910 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Jobshop Manufacturing Systems Ltd 04467910 21/07/2003 Dissolved
Pathtrace Engineering Systems Ltd 01816429 17/01/2006 Dissolved
Pathtrace Engineering Systems Ltd 01816429 17/01/2006 Dissolved
Pathtrace Systems Ltd 02514217 17/01/2006 Dissolved
Pathtrace Systems Ltd 02514217 17/01/2006 Dissolved
Woodrich Industries Ltd 00907283 20/07/2001 Dissolved
Woodrich Industries Ltd 00907283 14/02/2007 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
20-20 FUSION LIMITED 01760015 12/01/2006 29/01/2008 Dissolved
20-20 FUSION LIMITED 01760015 12/01/2006 29/01/2008 Dissolved
20-20 TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 02190949 12/01/2006 29/01/2008 Silver
20-20 TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 02190949 19/06/2003 29/01/2008 Silver
BRITISH THORNTON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 01758819 20/07/2001 30/09/2011 Dissolved
BRITISH THORNTON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 01758819 14/02/2007 30/09/2011 Dissolved
CDA DOT LIMITED 02424202 20/07/2001 30/09/2011 Dissolved
CDA DOT LIMITED 02424202 14/02/2007 30/09/2011 Dissolved
HARRIER ENGINEERING SYSTEMS LIMITED 02877087 17/01/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
HARRIER ENGINEERING SYSTEMS LIMITED 02877087 17/01/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
HUCKERBY ROYALL SYSTEMS LIMITED 03369124 04/03/2005 30/09/2011 Dissolved
HUCKERBY ROYALL SYSTEMS LIMITED 03369124 21/07/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
ICADS (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED 02120985 14/02/2007 29/01/2008 Dissolved
ICADS (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED 02120985 14/02/2007 29/01/2008 Dissolved
LIGNATEC LIMITED 02826378 03/02/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
LIGNATEC LIMITED 02826378 03/02/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
MECHELEC BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED 05673019 15/08/2007 28/02/2011 Dissolved
PATHTRACE LIMITED 02485210 17/01/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PATHTRACE LIMITED 02485210 17/01/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PERSPECTIVE DESIGN LIMITED 01707177 22/04/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PERSPECTIVE DESIGN LIMITED 01707177 22/04/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PLANIT HOLDINGS LIMITED 01731539 20/07/2001 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PLANIT HOLDINGS LIMITED 01731539 31/07/2001 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PLANIT SOFTWARE LIMITED 02093062 30/08/2001 30/09/2011 Gold
PLANIT SOFTWARE LIMITED 02093062 30/08/2001 30/09/2011 Gold
PLANIT.COM LIMITED 01671279 20/07/2001 30/09/2011 Dissolved
PLANIT.COM LIMITED 01671279 14/02/2007 30/09/2011 Dissolved
RADAN COMPUTATIONAL LIMITED 01282479 16/04/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
RADAN COMPUTATIONAL LIMITED 01282479 16/04/2003 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY ACQUISITIONS LIMITED 05943914 01/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY ACQUISITIONS LIMITED 05943914 01/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY HOLDINGS LIMITED 05943865 01/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY HOLDINGS LIMITED 05943865 01/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY INVESTCO LIMITED 05943898 04/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved
VELOCITY INVESTCO LIMITED 05943898 04/12/2006 30/09/2011 Dissolved