
Key Data
Date of Birth
Nov 1960
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ARGENSYS LIMITED 04414969 01/07/2010 Dissolved
AURRA CONSULTING LIMITED 04018145 07/03/2013 Dissolved
AUTUMNWINDOW LIMITED 04109614 04/03/2014 Gold
AUTUMNWINDOW NO.3 LIMITED 04132382 20/11/2014 Not Trading
AVENUE LEGAL SYSTEMS LIMITED 02257474 21/03/2013 Dissolved
Aberbell Ltd 04724693 13/03/2008 Dissolved
B T Alder One Ltd 03937611 09/02/2004 Dissolved
B T Forty-Five Ltd 02169719 03/03/1997 Dissolved
B T Forty-Seven Ltd 00974793 03/03/1997 Dissolved
B.I.C. SYSTEMS GROUP LIMITED NI029636 29/11/2010 Dissolved
B.I.C. SYSTEMS LIMITED NI017597 29/11/2010 Dissolved
BRITEL LIMITED 01430862 12/07/1993 Dissolved
BRITISH TELECOM 01626499 14/10/2013 Dissolved
BRUNING LIMITED 04958289 24/02/2014 Amber
BT (INTERNATIONAL) HOLDINGS LIMITED 02216586 14/10/2013 One Red Flag
BT (MIDDLE EAST) LIMITED 04551245 24/02/2014 Dissolved
BT (RRS LP) LIMITED 04109640 24/02/2014 Gold
BT (SECOND) NOMINEES LIMITED 02444635 14/10/2013 Dissolved
BT (THIRD) NOMINEES LIMITED 02450492 14/10/2013 Dissolved
BT ALDER TWO LIMITED 03938736 09/02/2004 Dissolved
BT CENTRE NOMINEE 1 LIMITED 04107872 01/07/2010 Dissolved
BT EIGHTY-EIGHT LIMITED 05952760 30/03/2009 Dissolved
BT EIGHTY-FIVE LIMITED 05213117 30/03/2009 Dissolved
BT EIGHTY-FOUR LIMITED 05149396 01/07/2010 Dissolved
BT EIGHTY-ONE LIMITED 04624419 01/07/2010 Dissolved
BT EIGHTY-SEVEN LIMITED 05369151 30/03/2009 Dissolved
BT EQUIPMENT FINANCE LIMITED 05440217 11/01/2011 Dissolved
BT FIFTY 02604361 12/06/2006 Dissolved
BT FLEET HOLDINGS LIMITED 04383565 08/03/2011 Dissolved
BT FORTY - FOUR 01904375 01/07/2010 Dissolved
BT GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED 02410810 24/10/2013 Silver
BT GROUP NOMINEES LIMITED 02444638 26/01/2017 Not Trading
BT HOLDINGS LIMITED 02216773 15/10/2013 Gold
BT IGNITE CONTENT HOSTING LIMITED 04106019 08/09/2003 Dissolved
BT INVESTMENT CAPITAL GP LIMITED 04881968 15/10/2013 Dissolved
BT LIMITED 02216369 15/04/2003 Silver
BT LIMITED 02216369 15/04/2003 Silver
BT NINETY-SEVEN LIMITED 14017603 01/04/2022 Silver
BT NOMINEES LIMITED 02057653 03/03/2010 Not Trading
BT NORDICS LIMITED 03983000 11/11/2010 Dissolved
BT ONEPHONE LIMITED 08043734 08/03/2024 Insolvent
BT PROPERTY LIMITED 02410818 24/02/2014 Not Trading
BT RISK MANAGEMENT LIMITED 02296498 09/06/2010 Dissolved
BT SEVENTY-FOUR LIMITED 03940151 30/03/2009 Dissolved
BT SEVENTY-NINE 04481167 30/03/2009 Dissolved
BT SIXTY-FOUR LIMITED 04007415 30/03/2009 Gold
BT SIXTY-SEVEN LIMITED 04718103 02/02/2005 Dissolved
BT SLE EURO LIMITED 07573610 24/01/2018 Bronze
BT SLE USD LIMITED 07573644 24/01/2018 Silver
BT SOLUTIONS LIMITED 04573373 11/11/2002 One Red Flag
BT SUBSEA CABLES LIMITED 02255560 01/07/2010 Dissolved
BT SWITZERLAND LIMITED 04129665 25/11/2002 Dissolved
BT UAE LIMITED 04726666 24/02/2014 Bronze
BTNET LIMITED 03985542 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Baseflat Ltd 04105388 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Brightview Internet Ltd 04742341 30/03/2009 Dissolved
British Telecom Passenger Vehicles Limited 02410813 12/07/1993 Dissolved
Bt Eighty Ltd 04624406 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Bt Geneva Ltd 01898175 10/11/2000 Dissolved
Bt Geneva Ltd 01898175 02/04/2003 Dissolved
Bt Global Networks Holdings No. 2 Ltd 02653079 28/10/2004 Dissolved
Bt Ignite Systems (Uk) Ltd 03529405 12/03/1998 Dissolved
Bt Systems Ltd 02604363 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Btopenworld Ltd 03985573 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Btradianz Ltd 02642855 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Buildmail Ltd 04107877 30/03/2009 Dissolved
CARA NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED NI039926 04/01/2010 Dissolved
CASTAIM LIMITED 03984695 01/07/2010 Dissolved
CEGETEL HOLDINGS LIMITED 03407440 01/07/2010 Dissolved
CELLPOINT LIMITED 02216548 12/07/1993 Dissolved
COMMS FACTORY LIMITED 04613736 14/09/2015 Dissolved
COMPUTER WORLD TRADE LIMITED 00977212 03/03/1997 Dissolved
Ccs Communication Sales Ltd 02410825 17/01/2001 Dissolved
Co 3195851 Ltd 03195851 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Computer Time Brokers Ltd 00905481 03/03/1997 Dissolved
DELETEWAY LIMITED 04807713 01/07/2010 Dissolved
DUNMORRIS LTD NI050509 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Dialstart Ltd 04473981 30/03/2009 Dissolved
EASYTOLL LIMITED 03108883 30/03/2009 Dissolved
EDINET LIMITED 02253971 12/07/1993 Dissolved
EE (GROUP) LIMITED 02439104 23/07/2018 Not Trading
EE FINANCE LIMITED 07844526 20/01/2020 Dissolved
ESAT TELECOMMUNICATIONS (UK) LIMITED 03271439 24/11/2003 Not Trading
EXTRACLICK LIMITED 04552808 25/11/2002 Silver
FREENETNAME LIMITED 04473978 30/03/2009 Dissolved
GRANITE & COMFREY LIMITED 03915042 07/03/2013 Dissolved
Global Internet Ltd 04473975 30/03/2009 Dissolved
INFONET SERVICES EUROPE LIMITED 04469358 24/08/2007 Dissolved
INFONET UK LIMITED 02199899 18/02/2008 Dissolved
Ial Digital Systems Ltd 01559560 12/07/1993 Dissolved
J S S Ltd 03173691 28/12/2000 Dissolved
LEGAL DESKTOP LIMITED 05240739 15/02/2013 Dissolved
Langley One Ltd 03978802 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Madasafish Ltd 05621456 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Mansionplace Ltd 01471262 31/08/1997 Dissolved
NET2S LIMITED 03534898 31/03/2011 Dissolved
NEWGATE STREET SECRETARIES LIMITED 02604359 17/07/1998 Not Trading
NTO TELE.COM 02316525 05/11/1997 Dissolved
NUMBERRAPID LIMITED 04825279 24/02/2014 Bronze
Northern Call Centre Co Ltd 03334252 30/03/2009 Dissolved
ORANGE HOME UK LIMITED 03014367 23/07/2018 Not Trading
OSMOSOFT LIMITED 05244845 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Outernet Ltd 03195470 30/03/2009 Dissolved
PARBIN LIMITED 03176954 30/03/2009 Dissolved
PHIBETA SOFTWARE LIMITED NI018881 21/03/2013 Dissolved
PLUSFIGURE LIMITED 04008609 01/07/2010 Dissolved
PLUSNET ASP LIMITED 04023210 30/03/2009 Dissolved
PLUSNET EBT LIMITED 05658852 30/03/2009 Dissolved
POSTGATE HOLDING COMPANY 03166592 21/11/2008 Dissolved
RADIANZ CONNECT SERVICES LIMITED 03071954 01/11/2006 Dissolved
RADIANZ GLOBAL LIMITED 03918474 14/03/2006 Dissolved
RADIANZ LIMITED 03918478 27/07/2007 Gold
REDCARE LIMITED 15000941 13/07/2023 Not Trading
RENTAL MAINTENANCE LIMITED 02412718 21/03/2013 Dissolved
Radianz Global Sales Ltd 04006749 19/05/2005 Dissolved
Redcare Technology Ltd 04147350 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Rosetta Global Communications Ltd 04056534 30/03/2009 Dissolved
SHAMROCK MARKETING LIMITED 03969962 07/03/2013 Dissolved
SOUTHGATE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 02325912 01/07/2010 Not Trading
SPARTAN INS LTD 04453479 01/07/2010 Dissolved
SYNTEGRA.COM LTD 00783854 17/10/2013 Dissolved
Scotland Call Centre Co Ltd 03334246 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Subscriber Management Services Limited 02216446 12/07/1993 Dissolved
T F B HOLDINGS LIMITED 02401642 21/03/2013 Dissolved
TECHNOLOGY FOR BUSINESS PLC 02412721 15/02/2013 Dissolved
TELEMAP GROUP LIMITED 00674984 12/07/1993 Dissolved
TIJ DUNMORRIS LTD NI055674 30/03/2009 Dissolved
TIKIT NIS LIMITED 01587773 07/03/2013 Dissolved
TOTAL NETWORK SOLUTIONS LIMITED 02629206 31/01/2007 Dissolved
Tardis Transcommunications Ltd 03080903 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Telecom Financial Services Limited 02170766 12/07/1993 Dissolved
Twenty First Century Ltd 02628748 30/03/2009 Dissolved
Tymnet Ltd 02253958 12/07/1993 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ACCENTURE (HR SERVICES) HOLDINGS LIMITED 03988049 03/05/2000 08/06/2000 Dissolved
AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LIMITED 03985643 28/04/2000 18/09/2001 One Red Flag
ALBACOM HOLDINGS 02603349 10/11/2000 13/02/2001 Dissolved
AUTUMNWINDOW LIMITED 04109614 12/11/2001 01/02/2002 Gold
AUTUMNWINDOW NO.3 LIMITED 04132382 12/11/2001 28/01/2002 Not Trading
B T Alder One Ltd 03937611 10/11/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
B T Overseas Ltd 02162232 24/01/1995 31/03/1996 Dissolved
B T Overseas Ltd 02162232 06/07/2001 08/05/2002 Dissolved
B T Tymnet (U K) Ltd 02410794 25/01/1995 09/01/1996 Dissolved
B T Tymnet (U K) Ltd 02410794 03/03/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
BASILICA COMPUTING LIMITED 02624451 01/03/2012 01/08/2012 Dissolved
BRITISH TELECOM 01626499 03/03/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
BROADBAND VENTURES LIMITED 01890998 12/01/1998 08/05/2002 Dissolved
BT (SECOND) NOMINEES LIMITED 02444635 23/01/1995 18/12/1995 Dissolved
BT (THIRD) NOMINEES LIMITED 02450492 23/01/1995 18/12/1995 Dissolved
BT (WORLDWIDE) LIMITED 01976244 03/03/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
BT ALDER TWO LIMITED 03938736 10/11/2000 16/07/2002 Dissolved
BT CENTRE NOMINEE 2 LIMITED 04109632 01/07/2010 12/10/2018 Dissolved
BT FIFTY 02604361 12/07/1993 31/03/1996 Dissolved
BT FIFTY 02604361 03/03/1997 06/05/1999 Dissolved
BT FORTY - FOUR 01904375 12/07/1993 31/03/1996 Dissolved
BT FORTY-SIX 02325907 03/03/1997 09/10/1998 Dissolved
BT GROUP NOMINEES LIMITED 02444638 23/01/1995 18/12/1995 Not Trading
BT IT SERVICES LIMITED 02277581 01/03/2012 01/08/2012 Dissolved
BT NOMINEES LIMITED 02057653 23/01/1995 18/12/1995 Not Trading
BT ONEPHONE LIMITED 08043734 24/04/2012 01/06/2012 Insolvent
BT SIXTY-SEVEN LIMITED 04718103 01/04/2003 08/06/2004 Dissolved
BT SUBSEA CABLES LIMITED 02255560 12/07/1993 10/02/1995 Dissolved
BT TELCONSULT LIMITED 01487189 10/11/2000 06/03/2015 Dissolved
BT UAE LIMITED 04726666 23/10/2003 30/12/2010 Bronze
BTNET LIMITED 03985542 28/04/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
Bt Interkom Holdings Ltd 03437520 16/09/1997 08/10/1997 Dissolved
Bt Systems Ltd 02604363 12/07/1993 31/03/1996 Dissolved
Bt Systems Ltd 02604363 03/03/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
Btopenworld Ltd 03985573 28/04/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
Btradianz Ltd 02642855 31/10/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
CASTAIM LIMITED 03984695 27/04/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
CEGETEL HOLDINGS LIMITED 03407440 23/07/1997 04/08/1997 Dissolved
CELLPHONES DIRECT (INVESTMENTS) LIMITED 03066790 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Dissolved
COMPUTER WORLD TRADE LIMITED 00977212 12/07/1993 31/03/1996 Dissolved
CUSTOMER SERVICE DIRECT LIMITED 05111581 26/04/2004 14/05/2004 Dissolved
Cellphones Direct (Holdings) Ltd 03065866 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Dissolved
Cellwest Ltd 01824149 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Dissolved
Ignite Solutions Ltd 03987074 03/05/2000 16/07/2002 Dissolved
LUMINA HOLDINGS LIMITED 02667014 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Dissolved
Langley One Ltd 03978802 10/11/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
NEWGATE LEASING LIMITED 02024575 03/03/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
NEWGATE STREET SECRETARIES LIMITED 02604359 12/07/1993 21/11/1995 Not Trading
NTL MILTON KEYNES LIMITED 02410808 30/01/1998 18/07/1999 Dissolved
NTL WESTMINSTER LIMITED 01735641 12/01/1998 18/07/1999 Dissolved
NUMBERRAPID LIMITED 04825279 25/07/2003 22/12/2010 Bronze
Northern Call Centre Co Ltd 03334252 06/06/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
O2 (UK) LIMITED 02012647 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Not Trading
O2 REDWOOD LIMITED 02383186 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Amber
RBT (CONNECT) LIMITED 04682530 28/02/2003 04/04/2003 Dissolved
SYNCORDIA LIMITED 03985527 28/04/2000 08/05/2002 Dissolved
Scotland Call Centre Co Ltd 03334246 06/06/1997 08/05/2002 Dissolved
TELEFONICA GLOBAL RESOURCES LIMITED 02664011 04/05/2001 19/11/2001 Dissolved
TNT SPORTS BROADCASTING LIMITED 13545383 03/08/2021 31/08/2022 Silver
TRIMBLE UK LIMITED 04069823 11/10/2001 11/03/2003 Bronze
WBDUK SPORT SERVICES LTD 14017604 01/04/2022 31/08/2022 One Red Flag