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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1954
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ANTHROPODS&CO LIMITED 11096984 29/05/2018 Insolvent
Enabled Systems Ltd 03606308 29/07/1998 Dissolved
Optiglass Devices Ltd 03733230 17/01/2001 Dissolved
PPRC LIMITED 13709602 28/10/2021 Not Trading
RWY LTD 10732937 20/04/2017 Dissolved
Spinpenny Ltd 04054744 15/11/2000 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
APPLIED ENZYME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 02966552 09/09/1994 19/10/1994 Strike Off
AQUA ENVIRO LIMITED 03609558 26/04/2001 03/07/2003 Dissolved
Applied Modelling Technologies Ltd 03794131 20/10/2000 04/05/2001 Dissolved
BLOODHOUND SENSORS LIMITED 02919039 19/10/1994 08/07/2005 Dissolved
Bethan Technology Ltd 03040051 31/03/1995 13/05/1999 Dissolved
Bioventures Ltd 02867548 26/10/1993 16/12/1993 Dissolved
Bioventures Ltd 02867548 26/10/1993 20/10/2001 Dissolved
Cosecure Ltd 02966847 12/09/1994 29/01/1997 Dissolved
Decision Point Ltd 03078408 01/09/1997 08/11/1997 Dissolved
Decision Point Ltd 03078408 18/08/1995 08/11/1997 Dissolved
ECERTEC LIMITED 03912327 07/03/2001 31/07/2003 One Red Flag
ERCL LIMITED 08743541 07/04/2015 31/07/2016 Silver
EVIDENCE LIMITED 04036650 27/06/2002 16/11/2007 Dissolved
Earthco Adhesive Technologies Ltd 04101214 15/11/2000 12/01/2002 Dissolved
GELECTRIX LIMITED 03236565 30/09/1997 02/11/2007 Dissolved
GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 05575880 20/12/2013 30/09/2016 Strike Off
GETECH GROUP PLC 02891368 26/01/1994 31/07/2016 Amber
GLUCO TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 03682634 03/04/2000 08/10/2007 Insolvent
INSTRUMENTEL LIMITED 04325633 21/11/2001 05/08/2003 Amber
IXRM LTD 10627522 11/06/2018 26/10/2020 Dissolved
Leeds Antenatal Screening Service Ltd 04716165 08/05/2003 02/11/2007 Dissolved
MEDIA INNOVATIONS LIMITED 04568322 21/10/2002 02/11/2007 Dissolved
Matrix Strategic Research Ltd 03157689 10/04/1997 27/05/1998 Dissolved
Matrix Strategic Research Ltd 03157689 10/04/1997 27/05/1998 Dissolved
PRECISION PROTEINS LIMITED 03602698 09/05/2000 02/11/2007 Dissolved
Polk Leeds Ltd 02453896 01/09/1997 08/11/1997 Dissolved
ROCK DEFORMATION RESEARCH LIMITED 03791808 16/06/2000 17/07/2003 Dissolved
SCIENCE WAREHOUSE LIMITED 02890957 03/03/2000 31/03/2000 Silver
STRUCTURE VISION LIMITED 04705453 20/03/2003 13/05/2004 Silver
Stratica Ltd 03340093 25/03/1998 18/05/1999 Dissolved
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INNOVATIONS LIMITED 01002075 11/04/2002 25/06/2002 Dissolved
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INNOVATIONS LIMITED 01002075 06/09/1993 31/03/2003 Dissolved
UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS IP LIMITED 04582496 08/04/2003 02/11/2007 Silver