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Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ABSON INTERTRADE LLP OC335110 19/12/2011 Dissolved
ALFABRAND LLP OC333797 01/02/2012 Dissolved
BELLTRON MERCHANTS LLP OC347852 24/08/2011 Dissolved
BLACKSTILE SYSTEMS LLP OC334067 03/01/2012 Dissolved
BONUS COMMERCE LLP OC340556 07/11/2011 Dissolved
BRANDVALE SALES LLP OC351539 16/01/2012 Dissolved
BRINGMAX LLP OC329803 11/07/2012 Dissolved
BUSHTOWN EXPRESS LLP OC351921 03/01/2012 Dissolved
CARDINVEST LLP OC347269 08/09/2011 Dissolved
CARTGOLD EXPERTS LLP OC351177 03/01/2012 Dissolved
CENTERSON LLP OC351540 05/01/2012 Dissolved
CENTROEXPERT LLP OC350705 12/11/2011 Dissolved
CHELSEA UNIVERSAL LTD. 05471397 04/06/2013 Dissolved
CHEMICAL HUT LLP OC333525 28/11/2011 Dissolved
COUNTSTAR ORGANIZATION LLP OC347855 26/08/2011 Dissolved
CREDICONSULT LLP OC351541 01/02/2012 Dissolved
CREDOSTAR WORLDWIDE LLP OC340559 13/03/2012 Dissolved
DARTWALL SYSTEMS LLP OC339749 01/09/2011 Dissolved
DIRECTMAX LLP OC339603 28/11/2011 Dissolved
EMILY PROJECTS LLP OC334074 16/01/2012 Dissolved
ENTERSTONE LLP OC341563 05/12/2011 Dissolved
EXPOCROSS LLP OC339605 26/09/2011 Dissolved
EXTRAFORM SALES LLP OC339755 24/10/2011 Dissolved
FACTORA CONTRACTS LLP OC350619 07/11/2011 Dissolved
FASTBERG COMMERCIAL LLP OC350616 12/11/2011 Dissolved
FOLDBERG COMPANY LLP OC333800 28/11/2011 Dissolved
FORMINVEST LIMITED 06861205 21/11/2012 Dissolved
FRONTHILL UNIVERSAL LLP OC351183 12/12/2011 Dissolved
GENFORM TRANSIT LLP OC348619 30/08/2011 Dissolved
GOLDCRAFT UNIVERSAL LLP OC333799 21/11/2011 Dissolved
GREYFINN TRANSIT LLP OC335290 01/03/2012 Dissolved
GT WORLDWIDE LLP OC350615 21/11/2011 Dissolved
HAYBURG SOLUTIONS LLP OC351547 03/01/2012 Dissolved
HAYBURG SOLUTIONS LLP OC351547 11/04/2012 Dissolved
HOMELAND MDI LLP OC350566 03/02/2012 Dissolved
HYFORD CONTRACTS LLP OC334077 13/01/2012 Dissolved
ILLICH STEEL TRADING LTD. 07155423 31/01/2013 Dissolved
INTERFOREX LLP OC339759 28/11/2011 Dissolved
INTRAHOLD CAPITAL LLP OC347861 03/10/2011 Dissolved
LEYBROOK TRANSIT LLP OC340568 26/09/2011 Dissolved
LUXFORD MERCHANTS LLP OC334662 01/02/2012 Dissolved
MAXITEX CAPITAL LLP OC335294 01/02/2012 Dissolved
METALSOURCE LLP OC352120 28/12/2011 Dissolved
NEXTMARK CONTRACTS LLP OC351190 28/11/2011 Dissolved
NOVOLUX TRADE LLP OC350571 12/11/2011 Dissolved
OLDMAX CORPORATION LLP OC340573 07/09/2011 Dissolved
OMNILUX UNIVERSAL LLP OC350606 01/03/2012 Dissolved
OXLORD INDUSTRIES LLP OC334665 16/01/2012 Dissolved
POLYGATE SALES LTD. 07532871 12/02/2013 Dissolved
POLYGRADE CONTRACTS LLP OC349699 12/11/2011 Dissolved
PREMIUM WORLDFOOD LLP OC352214 08/02/2012 Dissolved
PROFITCO LLP OC349701 24/10/2011 Dissolved
QUARTMILE UNIVERSAL LLP OC352212 03/01/2012 Dissolved
ROUNDBERG TRADING LLP OC351926 01/02/2012 Dissolved
ROXSON COMMERCE LLP OC334674 16/01/2012 Dissolved
SCANO UNIVERSAL LLP OC349704 14/04/2012 Dissolved
SCOTHOLM EXPRESS LLP OC341573 19/12/2011 Dissolved
STREAMFLEX SOLUTIONS LLP OC351928 25/01/2012 Dissolved
STREAMNET EXPRESS LLP OC347284 24/08/2011 Dissolved
TRONMARK TRADE LLP OC333788 19/12/2011 Dissolved
UPHOLD EXPRESS LLP OC335082 01/03/2012 Dissolved
VERYLUX COMPANY LLP OC335307 03/02/2012 Dissolved
WALLSTONE UNIVERSAL LLP OC334087 28/12/2011 Dissolved
WEBLORD CONTRACTS LLP OC340585 07/10/2011 Dissolved
WESTBORG IMPORT LLP OC340586 01/10/2012 Dissolved
WESTHOUSE UNIVERSAL LLP OC350712 31/10/2011 Dissolved
WHEELBERG ENGINEERING LLP OC351556 03/01/2012 Dissolved
WHITEROAD UNIVERSAL LLP OC328833 14/02/2012 Dissolved
WINREX MERCHANTS LLP OC339779 03/01/2012 Dissolved
YARDCOM EXPERTS LLP OC350710 28/11/2011 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
AGROCOMPLEX LLP OC339135 07/09/2011 23/07/2014 Dissolved
AIRCREST PROJECTS LLP OC340552 24/08/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
AIRMAX CORPORATION LLP OC339136 26/08/2011 09/07/2014 Dissolved
ALFATEL COMMERCE LLP OC351923 23/01/2012 02/07/2012 Dissolved
ANGLOIMPEX LLP OC341558 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
AOS GENERAL CORPORATION LLP OC351661 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ASHFORD IMPORT LLP OC349663 26/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BALTEX CENTRE LLP OC329798 24/08/2011 14/07/2014 Dissolved
BALTICUM LOGISTICS LLP OC334698 06/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BBS TRADE LLP OC350576 07/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BELLFRONT ALLIANCE LLP OC351538 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BMI PROJECTS LLP OC335284 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BONDMARK UNIVERSAL LLP OC341560 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BRAVEL LOGISTICS LLP OC334653 06/02/2012 27/02/2012 Dissolved
BRIGHTWALL SALES LLP OC348620 08/09/2011 10/07/2014 Dissolved
BRITCO IMPORT LLP OC351176 28/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CARLINE TRADING LLP OC335287 01/03/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CENTROEX LTD. 05386402 31/01/2013 15/02/2017 Silver
CHESTERPORT LLP OC335113 24/02/2012 28/02/2012 Dissolved
CLASSMOND TRADE LLP OC349664 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CONTMARK RESOURCES LLP OC336644 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CONTONET INDUSTRIES LLP OC351180 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CREDIFORM IMPORT LLP OC349670 20/09/2011 12/09/2014 Strike Off
CROWNWAY TRADE LLP OC351543 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DARTEX IMPEX LLP OC349672 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DARTLEX IMPEX LLP OC348606 02/02/2012 07/08/2017 Dissolved
DATLUX CONTRACTS LLP OC339751 30/08/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DIGIMAX TRADING LLP OC350704 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DOCKHILL MERCHANTS LLP OC339752 31/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DOWTON SYSTEMS LLP OC348607 08/09/2011 10/07/2014 Dissolved
DREISER TRADING LLP OC352205 08/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DXT EXPRESS LLP OC348608 08/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EBEPECT LLP OC352206 06/02/2012 10/12/2012 Dissolved
ECONINVEST LLP OC350624 21/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ECONWAY LLP OC335117 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ENDO SALES LLP OC350575 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EUROFORM NETWORKS LLP OC335288 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EXBORO CONTRACTS LLP OC334657 16/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EXHOLM PROJECTS LLP OC351546 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EXMARK ORGANIZATION LLP OC350622 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EXPOSOFT TRADE LLP OC352207 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Silver
EXTRALINE INSTRUMENTS LLP OC333791 05/12/2011 27/08/2013 Dissolved
FERROTEC STEEL LLP OC339081 24/08/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
FKL SALES LLP OC341565 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
FORESTONE NETWORKS LLP OC335104 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
FREESTONE EXPRESS LLP OC348609 24/08/2011 19/08/2014 Dissolved
FRONTVILLE COMPANY LLP OC350617 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
GRANDLEX SALES LLP OC351185 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
GREENBAY BUSINESS LLP OC339757 24/08/2011 13/08/2014 Dissolved
GROSSCOM UNIVERSAL LLP OC341566 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HIGHCORP WORLDWIDE LLP OC351187 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HORNBERG SOLUTIONS LLP OC351914 16/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HOUSTON CAPITAL LLP OC349677 26/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HUAWEI EED LLP OC350567 01/03/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INDUSTRIAL INVEST LLP OC306818 01/02/2012 06/02/2012 Dissolved
INLEX PRODUCTS LLP OC352208 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INLORD SALES LLP OC351548 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INTERHOLD SALES LLP OC351549 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LANDCROFT ORGANIZATION LLP OC335089 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Gold
LANETOWN VENTURES LLP OC340567 24/08/2011 19/08/2014 Dissolved
LATFORM INDUSTRIES LLP OC336651 07/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LEXCAR INDUSTRIES LLP OC334078 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LIGHTCROFT TRANSIT LLP OC334079 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LINEJET EXPRESS LLP OC349682 03/10/2011 08/09/2014 Dissolved
LMT PROJECTS LLP OC350572 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 Dissolved
LOWCOSTTILE LLP OC331762 21/11/2011 15/09/2014 Dissolved
LUXBOND UNIVERSAL LLP OC350613 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LUXSTAR PROJECTS LLP OC351913 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
MACCARTHY UNIVERSAL LLP OC349686 01/09/2011 07/09/2016 Dissolved
MARINE LUBRICANTS LLP OC349687 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
MAXBRIDGE INDUSTRIES LLP OC340569 03/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
MOREBERG IMPORT LLP OC335095 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NEOLAND EXPERTS LLP OC335097 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NEOPORT COMMERCIAL LLP OC350608 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NEOREX COMMERCE LLP OC334663 06/02/2012 12/09/2014 Strike Off
NEWBURG WORLDWIDE LLP OC349691 03/09/2012 15/12/2018 Dissolved
NEWCASTLE PROJECTS LLP OC339770 08/09/2011 24/07/2014 Bronze
NEWFOLK COMMERCE LLP OC343999 19/12/2011 16/04/2012 Dissolved
NEWGATE UNIVERSAL LLP OC350612 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NFG WORLDWIDE LLP OC349692 17/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NIXBERG WORLDWIDE LLP OC351191 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NORDCOM UNIVERSAL LLP OC339621 20/09/2011 10/09/2014 Dissolved
NORMAX PROJECTS LLP OC351912 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NOVAMAX SYSTEMS LLP OC351192 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NOVIREX SALES LLP OC351552 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NOVOINVEST LLP OC335098 16/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NOVOTEX IMPORT LLP OC334083 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OLDWEST MANAGEMENT LLP OC349697 31/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ORDERVILLE LLP OC348612 26/09/2011 21/08/2014 Dissolved
PLAZA INTER COMMERCIAL LLP OC335297 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
POWER-ENGINEERING SYSTEMS LLP OC350605 21/11/2011 05/12/2014 Dissolved
PROMARK TRADE LLP OC347869 08/09/2011 09/07/2014 Dissolved
QUATROMAX LIMITED 07486363 14/01/2013 03/01/2017 Bronze
RAILFORD CAPITAL LLP OC339771 30/08/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
RAINBROOK PROJECTS LLP OC350603 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
REXCOM SYSTEMS LLP OC350596 09/05/2012 09/05/2012 Dissolved
RIDGEVALE TRADE LLP OC350601 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ROADNET IMPORT LLP OC334673 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ROADWAY PROJECTS LLP OC341572 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
RP GENERAL TRADING COMPANY LLP OC331763 20/09/2011 12/08/2014 Dissolved
SCOTMARK ORGANIZATION LLP OC336137 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Strike Off
SLG ORGANIZATION LLP OC340580 24/08/2011 07/08/2014 Bronze
SOUTHERN UNIVERSAL LLP OC350600 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
STARCONT COMMERCIAL LLP OC350599 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
STEAMBERG TRANSIT LLP OC348614 20/09/2011 17/07/2014 Dissolved
STEAMLONG RESOURCES LLP OC337088 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
STRATOLAND IMPEX LLP OC333787 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
SUNDELL COMMERCE LLP OC338939 02/01/2012 09/06/2014 Dissolved
SUPERTON SALES LLP OC334086 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
TAINER LLP OC331764 24/08/2011 26/08/2014 Dissolved
TECHTRANS COMMERCE LLP OC340581 01/09/2011 04/09/2014 Dissolved
TMC ENTERPRISES LLP OC352213 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
TRONLAKE COMPANY LLP OC350569 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
TWINSTONE ORGANIZATION LLP OC334677 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ULTIMA PROJECTS LLP OC339634 07/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ULTRAMAX IMPORT LLP OC351931 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
UPHOLD EXPRESS LLP OC335082 24/02/2012 01/03/2012 Dissolved
UPMOND UNIVERSAL LLP OC339636 03/01/2012 01/09/2014 Dissolved
VITALCOM ALLIANCE LLP OC351554 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
VOXCORD IMPEX LLP OC350570 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WALLBORG NETWORKS LLP OC350714 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WAYHILL ALLIANCE LLP OC351555 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WBS RESOURCES LLP OC351197 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WELLBORO EXPRESS LLP OC347873 07/09/2011 16/04/2012 Dissolved
WESTFORT SALES LLP OC349711 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WESTROAD TRADE LLP OC348616 20/09/2011 05/08/2014 Dissolved
WIREBERG COMPANY LLP OC336665 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WONDERNET EXPRESS LLP OC339780 03/01/2012 06/03/2012 Bronze
WOODFRONT IMPEX LLP OC351557 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
YORKFIELD EXPORT LIMITED 06958100 21/11/2012 27/06/2017 Dissolved