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Key Data
Date of Birth
Nov 1962
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Accident Hire Limited 02825960 28/06/1993 Dissolved
Brand Marketing Group Ltd 04733578 28/09/2004 Dissolved
Brand Marque Collections Ltd 04846653 28/09/2004 Dissolved
Dowlis Plastics Ltd 03165962 28/09/2004 Dissolved
G F G Predecessor Ltd 02291297 18/04/1991 Dissolved
K C F (U K) Ltd 02304415 16/08/1991 Dissolved
Redvar Ltd 04479081 05/07/2002 Dissolved
School Fundraisers Ltd 02334049 31/08/1991 Dissolved
T36HPC Predecessor Ltd 02334050 15/11/1991 Dissolved
T48HPC Predecessor Ltd 02334048 31/08/1991 Dissolved
Tehpc Predecessor Ltd 02333735 21/12/1991 Dissolved
Varred Ltd 03516910 14/03/1999 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
00138452 LIMITED 00138452 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Insolvent
4 IMPRINT FINANCE LIMITED 02547863 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4 IMPRINT INCORPORATED LIMITED 00625652 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4 IMPRINT QUEST TRUSTEES LIMITED 03606112 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4 IMPRINT USA LIMITED 02948064 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Bronze
4 Imprint Corporation Ltd 03909414 16/03/2000 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4 Imprint Europe Ltd 03960231 06/04/2000 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4 Imprint.Com Ltd 03942016 16/03/2000 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4I Premiums Ltd 04164633 05/04/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4I Programmes Ltd 04164637 05/04/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4I Services Ltd 04164644 05/04/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
4IMPRINT GROUP PLC 00177991 06/03/2000 30/11/2001 Silver
4IMPRINT LIMITED 03020689 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Not Trading
ADPRODUCTS.COM LIMITED 03516908 14/03/1999 18/02/2005 Not Trading
AIM SMARTER LIMITED 05225734 28/09/2004 05/09/2005 One Red Flag
Adventures in Advertising Ltd 04074412 26/10/2000 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Agf Ltd 02948067 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
BOXCAM LIMITED 05153697 20/09/2004 08/08/2005 Bronze
BRAND ADDITION LIMITED 02083209 05/06/1991 30/05/1997 Gold
BRAND LOGISTICS LIMITED 03239440 28/09/2004 29/01/2009 Dissolved
Bourne Promotions Ltd SC026956 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Bourne Publicity Ltd 01128659 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
CORPORATE SOLUTIONS (UK) LIMITED 04379054 16/01/2004 29/01/2009 Dissolved
DARTON UK LTD 06006731 22/11/2006 24/08/2007 Dissolved
DARTON UK LTD 06006731 22/11/2006 24/08/2007 Dissolved
DISTINCTIVE IDEAS LIMITED 03380486 05/10/2006 29/01/2009 Dissolved
DOWLIS INSPIRED BRANDING LIMITED 01179852 28/09/2004 29/01/2009 Silver
E-Volve Clothing Ltd 02942527 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
GEARWORKS LIMITED 02682392 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Galileo Innovation Plc 04287996 16/11/2001 02/07/2002 Dissolved
Incentives Two Ltd SC013746 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Market Place Newco No. 1 Ltd 01916022 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Nelson Marketing U K Ltd 03125585 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
Only Trade Ltd 04756364 20/10/2003 18/02/2005 Dissolved
Only Trade Ltd 04756364 20/10/2003 18/02/2005 Dissolved
PRODUCT PLUS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 01744913 21/03/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
PROMOSERVE BUSINESS SYSTEMS LIMITED 05201788 03/07/2006 29/01/2009 Silver
PROMOTIONAL STORE LIMITED 05086173 01/04/2004 18/02/2005 Dissolved
Product Source Ltd 02921235 24/07/2001 30/11/2001 Dissolved
ROSS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS LTD. SC222568 27/02/2006 29/01/2009 Gold
SENSE-SONIC LIMITED 03975609 24/07/2001 31/01/2002 Dissolved
THE ADVERTISING PRODUCTS GROUP LIMITED 04128356 28/09/2004 29/01/2009 Gold
THE BENTLEY COLLECTION LIMITED 04086740 28/09/2004 29/01/2009 Not Trading
TOUCHPAPER COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 01573863 28/09/2004 29/01/2009 Dissolved
Trade Only Roadshow Ltd 05038185 13/02/2004 18/02/2005 Dissolved