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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
European Tooling Services Ltd 05665454 04/01/2006 Dissolved
European Tooling Solutions Ltd 05320920 23/12/2004 Dissolved
Fifty Four Ltd 02940658 05/11/2004 Dissolved
Jamesons Client 103 Ltd 05531897 01/11/2005 Dissolved
Just Plumbing Services Ltd 05646550 11/07/2007 Dissolved
K Campbell Consultancy Ltd 04034038 02/08/2002 Dissolved
M C D CONSULTANCY LIMITED 05816598 15/05/2006 Dissolved
Pagegel Ltd 04384999 08/03/2004 Dissolved
RALT ENGINEERING LIMITED 02933680 05/11/2004 Bronze
Raybould Fields Ltd 05512700 19/07/2005 Dissolved
SHOWSUM MANORS LIMITED 09380472 08/01/2015 Dissolved
TRANSFORMATIONS P. S. LIMITED 04931570 09/03/2005 Dissolved
The Stiff Drink Co Ltd 04826558 09/07/2003 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
A.D.S. SERVICES (OXFORD) LIMITED 04281005 21/06/2004 23/02/2009 Dissolved
BRECKON & BRECKON LIMITED 05338659 31/07/2006 26/02/2009 Bronze
DOMAIN OF PURPLE LIMITED 03512645 01/11/2005 18/02/2009 Dissolved
EUROPEAN TOOLING SUPPLIES LIMITED 05665458 04/01/2006 08/03/2007 Dissolved
EVIL GENIUS MEDIA & EVENTS LIMITED 06357044 30/08/2007 30/08/2010 Dissolved
Furniture 2U Ltd 06035846 17/04/2007 28/04/2009 Dissolved
GORE ICT SERVICES LTD 06282806 18/06/2007 30/03/2009 Dissolved
HOME SWEET HOME SOFT FURNISHINGS LIMITED 04538602 18/09/2002 19/02/2009 One Red Flag
JAMESONS INSOLVENCY & BUSINESS RECOVERY LLP OC343182 09/02/2009 01/04/2013 Dissolved
JULIAN DALTON LIMITED 04415128 07/05/2003 18/02/2009 Silver
KEY TO MARKETS LIMITED 07276568 28/07/2010 21/12/2021 Gold
KEY TO PAY LTD 11723452 12/12/2018 21/12/2021 Dissolved
LIVE IT LIMITED 03631025 01/11/2005 18/02/2009 Not Trading
NEURO-BIO LTD 08580518 07/05/2014 10/10/2017 Amber
NTS TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS LIMITED 04582841 04/08/2004 18/02/2009 One Red Flag
OXFORD DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 06697076 15/09/2008 28/09/2010 Dissolved
RENAULT-PETERSEN 2016 LIMITED 04192946 10/06/2005 06/07/2006 Dissolved
RENAULT-PETERSEN LIMITED 04289279 10/06/2005 06/07/2006 Dissolved
S & B Caterers Ltd 05422471 12/04/2005 03/08/2006 Dissolved
SMARTPANORAMA LIMITED 03849776 31/07/2006 26/02/2009 Dissolved
THE WOW FACTOR LIMITED 03513369 01/11/2005 18/02/2009 Gold