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Key Data
Date of Birth
Feb 1954
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
City Road Investments Ltd 03897672 21/12/1999 Dissolved
City Road Investments Ltd 05474632 08/06/2005 Dissolved
Fresh Property Ltd 05053925 24/02/2004 Dissolved
Touchwood Productions Ltd 01576902 07/01/2003 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
AIRCELL STRUCTURES LIMITED 05662845 28/12/2005 12/02/2007 Strike Off
Asl Media Ltd 04003197 26/05/2000 24/05/2001 Dissolved
Benchmark Works Ltd. 04132971 29/12/2000 25/05/2001 Dissolved
COMMUNITY NETWORKING LIMITED 03642818 24/06/1999 02/08/2002 Dissolved
DIRECTORS CUT PRODUCTIONS LTD 04530793 10/09/2002 31/10/2003 One Red Flag
EMPLOYESURVEYS RESEARCH & CONSULTING LTD 04033661 14/07/2000 25/05/2001 Dissolved
Evaeleven 26 Ltd 04554861 07/10/2002 23/10/2002 Dissolved
Films of Record West Midlands Ltd 05392953 15/03/2005 07/04/2009 Dissolved
Jds Consultants Ltd 05698232 04/02/2006 13/02/2006 Dissolved
Just About Productions Ltd 04110130 17/11/2000 25/05/2001 Dissolved
L B M SURVEYS LIMITED 05164993 29/06/2004 31/08/2004 Dissolved
LANDMARK FILMS LTD 04331865 30/11/2001 05/12/2001 Amber
LONDON SERVICED OFFICES LTD 03893895 14/12/1999 25/05/2001 Dissolved
MICHAELMESSENGERDESIGN LIMITED 05385209 08/03/2005 22/03/2005 Dissolved
PORTLAND AUDIO LIMITED 04535276 13/09/2002 31/10/2003 Insolvent
Pearmac Ltd 04445232 22/05/2002 21/06/2002 Dissolved
Pulse U K Ltd 04095629 24/10/2000 10/07/2002 Dissolved
ROSIE BROWN LTD 05273259 29/10/2004 08/05/2006 Dissolved
Register-Domain-Names Ltd 04010161 07/06/2000 13/03/2001 Dissolved
SAND DANCERS LIMITED 05481093 14/06/2005 14/07/2005 Dissolved
THE ICING LTD 04837857 18/07/2003 01/08/2008 Dissolved
TRAVEN LTD. 03540593 25/05/2000 19/07/2010 Dissolved
WALL TO WALL MEDIA LIMITED 04207414 27/04/2001 25/05/2001 Gold
WALL TO WALL S & L 2001 LTD 04207259 27/04/2001 25/05/2001 Dissolved
WARNER BROS. TV PRODUCTION SERVICES LIMITED 04207420 27/04/2001 25/05/2001 Amber
Xing Xing Films Ltd 04467936 24/06/2002 28/06/2003 Dissolved