
Key Data
Date of Birth
May 1987
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
BRUNSWICK FREEHOLD MANAGEMENT LTD 10196340 24/05/2016 Dissolved
BRUNSWICK GARDENS FREEHOLD LIMITED 10239416 16/12/2017 Dissolved
CALICO LIVERPOOL PROPERTY LTD 12393096 09/01/2020 Dissolved
CALICO SL (NORTON STREET) LTD 11633181 19/10/2018 Dissolved
NEW LONDON HOMES LTD 08808643 16/12/2017 Dissolved
NF BETA 2 LLP OC403380 10/12/2015 Dissolved
NF BETA LTD 09897135 01/12/2015 Dissolved
NF GAMMA 2 LLP OC403381 10/12/2015 Dissolved
NF GAMMA LTD 09897171 01/12/2015 Dissolved
NI EDTECH LTD 09747741 25/08/2015 Dissolved
NIVEDA ASSOCIATES LLP OC399558 23/04/2015 Dissolved
NIVEDA CAPITAL2 LLP OC412603 30/06/2016 Dissolved
NIVEDA CONSTRUCTION LTD 08964388 28/03/2014 Dissolved
NIVEDA ENERGY LTD 07404961 12/10/2010 Dissolved
NIVEDA FAMILY OFFICE LLP OC390400 16/01/2014 Dissolved
NIVEDA FINANCE LLP OC396725 25/11/2014 Dissolved
NIVEDA HOSPITALITY (VH) LTD 10641541 27/02/2017 Dissolved
NIVEDA HOSPITALITY LLP OC412602 30/06/2016 Dissolved
NIVEDA INDUSTRIES LTD 07428873 03/11/2010 Dissolved
NR AQUARIUS LTD 07429016 03/11/2010 Dissolved
NR CYGNUS LLP OC415507 18/01/2017 Dissolved
NR FORBES LLP OC415500 18/01/2017 Dissolved
NR LEO LLP OC395397 18/09/2014 Dissolved
NR LIBRA LLP OC398480 23/02/2015 Dissolved
NR LOGAN LLP OC415503 18/01/2017 Dissolved
NR PEGASUS LLP OC400576 26/06/2015 Dissolved
NR SAGITTARIUS LLP OC400578 26/06/2015 Dissolved
NR TAURUS LLP OC393190 15/05/2014 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
CALICO LIVERPOOL LIMITED 12391112 08/01/2020 17/05/2021 Dissolved
CALICO LIVERPOOL MEZZANINE LTD 12392789 08/01/2020 17/05/2021 Dissolved
CALICO LIVERPOOL PROPERTY 2 LIMITED 12700513 26/06/2020 17/05/2021 Strike Off
CALICO LIVERPOOL SENIOR LTD 12392872 08/01/2020 17/05/2021 Dissolved
CALICO SHEFFIELD LIMITED 12519497 16/03/2020 08/01/2021 One Red Flag
NF ALPHA 2 LLP OC403383 10/12/2015 17/05/2021 One Red Flag
NF ALPHA LTD 09697058 22/07/2015 17/05/2021 Strike Off
NF DELTA LLP OC425829 30/01/2019 17/05/2021 One Red Flag
NI EDTECH 2 LLP OC402656 04/11/2015 17/05/2021 Bronze
NIVEDA CAPITAL LTD 10970859 19/09/2017 17/05/2021 Strike Off
NIVEDA GROUP LTD 07417856 28/10/2010 03/11/2010 One Red Flag
NIVEDA INVESTMENTS LIMITED 07624838 06/05/2011 17/05/2021 Amber
NR ANDROMEDA LTD 08264905 23/10/2012 17/05/2021 Amber
NR ARIES LTD 07429084 04/11/2010 05/02/2016 Not Trading
NR CENTAURUS LLP OC415508 18/01/2017 17/05/2021 Silver
NR CRUX LTD 11749554 04/01/2019 17/05/2021 Insolvent
NR FORNAX LLP OC425812 29/01/2019 04/04/2019 Bronze
NR GEMINI LTD 08128992 03/07/2012 17/05/2021 Dissolved
NR HERCULES 2 LTD 10597165 02/02/2017 17/05/2021 Strike Off
NR HERCULES LLP OC415497 18/01/2017 17/05/2021 Strike Off
NR LEO LLP OC395397 18/09/2014 18/09/2014 Dissolved
NR LYRA LTD 11749399 04/01/2019 17/05/2021 Insolvent
NR ORION LLP OC400577 26/06/2015 20/11/2018 Insolvent
NR PISCES LLP OC398498 24/02/2015 17/05/2021 One Red Flag
NR SCORPIO LLP OC398497 24/02/2015 17/05/2021 Strike Off
NR VIRGO LLP OC394316 16/07/2014 16/07/2014 Dissolved
PROVIDUS CAPITAL LTD 12205538 13/09/2019 25/02/2021 Bronze
SCHOOLS FOR NEPAL 09867811 22/07/2016 09/11/2017 Amber
THE TANNERY (LIVERPOOL) LIMITED 09159105 26/05/2016 30/05/2019 Dissolved