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Key Data
Date of Birth
Feb 1966
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Computer Guidance Ltd 02290276 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Computer Guidance Ltd 02290276 30/05/2003 Dissolved
International Voice Ltd 02501122 30/05/2003 Dissolved
International Voice Ltd 02501122 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa Data Design Ltd 00622118 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa Data Design Ltd 00622118 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa London Press Service Ltd 03324293 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa London Press Service Ltd 03324293 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa New Media Ltd 03338766 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Pa New Media Ltd 03338766 30/05/2003 Dissolved
The Football Archive Ltd 03738544 10/05/2004 Dissolved
The Football Archive Ltd 03738544 10/05/2004 Dissolved
The Sport Archive Ltd 03738541 10/05/2004 Dissolved
The Sport Archive Ltd 03738541 10/05/2004 Dissolved
Universal News Services Ltd 02615010 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Universal News Services Ltd 02615010 30/05/2003 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
210 Old Street (No 1) Ltd 04539730 11/10/2002 31/01/2003 Dissolved
210 Old Street (No 2) Ltd 04539746 11/10/2002 31/01/2003 Dissolved
292 VAUXHALL BRIDGE ROAD (NO.1) LIMITED 02414575 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
ALL ACTION DIGITAL LIMITED 04796330 27/10/2005 25/10/2006 Dissolved
CENTRAL PRESS FEATURES LIMITED. 04559963 31/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
COMPUTER NEWSPAPER SERVICES LIMITED 03492791 30/05/2003 26/10/2006 Dissolved
EMPICS LIMITED 02496593 10/05/2004 23/02/2006 Dissolved
HOSTPICS LIMITED 04638160 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
INTERNATIONAL NEWS PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 02449775 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
LOVELACEMEDIA LIMITED 03943516 09/01/2004 23/02/2006 Dissolved
PA LISTINGS LIMITED 02156127 30/05/2003 26/10/2006 Dissolved
PA MEDIA GROUP LIMITED 00004197 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Silver
PA NEWS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 03791911 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Insolvent
PA NEWS LIMITED 05385891 21/06/2005 23/02/2006 Dissolved
PA PHOTOS LIMITED 03891060 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Amber
PA SPORT ASIA LIMITED 04838192 29/12/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
PA SPORT UK LIMITED 03891053 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
RACING PAGES LIMITED 02495019 30/05/2003 23/02/2006 Dissolved
SHOOTLIVE LIMITED 05559846 05/10/2005 23/02/2006 Dissolved
SPORT CONFERENCES LIMITED 04431347 20/01/2006 23/02/2006 Dissolved
SPORT SERVICES GROUP LIMITED 04938813 19/12/2005 23/02/2006 Dissolved
SPORT SERVICES GROUP PUBLISHING & INFORMATION LIMITED 03212404 20/01/2006 23/02/2006 Dissolved
SPORTEV LIMITED 03787845 24/10/2005 15/08/2006 Dissolved
THE EDITORIAL CENTRE LIMITED 03121107 13/05/2004 20/12/2004 Dissolved
THE PRESS ASSOCIATION GROUP LIMITED 05322278 30/12/2004 23/02/2006 Dissolved
THE SCOTTISH PRESS ASSOCIATION LIMITED SC252328 07/07/2003 23/02/2006 Not Trading
TNR COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 03704364 05/07/2002 22/03/2005 Dissolved
TWO-TEN COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 03747735 15/05/2002 14/03/2006 Dissolved