
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jun 1943
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Apollo Advertising Sales Ltd 04431055 03/05/2002 Dissolved
Brand Movers Ltd 02696445 01/09/1996 Dissolved
Business News Deliveries Ltd 01985531 06/06/1995 Dissolved
Business News Deliveries Ltd 01985531 16/05/1991 Dissolved
Dt Developments Limited 01536366 06/06/1995 Dissolved
Dt Developments Limited 01536366 16/05/1991 Dissolved
Equalmission Ltd 02664830 06/06/1995 Dissolved
Equalmission Ltd 02664830 01/09/1996 Dissolved
Slobodon Ltd 00085153 06/06/1995 Dissolved
Slobodon Ltd 00085153 26/04/1994 Dissolved
The Daily Telegraph Business Network Ltd 01149000 23/08/1995 Dissolved
The Daily Telegraph Business Network Ltd 01149000 07/05/1999 Dissolved
Yellov Ltd 00298230 06/06/1995 Dissolved
Yellov Ltd 00298230 16/05/1991 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
DT HOLDINGS 02621255 09/04/1999 16/07/2003 Dissolved
DT HOLDINGS 02621255 27/08/1997 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Deedtask 02664831 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Deedtask 02664831 01/09/1996 16/07/2003 Dissolved
EVENING POST,LIMITED(THE) 00213322 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Not Trading
EVENING POST,LIMITED(THE) 00213322 26/04/1994 16/07/2003 Not Trading
First Dt Holdings 02629934 09/04/1999 16/07/2003 Dissolved
First Dt Holdings 02629934 27/08/1997 16/07/2003 Dissolved
GRABINER MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD 03162888 03/05/1996 16/08/1996 Silver
GRABINER MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD 03162888 03/05/1996 16/08/1996 Silver
HOLLINGER UK HOLDINGS 03877601 03/12/1999 16/07/2003 Dissolved
HOLLINGER UK HOLDINGS 03877601 03/12/1999 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Hollinger Australian Holdings 03049897 06/07/1995 23/02/1998 Dissolved
Hollinger Australian Holdings 03049897 06/07/1995 23/02/1998 Dissolved
ISLE OF DOGS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 02469959 14/02/1992 01/10/1996 Dissolved
MORNING POST LIMITED(THE) 01933369 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Not Trading
MORNING POST LIMITED(THE) 01933369 26/04/1994 16/07/2003 Not Trading
NLA MEDIA ACCESS LIMITED 03003569 28/03/1995 24/07/2003 Bronze
REACH PRINTING SERVICES (WEST FERRY) LIMITED 01997219 29/12/2000 22/03/2002 Amber
SECOND DT HOLDINGS 04173300 12/03/2001 16/07/2003 Dissolved
SECOND DT HOLDINGS 04173300 12/03/2001 16/07/2003 Dissolved
SPECTATOR (1828) LIMITED(THE) 01232804 12/09/1996 24/09/2003 Bronze
SUNDAY TELEGRAPH LIMITED(THE) 00667848 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Gold
SUNDAY TELEGRAPH LIMITED(THE) 00667848 26/04/1994 16/07/2003 Gold
Strawberry Hill Executives Ltd 03232114 31/07/1996 01/04/1997 Dissolved
Strawberry Hill Executives Ltd 03232114 31/07/1996 01/04/1997 Dissolved
TELEGRAPH MEDIA GROUP LIMITED 00451593 01/09/1996 16/07/2003 Amber
TELEGRAPH PUBLISHING LIMITED 01984132 01/09/1996 16/07/2003 Not Trading
TELEGRAPH SECRETARIAL SERVICES LIMITED 01933296 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Not Trading
TELEGRAPH SECRETARIAL SERVICES LIMITED 01933296 16/05/1991 16/07/2003 Not Trading
THE NEWSPAPER LICENSING AGENCY LIMITED 03563061 13/05/1998 27/11/2003 Not Trading
THE NEWSPAPER LICENSING AGENCY LIMITED 03563061 23/06/1998 27/11/2003 Not Trading
Telegraph (British) Ltd 03912775 10/02/2000 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Telegraph Books Ltd 02002119 06/06/1995 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Telegraph Books Ltd 02002119 26/04/1994 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Telegraph Digital Holdings Ltd 03806441 18/08/1999 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Telegraph Doubleclick Ltd 03434861 03/04/1998 16/07/2003 Dissolved
Telegraph Doubleclick Ltd 03434861 03/04/1998 16/07/2003 Dissolved