
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ALL TRANS BROKERS LLP OC352680 14/02/2012 Dissolved
ALPHACOM TRADE LLP OC360652 28/05/2012 Dissolved
ARMO RESOURCES LLP OC360663 01/02/2012 Dissolved
AXELDORF LLP OC323077 07/10/2011 Dissolved
BELLTRON MERCHANTS LLP OC347852 24/08/2011 Dissolved
BRANDVALE SALES LLP OC351539 16/01/2012 Dissolved
BRITMAN SALES LLP OC360666 28/11/2011 Dissolved
BUSHTOWN EXPRESS LLP OC351921 03/01/2012 Dissolved
CAMPLEX MERCHANTS LLP OC360667 19/12/2011 Dissolved
CENTERSON LLP OC351540 05/01/2012 Dissolved
CENTROEXPERT LLP OC350705 12/11/2011 Dissolved
CENTROMAX SALES LLP OC352689 30/01/2012 Dissolved
CHELSEA UNIVERSAL LTD. 05471397 04/06/2013 Dissolved
COUNTSTAR ORGANIZATION LLP OC347855 26/08/2011 Dissolved
CREDOTRON UNIVERSAL LLP OC360661 03/01/2012 Dissolved
CRYSTALEX SALES LLP OC352766 03/01/2012 Dissolved
DARTON MANAGEMENT LLP OC326098 03/02/2012 Dissolved
DIACOM EXPRESS LLP OC326100 24/08/2011 Dissolved
DONUS INDUSTRIAL LLP OC322487 07/09/2011 Dissolved
DOYLE COMMERCIAL LLP OC359939 12/12/2011 Dissolved
DOYLE UNIVERSAL LLP OC360351 05/12/2011 Dissolved
EASTBORG MANAGEMENT LLP OC343137 03/02/2012 Dissolved
ENTERWOOD LLP OC343549 26/09/2011 Dissolved
EVERFIELD TRADE LLP OC360664 03/04/2012 Dissolved
EVERSON TRADE LLP OC352893 03/02/2012 Dissolved
EXPOBERG PROJECTS LLP OC343140 01/02/2012 Dissolved
EXTRANS LLP OC323088 21/09/2012 Dissolved
EXTRON LLP OC323089 14/08/2012 Dissolved
FALCON MMC LLP OC359942 31/10/2011 Dissolved
FIELDSOFT SYSTEMS LLP OC326103 30/01/2012 Dissolved
FINPART NETWORKS LLP OC326213 13/02/2012 Dissolved
FORMINVEST LIMITED 06861205 21/11/2012 Dissolved
FOXBERG VENTURES LLP OC360670 19/12/2011 Dissolved
FOXLEY MERCHANTS LLP OC330510 28/12/2011 Dissolved
FRUIT PLANET LLP OC360407 19/12/2011 Dissolved
GENLORD LLP OC326104 15/02/2012 Dissolved
GOLDMAN INDUSTRIES LLP OC330511 12/12/2011 Dissolved
GRAMBERG PROJECTS LLP OC360671 28/12/2011 Dissolved
ILLICH STEEL TRADING LTD. 07155423 31/01/2013 Dissolved
INTRAHOLD CAPITAL LLP OC347861 03/10/2011 Dissolved
KARFORD LLP OC322495 09/09/2011 Dissolved
KENTFIELD LLP OC323062 25/08/2011 Dissolved
LAKEPARK BUSINESS LLP OC343557 17/02/2012 Dissolved
MARTON NETWORKS LLP OC330515 19/12/2011 Dissolved
MARYLAND SALES LLP OC343149 03/02/2012 Dissolved
MIDLEX EXPORT LLP OC360683 12/12/2011 Dissolved
MILETRANS UNIVERSAL LLP OC362806 03/02/2012 Dissolved
MONTBAY IMPORT LLP OC345847 07/09/2011 Dissolved
NOVOFLEX ENERGY LLP OC360345 01/02/2012 Dissolved
OLDSON ASSOCIATES LLP OC352720 01/02/2012 Dissolved
POLYGATE SALES LTD. 07532871 12/02/2013 Dissolved
POLYGRADE CONTRACTS LLP OC349699 12/11/2011 Dissolved
PORTUM SYSTEMS LLP OC323056 24/10/2011 Dissolved
PRIMEFOLD INDUSTRIES LLP OC343153 07/09/2011 Dissolved
PRIOREX CONTRACTS LLP OC359951 12/11/2011 Dissolved
PROFITCO LLP OC349701 24/10/2011 Dissolved
RICHHOLD CORPORATION LLP OC343560 21/12/2011 Dissolved
RINSON LLP OC322502 20/09/2011 Dissolved
RIVERFORM CAPITAL LLP OC365050 24/10/2011 Dissolved
ROUNDBERG TRADING LLP OC351926 01/02/2012 Dissolved
SANDBROOK ORGANIZATION LLP OC360658 19/12/2011 Dissolved
SCANO UNIVERSAL LLP OC349704 14/04/2012 Dissolved
SDM CONTRACTS LLP OC360689 30/01/2012 Dissolved
SEABRIDGE COMMERCIAL LLP OC326108 03/02/2012 Dissolved
SIGNATUS LLP OC322505 20/09/2011 Dissolved
SLV COMMERCE LLP OC359952 12/11/2011 Dissolved
SPOTLEY UNITED LLP OC360677 13/03/2012 Dissolved
STEELWOOD BUSINESS LLP OC343156 05/02/2012 Dissolved
STREAMFLEX SOLUTIONS LLP OC351928 25/01/2012 Dissolved
TOLEX MANAGEMENT LLP OC322130 20/09/2011 Dissolved
TRANSFERUM LLP OC322507 20/09/2011 Dissolved
TRANSMILE SALES LLP OC360359 28/12/2011 Dissolved
TRANSWAY ALLIANCE LLP OC352729 03/01/2012 Dissolved
VIVA-PHARM LLP OC323083 20/09/2011 Dissolved
WESTHOUSE UNIVERSAL LLP OC350712 31/10/2011 Dissolved
WEYMAR INDUSTRIES LLP OC322134 07/09/2011 Dissolved
WILLSTONE PROJECTS LLP OC360676 16/01/2012 Dissolved
YARDBROOK SYSTEMS LLP OC360348 07/11/2011 Dissolved
YARDCOM EXPERTS LLP OC350710 28/11/2011 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
AINSLEY TECHNOLOGIES LLP OC330999 08/11/2011 24/07/2014 Dissolved
ALFATEL COMMERCE LLP OC351923 23/01/2012 02/07/2012 Dissolved
ASHFORD IMPORT LLP OC349663 26/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
AVONSON LLP OC323075 20/09/2011 08/09/2014 Dissolved
BELLCROWN ALLIANCE LLP OC359934 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BELLFRONT ALLIANCE LLP OC351538 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BENMOORE UNITED LLP OC360320 05/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BENTWAY EXPERTS LLP OC343136 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Bronze
BEREX DIVISION LLP OC323074 17/10/2011 08/10/2014 Dissolved
BETALUX TRADING LLP OC322482 03/10/2011 01/09/2014 Dissolved
BMC SHIPPING UK LLP OC353253 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BRANDWALL TRADE LLP OC353256 24/08/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BRANDWILL INDUSTRIES LLP OC359936 21/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
BRIDGEHOLM COMMERCIAL LLP OC326094 28/12/2011 15/12/2014 Dissolved
BROADLUX COMMERCE LLP OC360335 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CALVER CAPITAL LLP OC344114 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CARLFIELD LLP OC326096 03/01/2012 23/01/2015 Dissolved
CARTLAKE VENTURES LLP OC359938 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CENTROEX LTD. 05386402 31/01/2013 15/02/2017 Gold
CENTROPORT ALLIANCE LLP OC352889 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CHESTERFIELD REFRACTORIES LLP OC352691 27/02/2012 31/01/2017 Dissolved
CLASSMOND TRADE LLP OC349664 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CORNHOLM PROJECTS LLP OC360656 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
CREDIFORM IMPORT LLP OC349670 20/09/2011 12/09/2014 Strike Off
CREDIMAX SALES LLP OC360341 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DARTEX IMPEX LLP OC349672 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DAVY NETWORKS LLP OC360339 21/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DELSTAR UNIVERSAL LLP OC326208 28/12/2011 15/01/2015 Dissolved
DIGIMAX TRADING LLP OC350704 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DIGITEX ORGANIZATION LLP OC360657 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
DUNCAN ALLIANCE LLP OC323070 20/09/2011 01/09/2014 Dissolved
EASTROAD COMMERCE LLP OC326210 01/02/2012 15/12/2014 Gold
EFK UNIVERSAL LLP OC359941 21/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ELER NEW ENERGY POWER LLP OC360731 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ESCROFT LLP OC323068 16/01/2012 08/10/2014 Dissolved
EVERGOLD UNIVERSAL LLP OC343551 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
EXPORTA UNITED LLP OC322488 30/08/2011 20/08/2014 Dissolved
EXPORTICA TRADING LLP OC322218 30/08/2011 14/08/2014 Dissolved
FERRYSTAR PROJECTS LLP OC353263 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
FINEROAD BUSINESS LLP OC360344 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
FINETOWN EXPRESS LLP OC360662 04/04/2012 04/04/2012 Dissolved
G. O. N. E. CHEMICAL (CANADA) LLP OC360679 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
GLENWALL IMPORTS LLP OC322120 07/09/2011 02/09/2014 Dissolved
GPO IMPEX LLP OC343145 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Gold
GRANDPORT UNIVERSAL LLP OC360655 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
GREENCASTLE LLP OC353266 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
GSP-SURVEYORS LLP OC364492 01/02/2012 16/05/2014 Dissolved
HARVEY ENERGY LLP OC353267 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HOLDFOX ENERGY LLP OC360681 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HOLDMAN LLP OC323066 20/09/2011 08/10/2014 Dissolved
HORNBERG SOLUTIONS LLP OC351914 16/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
HOUSTON CAPITAL LLP OC349677 26/09/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INTEREXPO LLP OC343555 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INTERFOND LLP OC360352 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
INVERSO LLP OC323065 24/08/2011 20/08/2014 Dissolved
JSC MORINZHGEOLOGIA LLP OC360941 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
KINGFIELD ALLIANCE LLP OC322497 25/08/2011 10/07/2014 Silver
LINEJET EXPRESS LLP OC349682 03/10/2011 08/09/2014 Dissolved
LOGIXO VENTURES LLP OC359946 12/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LOWBERG INDUSTRIES LLP OC360974 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LUXOMARK LLP OC359949 08/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
LUXSTAR PROJECTS LLP OC351913 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
MACCARTHY UNIVERSAL LLP OC349686 01/09/2011 07/09/2016 Dissolved
MARINE LUBRICANTS LLP OC349687 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
MARITIME TRANSPORT & AGENCIES LLP OC326217 30/01/2012 18/02/2015 Dissolved
MPX IMPEX LLP OC343563 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NATIONMARK LLP OC360358 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NEVA-DELTA LLP OC323175 20/09/2011 25/09/2014 Dissolved
NEWBURG WORLDWIDE LLP OC349691 03/09/2012 15/12/2018 Dissolved
NEWFOLK COMMERCE LLP OC343999 19/12/2011 16/04/2012 Dissolved
NEXUS ALLIANCE LLP OC322124 21/11/2011 02/09/2014 Bronze
NFG WORLDWIDE LLP OC349692 17/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NLT DEVELOPMENT LLP OC352716 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NORMAX PROJECTS LLP OC351912 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
NOWHILL PRODUCTS LLP OC360653 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OLDCOM TRADE LLP OC353270 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OLDMAN EXPERTS LLP OC344001 01/03/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OLDWEST MANAGEMENT LLP OC349697 31/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OMAKS MOTORS LLP OC360476 12/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
ORIONA COMPLEX LLP OC352774 01/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OVER SIZE LOGISTICS LLP OC343878 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
OVERSTAR TRADE LLP OC359950 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Gold
PARTEX LLP OC322127 24/08/2011 25/08/2014 Dissolved
PORTOAMEX LLP OC360343 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
PROMARK TRADE LLP OC347869 08/09/2011 09/07/2014 Dissolved
QUATROMAX LIMITED 07486363 14/01/2013 03/01/2017 Bronze
RADLUX ENGINEERING LLP OC360684 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
RENTON RESOURCES LLP OC322197 01/09/2011 02/09/2014 Gold
RICHMOND IMPORT LLP OC326221 12/12/2011 15/01/2015 Dissolved
ROYALTOWN LLP OC343155 19/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
SATURNEX LLP OC323055 20/09/2011 08/10/2014 Dissolved
SELWAY TRADING LLP OC323054 07/09/2011 10/09/2014 Dissolved
SILVERTOWN SYSTEMS LLP OC343561 30/01/2012 31/01/2012 Dissolved
SPECIAL GAMES LLP OC359930 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
SPOTLEY UNITED LLP OC360677 04/01/2012 13/03/2012 Dissolved
STANDLEY TRADE LLP OC360355 28/11/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
STEINLORD ENTERPRISES LLP OC360690 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Strike Off
STOCKLORD VENTURES LLP OC359953 28/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
STORMBRAND COMMERCIAL LLP OC360688 03/01/2012 10/12/2012 Dissolved
TECHFORM TRADE LLP OC352904 03/02/2012 30/08/2013 Dissolved
TECHNOLOGY & ENERGY COMPANY LLP OC322457 31/10/2011 16/09/2014 Dissolved
TRAILCOM RESOURCES LLP OC360674 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
TRANSITSTAR LLP OC352728 03/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
TRINITO LLP OC323084 10/07/2012 01/10/2017 Dissolved
ULTIMO ENERGY LLP OC352730 01/02/2012 12/08/2014 Strike Off
ULTRAMAX IMPORT LLP OC351931 30/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
UPROCK DEVELOPMENT LLP OC352731 01/03/2012 12/09/2014 Strike Off
VENUM LLP OC323046 07/10/2011 23/09/2014 Dissolved
WALLBORG NETWORKS LLP OC350714 03/01/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WALLCOM NETWORKS LLP OC343162 28/12/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WELBERG LLP OC323185 03/09/2012 01/10/2017 Dissolved
WELLBORO EXPRESS LLP OC347873 07/09/2011 16/04/2012 Dissolved
WELLFORD EXPORT LLP OC323045 07/10/2011 18/09/2014 Dissolved
WESTFORT SALES LLP OC349711 24/10/2011 12/09/2014 Dissolved
WESTNET SALES LLP OC359955 22/02/2012 12/09/2014 Dissolved
YORKFIELD EXPORT LIMITED 06958100 21/11/2012 27/06/2017 Dissolved
YORKFORD LLP OC322133 24/08/2011 09/07/2014 Dissolved
ZALAMAN LLP OC323044 03/10/2011 18/09/2014 Dissolved
ZELBERG LLP OC322132 01/09/2011 25/08/2014 Dissolved