Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Hi-Tower Ltd | 03318567 | 09/04/1997 | Dissolved |
Stronghold Construction Ltd | 03318546 | 20/03/1997 | Dissolved |
The Decorating People Ltd | 03340756 | 01/04/1997 | Dissolved |
The Plumbing People Ltd | 03340759 | 01/04/1997 | Dissolved |
The Timber People Ltd | 03340940 | 20/04/1997 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
Corsair Construction Ltd | 03343182 | 02/04/1997 | 15/02/1998 | Dissolved |
Lakefresh Building Ltd | 03342310 | 01/04/1997 | 15/02/1998 | Dissolved |
MYK LIMITED | 03937496 | 29/03/2000 | 12/08/2005 | One Red Flag |
Pipework Ltd | 03342284 | 01/04/1997 | 15/02/1998 | Dissolved |
Red Fox Building Ltd | 03311156 | 31/03/1997 | 15/02/1998 | Dissolved |
Stonewall Contracts Ltd | 03310958 | 01/04/1997 | 15/02/1998 | Dissolved |
THE SHERLOCK HOLMES MEMORABILIA COMPANY LIMITED | 02666173 | 26/11/1992 | 01/12/1992 | Not Trading |