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Key Data
Date of Birth
Feb 1947
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
B B (Rochdale) Ltd 00093490 13/02/1996 Dissolved
Balfour Williamson (Export Services) Ltd 00407880 22/09/1997 Dissolved
JOHN HOLT GROUP LIMITED 04101293 29/11/2000 Silver
Lonrho Africa Agribusiness (U K) Ltd 03468986 20/11/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Africa Cotton Ltd 03469217 21/11/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Agribusiness East Africa (U.K.) Ltd 03469004 20/11/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Eastern Ltd 02233962 16/01/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Exports Ltd 00658416 19/09/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Motors Africa Ltd 03469220 21/11/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Motors East Africa (U.K.) Ltd 03469020 20/11/1997 Dissolved
Lonrho Motors Namibia (U.K.) Ltd 03469310 21/11/1997 Dissolved
MANILLA LIMITED 03927822 17/02/2000 Dissolved
Miles Ashworth Ltd 00062182 13/02/1996 Dissolved
PALL MALL PRODUCTS LIMITED 06493975 21/07/2008 Dissolved
THE FIVE WITS COMPANY LIMITED 04750902 01/05/2003 Dissolved
Whitehead,David,& Sons (Holdings) Ltd 00036509 26/01/1998 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
19-21 GRANGE ROAD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 04964255 30/04/2010 26/05/2017 Bronze
Albuild Uk Ltd 02805491 26/01/1998 27/02/2001 Dissolved
BALFOUR,WILLIAMSON & CO.LIMITED 00247171 23/08/1995 27/02/2001 Not Trading
BAUMANN HINDE & CO.LIMITED 00553806 08/01/1999 11/07/2000 Insolvent
DAVID WHITEHEAD & SONS LIMITED 00909213 10/05/1994 13/02/1996 Bronze
EBANI INVESTMENTS LIMITED 03503795 30/01/1998 27/02/2001 Not Trading
ELK FOREST LIMITED 07266136 26/05/2010 13/06/2019 Dissolved
JOHN HOLT & COMPANY (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED 00051851 12/05/1992 13/11/2021 Bronze
LONRHO AFRICA (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 00997945 09/09/1999 27/02/2001 One Red Flag
LONRHO AFRICA TRADE & FINANCE LIMITED 00126250 12/05/1992 27/02/2001 Dissolved
LONRHO AGRIBUSINESS ZIMBABWE (U.K.) LIMITED 00195624 26/01/1998 27/02/2001 Not Trading
LONRHO HOTELS (GHANA) LIMITED 03091956 20/05/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
LONRHO HOTELS (UK) LIMITED 03469301 21/11/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
LONRHO HOTELS AFRICA LIMITED 02328889 20/05/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
LONRHO HOTELS AFRICA MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED 01309619 17/01/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
LONZIM ENTERPRISES LIMITED 03468980 20/11/1997 27/02/2001 One Red Flag
Lonrho Africa Properties & Construction Ltd 02805501 22/09/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
Lonrho Hotels Mozambique Ltd 02805319 20/05/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
Lonrho Ltd 03469214 21/11/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
Lonrho Motors South Africa Ltd 01656349 22/09/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
Lusolanda Supplies Ltd 02121335 21/05/1999 27/02/2001 Dissolved
MAZARIN HOLDINGS LIMITED 05207772 01/10/2004 10/04/2007 Dissolved
Motors of Angola Ltd 00637748 22/09/1997 27/02/2001 Dissolved
O.D.A. SUPPLIES LIMITED 02732567 20/07/1993 27/02/2001 Not Trading
Tudor Knight Limited 02361009 14/03/1991 27/02/2001 Dissolved