
Key Data
Date of Birth
Sep 1945
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
1 Booth's Place W1, Management Co Ltd 03464586 27/02/1998 Dissolved
4 Bloomfield Road N 6 Ltd 02681507 22/01/1992 Dissolved
ABERLOW PROPERTIES LIMITED 04397346 04/04/2002 Dissolved
AIS (2000) LIMITED 00935045 21/11/1996 Dissolved
ALPHA GAMMA (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 05875218 13/07/2007 Dissolved
ALPHA GAMMA LIMITED 01137384 13/07/2007 Dissolved
AMELTRADE LIMITED 04016765 10/08/2000 Dissolved
APPLEPEACH LIMITED 05078248 19/03/2004 Gold
AVALEEN LIMITED 05313778 12/01/2005 Dissolved
Aloftpeople Ltd 04691607 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Aloftrelate Ltd 04696453 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Aloftriver Ltd 04696450 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Aloftstatus Ltd 04698010 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Aloftstyle Ltd 04703417 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Aloftsystem Ltd 04703456 17/10/2005 Dissolved
BELGRAY LIMITED 04637008 05/06/2003 Dissolved
BLUE LANTERN LIMITED 04731048 14/02/2006 Dissolved
BRUNSWICK (SWANSEA) LIMITED 03985332 15/06/2006 Dissolved
BRUNSWICK MANSFORD (SWANSEA) LIMITED 03985335 15/06/2006 Dissolved
CHEDGREEN LIMITED 03575598 08/07/1998 Dissolved
CHERIFERN LIMITED 01181283 07/07/2006 Dissolved
CHEYNE (CHARTERHOUSE) LIMITED 03697608 15/05/2007 Dissolved
CHEYNE (HACKNEY) LIMITED 03727920 15/05/2007 Dissolved
CHEYNE (HOVE) LIMITED 02859766 15/05/2007 Dissolved
CHEYNE HOLDINGS LIMITED 02540023 15/05/2007 Dissolved
CIRCLE UK MAINTENANCE LLP OC332158 18/10/2007 Dissolved
CLEARVALLEY PROPERTIES LIMITED 03304980 22/01/1997 Dissolved
CLERKENWELL GREEN INVESTMENTS LTD 05828754 03/05/2007 Dissolved
COLEBROOKE HOUSE LLP OC319547 05/05/2006 Dissolved
COOKWEB LIMITED 04763427 17/08/2006 Dissolved
COURTYARD CAPITAL LLP OC328758 04/06/2007 Dissolved
Castlerange Properties Ltd 05021503 30/01/2004 Dissolved
City Cinemas (Newport) Ltd 04641312 30/10/2003 Dissolved
Clintland Ltd 01423804 15/02/1992 Dissolved
Copeley Ltd 05080505 22/03/2004 Dissolved
Crestham Ltd 05323030 12/01/2005 Dissolved
DISCFIND LIMITED 03315136 30/10/2003 Dissolved
DYERS BUILDINGS FREEHOLD LIMITED 04834027 16/07/2003 Dissolved
DYERS BUILDINGS LIMITED 04829006 10/07/2003 Dissolved
Dancourt Properties Limited 01013146 15/01/1992 Dissolved
Dancourt Properties Limited 01013146 15/01/1992 Dissolved
Deal Street Ltd 03562321 08/07/1998 Dissolved
Delara Ltd 05002691 23/12/2003 Dissolved
Duelpound Ltd 04696455 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Duelpower Ltd 04698012 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Duelradio Ltd 04703572 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Duelraise Ltd 04703452 17/10/2005 Dissolved
EDZELL LIMITED 04635839 14/01/2003 Dissolved
EMERIT LIMITED 04134495 18/01/2001 Dissolved
FITZROY HOUSING LIMITED 05105907 09/03/2005 Not Trading
FORMCROWN LIMITED 02520349 03/07/2000 Dissolved
FORTMOOR PROPERTIES LIMITED 04407885 04/04/2002 Dissolved
FURNHILL LIMITED 02056576 15/10/1991 Dissolved
Fancywork Ltd 04690445 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Fieldfreeze Ltd 04696464 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Fieldguide Ltd 04698011 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Fieldinput Ltd 04703416 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Fieldpeople Ltd 04703438 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Forthall Properties Ltd 04407883 04/04/2002 Dissolved
GAMMA CITY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 01877964 13/07/2007 Dissolved
GAMMA ESTATES LIMITED 02457984 13/07/2007 Dissolved
GAMMA LEASING LIMITED 01629129 13/07/2007 Dissolved
GAMMA PROPERTY COMPANY LIMITED 01603717 13/07/2007 Dissolved
GAZEBO PROPERTIES LIMITED 02330795 15/02/1992 Dissolved
GELLEYS LIMITED 05330683 04/05/2006 Dissolved
GRACESET 05885370 24/07/2006 Dissolved
GRACESET 05885370 24/07/2006 Dissolved
HAMPSTEAD HOMES (LONDON) LIMITED 02701809 09/04/1992 Dissolved
HEATH ST PROPERTIES LLP OC318879 04/04/2006 Dissolved
IPCOURT LIMITED 04191792 30/10/2003 Dissolved
JAYWOOD PROPERTIES LIMITED 00806336 15/02/1992 Dissolved
JEDBRIDGE 05885371 24/07/2006 Dissolved
JEDBRIDGE 05885371 24/07/2006 Dissolved
KIRBY'S OF HACKNEY LIMITED 00564454 15/02/1992 Dissolved
LARRIN LIMITED 05487237 27/06/2005 Dissolved
LINMAY LIMITED 04204328 26/04/2001 Dissolved
LONGSPAN LIMITED 02851600 30/10/2003 Dissolved
MARKBEST LIMITED 04136602 05/04/2007 Dissolved
MERITAB LIMITED 04941163 19/11/2003 Dissolved
MIDDLEBERRY 02212501 07/07/2006 Strike Off
MISLEX (425) LIMITED 05127118 08/09/2004 Dissolved
Marilwell Ltd 04006431 10/08/2000 Dissolved
NEWPORT (ALBERT BUILDINGS) LIMITED 04162822 30/10/2003 Dissolved
NEWPORT (BRYNMAWR) LIMITED 04179774 30/10/2003 Dissolved
NEWPORT (DUNDEE) LIMITED 04128053 30/10/2003 Dissolved
NEWPORT (JERSEY) LIMITED 04578130 30/10/2003 Dissolved
NEWPORT (LEEWAY) LIMITED 04252546 30/10/2003 Dissolved
NEWPREMIER 05950140 28/09/2006 Dissolved
NORTH ONE PROPERTIES LLP OC331492 18/09/2007 Dissolved
NORTHERN ENGLAND ESTATES LIMITED 02511913 13/07/2007 Dissolved
Neauchamp One 05969576 17/10/2006 Dissolved
ONESTATE LIMITED 03432673 30/10/2003 Dissolved
PALLAM LIMITED 05337630 19/01/2005 Dissolved
PEARL & COUTTS LIMITED 00846950 15/02/1992 Not Trading
PEARLMAN AND REEVE LLP OC321062 18/07/2006 Dissolved
POINTSHIELD 05887798 26/07/2006 Dissolved
POINTSHIELD 05887798 26/07/2006 Dissolved
PONDSET LIMITED 03919580 30/10/2003 Dissolved
PORTGRAND LIMITED 01715724 19/09/1991 Dissolved
Peopleradio Ltd 04665668 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Peoplewatch Ltd 04689960 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Pgb Finance Ltd 04876308 22/08/2003 Dissolved
Poundaloft Ltd 04694059 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Poundcrush Ltd 04694130 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Pounddrama Ltd 04696456 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Poundduel Ltd 04698177 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Poundfancy Ltd 04703420 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Poundflight Ltd 04703444 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Powerdetail Ltd 02584392 12/03/1991 Dissolved
Printdyne Ltd 02158794 15/02/1992 Dissolved
Propus Ltd 05006491 06/01/2004 Dissolved
RODEL LIMITED 04635312 14/01/2003 Dissolved
ROTHAS LIMITED 04637060 19/05/2003 Dissolved
Radioword Ltd 04689965 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Raisecrush Ltd 04693963 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Raisedrama Ltd 04697143 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Raiseduel Ltd 04694138 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Raisefancy Ltd 04696463 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Raisefreeze Ltd 04703422 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Revelwood Ltd 04002490 06/06/2000 Dissolved
SAFEHOSTS (LONDON) LIMITED 07829371 31/10/2011 Dissolved
SCOPUS PROPERTIES LIMITED 00795703 05/05/2016 Dissolved
SHANGLADE LIMITED 03959437 17/05/2000 Bronze
SHESTON LIMITED 04134529 18/01/2001 Dissolved
SHIELDBAY (ENFIELD) LIMITED 01893588 04/04/2016 Dissolved
SHORTS GARDENS LLP OC316410 09/08/2013 Bronze
SILVERMINT PROPERTIES LIMITED 00874778 14/11/1991 Dissolved
SLONESTAR LIMITED 04006553 06/06/2000 Dissolved
SPACEDOME 05919238 30/08/2006 Dissolved
SPACEDOME 05919238 30/08/2006 Dissolved
STANECASTLE PROPERTIES LIMITED 05934087 13/09/2006 Dissolved
STAPLEBROOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 02143566 30/10/2003 Dissolved
STENGUILD LIMITED 03126255 29/02/1996 Dissolved
STREATCO 268 LIMITED 03473126 30/10/2003 Dissolved
STUBFIELD INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED 01087086 07/07/2006 Dissolved
Statusupper Ltd 04686680 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Statuswatch Ltd 04689957 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Streamchime Ltd 04693966 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Streamearth Ltd 04694144 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Streamgrand Ltd 04703418 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Swinghome Ltd 01485456 15/02/1992 Dissolved
Swinghome Ltd 01485456 15/02/1992 Dissolved
TARGETVIEW LIMITED 01892595 02/12/2016 Dissolved
TELLERBELL LIMITED 03986353 10/08/2000 Dissolved
THORA LIMITED 05337629 19/01/2005 Dissolved
TIREE LIMITED 04640801 09/04/2003 Dissolved
TOPSHAPE LIMITED 03435038 30/10/2003 Dissolved
TOURONE LIMITED 03456311 30/10/2003 Dissolved
TOWNCHARM 05928238 07/09/2006 Dissolved
TOWNCHARM 05928238 07/09/2006 Dissolved
Titanwatch Ltd 04694097 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Titanwater Ltd 04694142 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Titanword Ltd 04696451 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Tokanda Ltd 02995626 02/12/1994 Dissolved
Tropicallied Ltd 04703421 17/10/2005 Dissolved
UPPER STREET PROPERTIES LIMITED 05887795 26/07/2006 Dissolved
UPPER STREET PROPERTIES LIMITED 05887795 26/07/2006 Dissolved
Upperpound Ltd 04689956 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Upperramp Ltd 04694076 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Upperrelate Ltd 04694101 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Upperriver Ltd 04694141 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Upperstatus Ltd 04696461 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Uppertitan Ltd 04703431 17/10/2005 Dissolved
VALLEY AQUATICS LIMITED 05275322 16/12/2004 Dissolved
VEDAWELL LIMITED 03624053 16/12/1998 Dissolved
Validfern Ltd 02939911 04/07/1994 Dissolved
WELDONVALE LIMITED 03530642 01/05/1998 Dissolved
WING PROPERTIES LIMITED 03046122 30/10/2003 Dissolved
Watchramp Ltd 04693954 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Watchrelate Ltd 04694098 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Watchriver Ltd 04694143 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Watchtitan Ltd 04703442 17/10/2005 Dissolved
Wenaquest Ltd 03973576 18/01/2001 Dissolved
Woodseer Street Ltd 03634601 10/11/1998 Dissolved
Wrenfield Projects (Newbury) Ltd 04405695 04/04/2002 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
132 COMMERCIAL ST MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 03336195 25/03/1997 04/12/2002 Not Trading
2 BLOOMFIELD ROAD, N6 LIMITED 02681503 22/01/1992 01/09/2010 Dissolved
23/25 MORTIMER ST MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED 03387781 24/07/1997 19/11/2012 Gold
46 NORTHCOTE ROAD MANAGEMENT LIMITED 04086151 09/05/2007 24/04/2015 Not Trading
BARWELL HOUSE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 02397948 15/08/1991 12/10/2010 Not Trading
BOSS HOUSE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 03116733 12/12/1995 29/03/1999 Gold
BRUNSWICK (SWANSEA) LIMITED 03985332 30/10/2003 30/10/2003 Dissolved
DEMARK LODGE RTM COMPANY LIMITED 08027712 12/04/2012 16/01/2015 Gold
FARRANCE STREET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 03959435 14/04/2000 31/10/2004 Not Trading
MINTBLUE (CWMBRAN) LIMITED 05135876 24/05/2004 06/06/2006 Dissolved
MINTBLUE (CWMBRAN) LIMITED 05135876 24/05/2004 22/09/2014 Dissolved
MINTBLUE PROPERTIES LIMITED 05134293 21/05/2004 22/09/2014 Insolvent
MINTBLUE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 05080503 12/11/2004 22/09/2014 Dissolved
MYLOWORLD LIMITED 03495463 29/05/1998 17/07/2014 One Red Flag
PARK VIEW COURT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 01977013 18/04/1992 01/01/1999 Not Trading
PARK VIEW COURT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 01977013 18/04/1992 01/01/1999 Not Trading
River Securities Ltd 05237283 12/10/2004 14/09/2009 Dissolved
SELHURST PARK LIMITED 05895576 05/10/2006 31/10/2006 Dissolved
Selhurst Park One 05959023 06/10/2006 31/10/2006 Dissolved