
Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1956
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
137 West End Lane Management Co Ltd 04453442 02/06/2002 Dissolved
137 West End Lane Management Co Ltd 04453442 02/06/2002 Dissolved
Bda/Nch Joint Co Ltd 03350297 07/04/1997 Dissolved
Bda/Nch Joint Co Ltd 03350297 07/04/1997 Dissolved
Happy Coaching Ltd 05188801 26/07/2004 Dissolved
International Diabetes Federation (Europe) Ltd 03317142 15/07/1998 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
210 Communications Limited 02641365 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
210 Group Limited 02641619 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
210 Limited 02641364 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
BDA RESEARCH LIMITED 03339062 24/04/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
BDA RESEARCH LIMITED 03339062 24/04/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
BDA TRADING LIMITED 03977665 20/04/2000 17/11/2004 Not Trading
BDA TRADING LIMITED 03977665 20/04/2000 17/11/2004 Not Trading
BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION(THE) 00339181 17/04/1999 17/11/2004 Bronze
Benn,Michael,(Distribution) Ltd 02361238 13/03/1995 22/10/1996 Dissolved
Benn,Michael,(Distribution) Ltd 02361238 13/03/1995 22/10/1996 Dissolved
DIABETES CYMRU LIMITED 04770460 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES CYMRU LIMITED 04770460 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES ENGLAND LIMITED 04770442 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES ENGLAND LIMITED 04770442 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED 04770447 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED 04770447 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES RESEARCH LIMITED 03127954 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES RESEARCH LIMITED 03127954 06/08/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES SCOTLAND LIMITED 04770429 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES SCOTLAND LIMITED 04770429 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES SOCIETY LIMITED 03126867 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES SOCIETY LIMITED 03126867 06/08/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK CYMRU LIMITED 04770463 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK CYMRU LIMITED 04770463 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK ENGLAND LIMITED 04770437 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK ENGLAND LIMITED 04770437 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK LIMITED 03695952 11/01/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED 04770455 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED 04770455 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK SCOTLAND LIMITED 04770433 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK SCOTLAND LIMITED 04770433 19/05/2003 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETES UK SERVICES LIMITED 00891004 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 One Red Flag
DIABETES UK SERVICES LIMITED 00891004 21/06/1997 14/11/2002 One Red Flag
DIABETIC RESEARCH LIMITED 03127273 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETIC RESEARCH LIMITED 03127273 06/08/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETIC SOCIETY LIMITED 03127172 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
DIABETIC SOCIETY LIMITED 03127172 06/08/1997 17/11/2004 Not Trading
I CAN CHARITY 00099629 02/05/2006 18/08/2016 Bronze
Michael Benn & Associates Ltd 01097216 13/03/1995 22/10/1996 Dissolved
Michael Benn & Associates Ltd 01097216 13/03/1995 22/10/1996 Dissolved
News Communications Limited 00998843 22/07/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
PNA SERVICES LIMITED 01545229 22/07/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
PR NEWSWIRE EUROPE LIMITED 01543272 22/07/1992 22/10/1996 Silver
PR NEWSWIRE EUROPE LIMITED 01543272 26/01/1993 22/10/1996 Silver
Pna 00622867 22/07/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
SOCIETY FOR DIABETES LIMITED 03126870 31/03/1999 17/11/2004 Not Trading
SOCIETY FOR DIABETES LIMITED 03126870 06/08/1997 03/07/2003 Not Trading
SPEECH AND LANGUAGE UK SERVICES LTD 00890517 02/05/2006 18/08/2016 One Red Flag
SPEECH AND LANGUAGE UK SERVICES LTD 00890517 05/07/2011 18/08/2016 One Red Flag
Two-Ten Group Limited 02641618 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
Two-Ten Information Group Ltd 02641367 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved
Two-Ten Limited 02641366 29/08/1992 22/10/1996 Dissolved