
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
Blackfriars Oil & Gas Ltd 00818091 08/08/2002 Dissolved
ENI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 01431033 08/08/2002 Dissolved
ENI MOG LIMITED 03211318 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Energy Ltd 00176270 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni International Exploration Ltd 02451388 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Lasmo Trustee Ltd 02507284 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Linv Ltd 02451354 27/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Malacca Ltd 01664303 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Malagot Ltd 03478543 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Methodplan Ltd 02642814 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Neptune Ltd 01198236 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Overseas Holdings Ltd 01431776 27/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Sesulu Ltd 03771970 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Tns Holdings Ltd 00518762 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Eni Trading Ltd 01521565 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Lasmo (U D G ) Plc 01234982 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Lasmo (Vei) Ltd 03173751 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Lasmo Cumi-Cumi Ltd 02544269 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Lasmo Madura Ltd 01750351 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Oil Exploration (Holdings) Ltd 01024938 08/08/2002 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
Agip Trading Services Ltd 03005842 03/01/2006 29/06/2006 Dissolved
E N I Liverpool Bay Ltd 02566262 01/08/2005 29/06/2006 Dissolved
ENI AMBALAT LIMITED 03968980 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI BTC LIMITED 01044120 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Amber
ENI BUKAT LIMITED 03856870 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI GANAL LIMITED 03771954 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI INDONESIA LIMITED 02334535 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI KRUENG MANE LIMITED 03562003 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI LASMO PLC 01008965 28/03/2006 29/06/2006 Gold
ENI MIDDLE EAST LIMITED 03180997 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Amber
ENI OIL ALGERIA LIMITED 02274210 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Silver
ENI PAPALANG LIMITED 04530307 10/09/2002 29/06/2006 Dissolved
ENI POPODI LIMITED 04530309 10/09/2002 29/06/2006 Dissolved
ENI RAPAK LIMITED 03771987 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI TNS LIMITED SC055200 01/08/2005 29/06/2006 Not Trading
ENI TTO LIMITED 00196665 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Dissolved
ENI UFL LIMITED 02325373 08/08/2002 07/08/2008 Dissolved
ENI UHL LIMITED 00916179 22/08/2002 29/06/2006 Silver
ENI ULT LIMITED 00301317 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Silver
EQUINOR WOS LIMITED 00972618 25/09/2007 07/06/2010 Bronze
Eni Securities Ltd 02351633 27/08/2002 29/06/2006 Dissolved
Lasmo Grand Maghreb Ltd 02466698 19/08/2002 29/06/2006 Dissolved
PETRO-CANADA ENERGY NORTH SEA LIMITED 03084447 25/09/2007 08/06/2010 Gold
PETRO-CANADA EUROPE LUBRICANTS LIMITED 05355307 19/11/2007 08/06/2010 Gold
PRIME PAKISTAN LIMITED 00151940 08/08/2002 29/06/2006 Silver
STOUTS HILL CLUB LIMITED 01687657 02/11/1996 25/07/1999 Dissolved
STOUTS HILL CLUB LIMITED 01687657 06/05/1991 25/07/1999 Dissolved
SUNCOR ENERGY INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED 04417114 25/09/2007 30/06/2010 Silver
SUNCOR ENERGY TREASURY SERVICES LIMITED 06912296 21/05/2009 08/06/2010 Silver
SUNCOR ENERGY UK HOLDINGS LTD 04415728 25/09/2007 08/06/2010 Silver
Stouts Hill Club Development & Marketing Ltd 02773444 02/11/1996 25/07/1999 Dissolved
Stouts Hill Club Development & Marketing Ltd 02773444 05/01/1993 25/07/1999 Dissolved