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Key Data
Date of Birth
Oct 1964
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
AZZURRI SCOTLAND LIMITED SC107812 15/09/2014 Dissolved
AZZURRI TRUSTEES LIMITED 04497042 15/09/2014 Dissolved
FLOW UK HOLDINGS LIMITED 09409205 02/05/2023 One Red Flag
HIGHFIELD HOUSE NETWORKS LIMITED 07154078 11/02/2010 Dissolved
JAGUSZ LIMITED 07917707 20/01/2012 Dissolved
SUN HILL ADVISORY LIMITED 11782511 23/01/2019 Gold
SUN HILL CONSULTING LIMITED 07796894 04/10/2011 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ARROW BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP LIMITED 10233900 03/01/2017 15/06/2017 Dissolved
ARROW BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LIMITED 10233878 03/01/2017 15/06/2017 Dissolved
ATLASCONNECT LIMITED SC241790 15/08/2012 01/09/2014 Not Trading
AZZURRI CAPITAL LIMITED 05831878 15/09/2014 28/07/2016 Dissolved
AZZURRI COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 03934288 15/09/2014 28/07/2016 Dissolved
AZZURRI HOLDINGS LIMITED 05831858 15/09/2014 28/07/2016 Dissolved
BELLE BIDCO LIMITED 06290463 20/11/2007 31/12/2008 Dissolved
BELLE HOLDCO LIMITED 06289226 20/11/2007 31/12/2008 Dissolved
BRIGHTSOLID ONLINE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED SC161678 09/11/2020 31/01/2023 Silver
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (1) LIMITED 05466039 16/08/2006 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (2) LIMITED 02949461 16/08/2006 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (3) LIMITED 05068126 29/01/2008 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (4) LIMITED 02659539 16/08/2006 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (5) LIMITED 04354868 10/07/2007 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (6) LIMITED 03798291 10/07/2007 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (8) LIMITED 02402775 11/02/2008 31/12/2008 Dissolved
EMPIRE REALISATIONS (9) LIMITED 02765941 11/02/2008 31/12/2008 Dissolved
FLUIDONE LIMITED 05296759 01/07/2017 28/09/2017 One Red Flag
GOFIBRE BROADBAND LIMITED 14404189 07/10/2022 04/09/2024 Silver
HOTCHILLI INTERNET LIMITED 03428835 20/10/2017 22/11/2018 Not Trading
MULTILINK BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 02656178 02/04/2007 31/12/2008 Dissolved
NEOS INTEGRATION LIMITED 03740932 15/08/2012 08/03/2013 Dissolved
NEOS NETWORKS LIMITED SC213457 15/08/2012 01/09/2014 Amber
NNXYZ LIMITED 03477297 15/08/2012 01/09/2014 Insolvent
REDCENTRIC PLC 08397584 20/10/2017 22/11/2018 Amber
REDCENTRIC SOLUTIONS LIMITED 08322856 20/10/2017 22/11/2018 Amber
WARDEN HOLDCO LIMITED 07857625 15/09/2014 28/07/2016 Dissolved
WARDEN MIDCO LIMITED 08713482 15/09/2014 28/07/2016 Dissolved