Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Rating |
98POINT6 LTD | 07845493 | 14/12/2015 | Dissolved |
ALLMOBILITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED | 10046656 | 07/03/2016 | Dissolved |
AQUEGEN LIMITED | 06403298 | 23/10/2007 | Dissolved |
Box Classics Ltd | 04730700 | 11/04/2003 | Dissolved |
Classicall Music Foundation | 04121405 | 03/05/2002 | Dissolved |
Classicall Network Ltd | 03997572 | 21/11/2001 | Dissolved |
Elfinport Ltd | 03299657 | 09/06/1999 | Dissolved |
Equitel Communications Ltd | 03633818 | 18/11/1998 | Dissolved |
Equitel Route Management Ltd | 03773875 | 19/05/1999 | Dissolved |
HYPERACTIVE PRODUCTIONS LIMITED | 10178469 | 13/05/2016 | Not Trading |
HYPERACTIVE PRODUCTIONS LIMITED | 03850261 | 22/10/1999 | Dissolved |
KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL EUROPE LIMITED | 10584624 | 26/01/2017 | Not Trading |
KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL RISK LIMITED | 10586736 | 27/01/2017 | Not Trading |
LST PARTNERS LIMITED | 08856119 | 22/01/2014 | One Red Flag |
MEYNARD FRERES LIMITED | 04016829 | 08/08/2001 | Dissolved |
Maypark U K Ltd | 03283978 | 20/04/1999 | Dissolved |
Maypark U K Ltd | 03283978 | 20/04/1999 | Dissolved |
Rusbrook Ltd | 04053727 | 15/10/2003 | Dissolved |
S M C Investments Plc | 02125520 | 30/03/2000 | Dissolved |
SENTRUM (COLO) LIMITED | 07624178 | 06/08/2014 | Dissolved |
STERLING TRUST LIMITED | 01761400 | 25/05/2015 | Insolvent |
STRUCTURED CAPITAL PARTNERS LIMITED | 08892250 | 12/02/2014 | Amber |
T G A (U K) Ltd | 03646127 | 09/08/1999 | Dissolved |
THE CLASSICAL GROUP LIMITED | 04731970 | 11/04/2003 | Dissolved |
Telecities Ltd | 03863840 | 22/10/1999 | Dissolved |
Telecommerce Ltd | 03828693 | 25/08/2000 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Finance Ltd | 03874461 | 06/12/2001 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Networks Ltd | 03714188 | 06/12/2001 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Switched Services Ltd | 03773180 | 17/05/1999 | Dissolved |
Teleroute Ltd | 03633810 | 05/01/1999 | Dissolved |
Water Asset Management Ltd | 06070293 | 26/01/2007 | Dissolved |
Water Choice Group Ltd | 06132033 | 17/03/2008 | Dissolved |
Water Finance Ltd | 06131566 | 17/03/2008 | Dissolved |
Water Services Europe Ltd | 06132322 | 17/03/2008 | Dissolved |
Willow Mount Securities Ltd | 02801674 | 30/03/2000 | Dissolved |
Name | Company Number | Date Appointed | Date Resigned | Rating |
132ND Legibus Plc | 02548034 | 12/10/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Dissolved |
AQUEDUCT GROUP PLC | 06233582 | 01/05/2007 | 01/06/2011 | Dissolved |
AQUEDUCT PLC | 06278663 | 13/06/2007 | 01/06/2011 | Dissolved |
AQUEDUCT SERVICES LIMITED | 06230310 | 27/04/2007 | 01/06/2011 | Dissolved |
AQUEDUCT SOLUTIONS LIMITED | 06230245 | 27/04/2007 | 01/06/2011 | Dissolved |
AVENUE DEVELOPERS LIMITED | 10819557 | 04/07/2017 | 01/09/2017 | One Red Flag |
Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd | 02178426 | 24/09/1991 | 04/12/1991 | Dissolved |
Equitel Communications Ltd | 03633818 | 15/04/1999 | 05/10/1999 | Dissolved |
Equitel Route Management Ltd | 03773875 | 19/05/1999 | 05/10/1999 | Dissolved |
Fastfirm Ltd | 03899937 | 27/01/2000 | 07/02/2000 | Dissolved |
Global Analysis Systems Ltd | 01899984 | 10/04/1991 | 14/12/1991 | Dissolved |
HAROLD MOORES RECORDS LIMITED | 04730743 | 01/05/2005 | 14/04/2008 | One Red Flag |
INDEXPRIDE LIMITED | 02406760 | 20/07/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Insolvent |
Kidsports Plc | 02486124 | 28/03/1991 | 25/07/1992 | Dissolved |
LONDON & BISHOPSGATE GROUP LIMITED | 02506959 | 23/05/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Dissolved |
LONDON & BISHOPSGATE HOLDINGS PLC | 02188892 | 23/05/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Dissolved |
LOUCETIOS ENERGY (HOLDITCH) LIMITED | 06698035 | 27/11/2014 | 14/07/2016 | Dissolved |
LOUCETIOS ENERGY (KNYPERSLEY) LIMITED | 06665747 | 27/11/2014 | 14/07/2016 | Dissolved |
LOUCETIOS ENERGY LIMITED | 06665763 | 27/11/2014 | 14/07/2016 | Dissolved |
Maxwell,Robert,Group Trading Plc | 02341533 | 21/10/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Dissolved |
OPTIMUM DATA CENTRES LIMITED | 09191119 | 10/03/2015 | 19/05/2016 | Dissolved |
Quotescreen Limited | 02242021 | 03/01/1991 | 14/12/1991 | Dissolved |
ROBERT MAXWELL GROUP PLC | 02181690 | 13/11/1991 | 18/06/2002 | Dissolved |
Silicon Chimp Ltd | 04081691 | 02/10/2000 | 29/06/2001 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Finance Ltd | 03874461 | 10/11/1999 | 12/08/2002 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Networks Ltd | 03714188 | 15/04/1999 | 05/10/1999 | Dissolved |
Telemonde Switched Services Ltd | 03773180 | 17/05/1999 | 05/10/1999 | Dissolved |
The Church Club Brighton Ltd | 05602340 | 26/12/2005 | 30/06/2006 | Dissolved |
The Church Club Brighton Ltd | 05602340 | 26/12/2005 | 30/06/2006 | Dissolved |
WELLESLEY & CO LIMITED | 07981279 | 01/05/2013 | 11/11/2013 | Amber |
WELLESLEY FINANCE LIMITED | 08331511 | 08/07/2013 | 11/11/2013 | Amber |
WELLESLEY GROUP INVESTORS LIMITED | 08478238 | 08/04/2013 | 11/11/2013 | One Red Flag |
WELLESLEY INVESTMENT SERVICES LIMITED | 08604378 | 10/07/2013 | 11/11/2013 | Amber |
WELLESLEY LEASE FINANCE LIMITED | 08604469 | 10/07/2013 | 11/11/2013 | Dissolved |