Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
Beachworld Tv Ltd | 04241137 | 26/06/2001 | Dissolved |
Brand Live Television Ltd | 05329308 | 11/01/2005 | Dissolved |
DIGITAL BRAND MARKETING LIMITED | 05761031 | 29/03/2006 | Dissolved |
Golf Bug Television Ltd | 05761026 | 29/03/2006 | Dissolved |
Monster Triathlon Challenge Ltd | 02979215 | 31/10/1994 | Dissolved |
PROGRESSIVE SPORTS PROPERTIES LTD | 07624182 | 06/05/2011 | Dissolved |
Sector Sponsorship & Marketing Ltd | 02941054 | 21/06/1994 | Dissolved |
Sector Sports Solutions Ltd | 03840237 | 13/09/1999 | Dissolved |
Sports Marketing and Promotions Ltd | 02673795 | 19/12/1991 | Dissolved |
Sports Marketing and Promotions Ltd | 02673795 | 19/12/1991 | Dissolved |
The Millennium Run Ltd | 03505267 | 05/02/1998 | Dissolved |
WEBFIRE MEDIA LIMITED | 05214482 | 25/08/2004 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
Sector Marketing Portugal Ltd | 03254491 | 19/09/1996 | 09/09/1999 | Dissolved |