
Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1945
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ADD WELLNESS HOLDINGS LIMITED 06172268 21/06/2007 Dissolved
ADDLEISURE 2004 LIMITED 05145664 28/06/2004 Dissolved
ADDLEISURE 2009 LIMITED 06912163 26/05/2009 Dissolved
ADDLEISURE CONSULTING LIMITED 05370276 21/02/2005 Dissolved
ADDLEISURE LIMITED 06963128 04/01/2010 Dissolved
ADDLEISURE LIMITED 11798301 30/01/2019 One Red Flag
Atherbuy Ltd 03539377 06/04/1998 Dissolved
CIRQ LIMITED 05460825 04/07/2005 Dissolved
CIRQ LIMITED 05460825 22/11/2006 Dissolved
Clubrunner (Europe) Ltd 03022252 07/10/2008 Dissolved
Darkwin Ltd 01643123 04/07/1992 Dissolved
Darkwin Ltd 01643123 04/07/1992 Dissolved
ESPORTA MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06729224 07/07/2009 Dissolved
EZ-RUNNER LIMITED 04388399 06/10/2008 Dissolved
IC LEISURE LIMITED 11438941 28/06/2018 Dissolved
K B L Developments Ltd 02116183 13/03/1992 Dissolved
K B L Developments Ltd 02116183 13/03/1992 Dissolved
MS ADMIN LIMITED 05758299 31/07/2006 Dissolved
PLAYGATE (BANKSIDE) LIMITED 06032893 19/12/2006 Dissolved
PLAYGATE (REGENTS PLACE) LIMITED 08087318 29/05/2012 Dissolved
PLAYGATE LIMITED 05452050 22/11/2006 Dissolved
SELL MY GYM LIMITED 16096265 22/11/2024 Amber
SONATA INVESTMENTS LLP OC350355 25/11/2009 Dissolved
THE HEALTH CLUB COLLECTION LIMITED 09549018 29/04/2015 Dissolved
WE ARE RIZE LIMITED 06865909 08/04/2015 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
BIDSTACK GROUP PLC 04466195 19/07/2004 29/06/2016 Insolvent
CS LEISURE LIMITED 02357146 29/05/1996 02/09/1996 Not Trading
CS LEISURE LIMITED 02357146 29/05/1996 27/09/2004 Not Trading
EG01 LIMITED 04374988 13/07/2007 31/08/2010 Dissolved
Interactive Health & Fitness Ltd 02693026 27/03/2000 16/07/2002 Dissolved
KIN WELLNESS LIMITED 05029624 30/07/2004 26/03/2014 Dissolved
L A FITNESS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST LIMITED 03229416 02/08/1996 27/09/2004 Dissolved
L A FITNESS LIMITED 03224406 30/07/1996 05/07/2005 Not Trading
L.A. FITNESS (LUTON) LIMITED 03459814 10/12/1997 27/09/2004 Dissolved
L.A. WESTMINSTER LIMITED 03238726 16/08/1996 27/09/2004 Not Trading
LA LEISURE LIMITED 01728962 20/06/1992 02/09/1996 Silver
LA LEISURE LIMITED 01728962 20/06/1992 27/09/2004 Silver
LEISURE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED 01857347 26/03/1992 04/07/2020 One Red Flag
MSCP HOLDINGS LIMITED 08206709 07/09/2012 02/06/2015 One Red Flag
MSCP WELLBEING LIMITED 02730279 04/07/2005 02/06/2015 Gold
MSCP WELLBEING LIMITED 02730279 22/11/2006 02/06/2015 Gold
REGAL COMMERCIAL ROAD LIMITED 00659261 11/04/1992 12/04/2016 Gold
REGALBROOK HOLDINGS LIMITED 01029707 11/04/1992 12/04/2016 Not Trading
REGALBROOK HOLDINGS LIMITED 01029707 11/04/1992 12/04/2016 Not Trading
Spiremill Ltd 01875471 01/11/1992 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Tr Constructions & Management Ltd 03238722 16/08/1996 27/09/1996 Dissolved