
Key Data
Date of Birth
Dec 1959
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Castle Retail Park (Nottingham) No. 1 Ltd 04279592 25/11/2003 Dissolved
Castle Retail Park (Nottingham) No. 1 Ltd 04279592 25/11/2003 Dissolved
Castle Retail Park (Nottingham) No. 2 Ltd 04330849 25/11/2003 Dissolved
Castle Retail Park (Nottingham) No. 2 Ltd 04330849 25/11/2003 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
AMPRESS PARK MANAGEMENT LIMITED 04415037 20/11/2003 29/07/2004 Gold
DILLON READ CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD 02029428 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Dissolved
DILLON READ CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD 02029428 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Halifax Westgate No 1 Ltd 04395689 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Halifax Westgate No 1 Ltd 04395689 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Halifax Westgate No 2 Ltd 04395698 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Halifax Westgate No 2 Ltd 04395698 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
PHILDREW NOMINEES LIMITED 00515209 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Gold
Princess House (One) Ltd 04415095 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Princess House (One) Ltd 04415095 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Princess House (Two) Ltd 04415075 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Princess House (Two) Ltd 04415075 25/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT (JERSEY) LTD 02690195 24/02/1993 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD 01546400 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Amber
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD 01546400 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Amber
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT FUNDS LTD 02218008 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Silver
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT FUNDS LTD 02218008 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Silver
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING (NO.2) LTD 03528371 04/03/1999 29/07/2004 Gold
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING (NO.2) LTD 03528371 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Gold
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING LTD 02251850 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Gold
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING LTD 02251850 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Gold
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT LIFE LTD 03280762 19/11/1996 29/07/2004 Bronze
UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT LIFE LTD 03280762 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Bronze
UBS GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT CLIENT SERVICES LTD 02738177 17/08/1992 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT CLIENT SERVICES LTD 02738177 28/12/2001 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND GP UK LTD 00804947 14/05/1992 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND GP UK LTD 00804947 30/03/2001 29/07/2004 Dissolved
UBS REORGANISATION 2023-01 LTD 02140296 31/01/2004 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Ubs Global (Wrexham) One Ltd 04963128 20/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Ubs Global (Wrexham) One Ltd 04963128 20/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Ubs Global (Wrexham) Two Ltd 04962760 20/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved
Ubs Global (Wrexham) Two Ltd 04962760 20/11/2003 29/07/2004 Dissolved