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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Beacham (Uk) Ltd 03998400 30/05/2000 Dissolved
Dalechoice Limited 02425077 06/02/1995 Dissolved
Eatonline (Uk) Ltd 03915039 08/02/2000 Dissolved
Everest Capital (U K) Ltd 03485806 27/02/1998 Dissolved
Offshore Trading Co Ltd 03220223 10/01/1997 Dissolved
Omega Environmental Technologies (U K) Ltd 03446502 09/10/1997 Dissolved
Ovington Consulting Ltd 03207257 17/06/1996 Dissolved
P R M ( Horticultural) Services Ltd 01018215 14/06/1994 Dissolved
Palladian Webworld Ltd 03492816 02/02/1998 Dissolved
Parademetal Limited 02798815 10/10/1994 Dissolved
Sofip Ltd 03154602 21/02/1996 Dissolved
The Forefront Group Ltd 03298165 04/01/1999 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
A C Shipping Ltd 03755569 01/01/2002 21/04/2004 Dissolved
ADINA EUROPE LTD 04281021 11/09/2001 16/09/2003 Dissolved
Alexarch Ltd 03052101 25/05/1995 05/09/1996 Dissolved
BEHRE DOLBEAR UK LIMITED 03387156 20/06/1997 14/07/1997 Gold
Bayswater Property Ltd 03316571 15/08/2000 20/10/2003 Dissolved
CLIFTON MEWS ESTATE (MANAGEMENT) LIMITED 01963757 26/02/1996 13/06/1998 Bronze
EVERYTHING DM LTD 03244074 05/09/1996 18/09/1996 Dissolved
Essential Television Music Ltd 02833373 21/07/1993 02/03/1994 Dissolved
Garden Opportunities Ltd 04154588 19/02/2001 22/07/2004 Dissolved
INSIDE JOB LIMITED 03929816 11/01/2002 24/09/2002 Dissolved
IOG LIMITED 04368232 11/02/2002 22/04/2002 Dissolved
LONDON MUSIC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 02447013 11/01/1994 13/01/1995 Dissolved
Lords of The Soil Ltd 02843326 22/09/1993 15/04/1994 Dissolved
MEDINA EUROPE SALES LIMITED 04843779 24/07/2003 16/09/2003 Dissolved
RAINER ZIETZ LIMITED 02103246 24/10/1996 02/01/2002 Silver
Scandinavian Property Holdings Ltd 02989447 16/11/1994 05/09/1996 Dissolved
Sovtransavto Ltd 02915683 04/05/1994 10/10/1994 Dissolved
THE FRENCH COSMETIC MEDICAL COMPANY LIMITED 03332853 22/12/2000 25/02/2002 Silver
The French Cosmetic Medical Supply Co Ltd 03434489 22/12/2000 25/02/2002 Dissolved
Unified Residential Holdings Ltd 02842623 17/08/1993 15/04/1994 Dissolved