
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
BELTSOFT NETWORKS LLP OC347879 12/08/2009 Dissolved
BENTCROSS EXPERTS LLP OC348605 15/09/2009 Dissolved
BLOOMFIELD NETWORKS LLP OC347853 12/08/2009 Dissolved
BRANDLEY UNIVERSAL LLP OC347854 12/08/2009 Dissolved
Crosslink Trade Llp OC347856 12/08/2009 Dissolved
Crossvale Trading Llp OC347272 21/07/2009 Dissolved
EUROTAX UNIVERSAL LLP OC347857 12/08/2009 Dissolved
EXONDALE LLP OC347273 21/07/2009 Dissolved
FRANCONET UNIVERSAL LLP OC347274 21/07/2009 Dissolved
GREYLINE BUSINESS LLP OC347275 21/07/2009 Dissolved
IMPORTWEB LLP OC347276 21/07/2009 Dissolved
KENTLEY UNIVERSAL LLP OC347862 12/08/2009 Dissolved
LEXLINE TRADE LLP OC347279 21/07/2009 Dissolved
LINDEX COMMERCIAL LLP OC347863 12/08/2009 Dissolved
Lambert Trade Llp OC347278 21/07/2009 Dissolved
MEGATRADE UNIVERSAL LLP OC348611 15/09/2009 Dissolved
MJ GLOBAL PROJECTS LLP OC347866 12/08/2009 Dissolved
MONDONET LLP OC347865 12/08/2009 Dissolved
NAVIO UNIVERSAL LLP OC347868 12/08/2009 Dissolved
NORDMAX COMMERCE LLP OC346870 02/07/2009 Dissolved
RADBURG EXPRESS LLP OC348613 15/09/2009 Dissolved
ROADWOOD INDUSTRIES LLP OC347870 12/08/2009 Dissolved
SILVERWOOD IMPEX LLP OC347871 12/08/2009 Dissolved
SNOWLINE TRADE LLP OC347283 21/07/2009 Dissolved
SOFTWELL EXPRESS LLP OC347877 12/08/2009 Dissolved
TAXON UNIVERSAL LLP OC347285 21/07/2009 Dissolved
TRANS-EURO RESOURCES LLP OC346871 02/07/2009 Dissolved
TWILIGHT CAPITAL LLP OC347286 21/07/2009 Dissolved
VISITEX IMPORT LLP OC348615 15/09/2009 Dissolved
WEBMARK CAPITAL LLP OC347874 12/08/2009 Dissolved
WESTWALK NETWORKS LLP OC347878 12/08/2009 Dissolved
Westflame Capital Llp OC347872 12/08/2009 Dissolved
XT CONTRACTS LLP OC347287 21/07/2009 Dissolved
YARDWOOD LLP OC348617 15/09/2009 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
ALFATRADE UNIVERSAL LLP OC346866 02/07/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
BELLTRON MERCHANTS LLP OC347852 12/08/2009 24/08/2011 Dissolved
BRIGHTWALL SALES LLP OC348620 15/09/2009 08/09/2011 Dissolved
CARDINVEST LLP OC347269 21/07/2009 08/09/2011 Dissolved
CENTROEXPORT LLP OC347611 02/08/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
COUNTSTAR ORGANIZATION LLP OC347855 12/08/2009 26/08/2011 Dissolved
DARTLEX IMPEX LLP OC348606 15/09/2009 02/02/2012 Dissolved
DOWTON SYSTEMS LLP OC348607 15/09/2009 08/09/2011 Dissolved
DXT EXPRESS LLP OC348608 15/09/2009 08/09/2011 Dissolved
EURO-NORDEX LLP OC346867 02/07/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
EURO-WEST BUSINESS LLP OC347612 02/08/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
EXMONT EUROPE LLP OC346868 02/07/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
FORHOLD CAPITAL LLP OC347858 12/08/2009 16/07/2012 Dissolved
FREESTONE EXPRESS LLP OC348609 15/09/2009 24/08/2011 Dissolved
FRONTBERG INDUSTRIES LLP OC347859 12/08/2009 06/08/2012 Dissolved
GENFORM TRANSIT LLP OC348619 15/09/2009 30/08/2011 Dissolved
HARDY PROJECTS LLP OC347860 12/08/2009 03/10/2012 Dissolved
INDOFLEX IMPEX LLP OC347277 21/07/2009 16/07/2012 Dissolved
INTRAHOLD CAPITAL LLP OC347861 12/08/2009 03/10/2011 Dissolved
JEFFERSON TRADE LLP OC348610 15/09/2009 03/09/2012 Dissolved
KE KAO RAIL EXPRESS LLP OC347613 02/08/2009 09/07/2012 Dissolved
MAXMILL INDUSTRIES LLP OC347280 21/07/2009 09/07/2012 Dissolved
MED-PRO ALLIANCE LLP OC346869 02/07/2009 02/07/2012 Dissolved
ORDERVILLE LLP OC348612 15/09/2009 26/09/2011 Dissolved
PETROCORP INDUSTRIES LLP OC347281 21/07/2009 16/07/2012 Dissolved
PROMARK TRADE LLP OC347869 12/08/2009 08/09/2011 Dissolved
SCOTMOOR MANAGEMENT LLP OC347282 21/07/2009 09/07/2012 Dissolved
STEAMBERG TRANSIT LLP OC348614 15/09/2009 20/09/2011 Dissolved
STREAMNET EXPRESS LLP OC347284 21/07/2009 24/08/2011 Dissolved
VISIONEX IMPORT LLP OC347876 12/08/2009 16/07/2012 Dissolved
VKG TRADE LLP OC347875 12/08/2009 06/08/2012 Dissolved
WELLBORO EXPRESS LLP OC347873 12/08/2009 07/09/2011 Dissolved
WESTROAD TRADE LLP OC348616 15/09/2009 20/09/2011 Dissolved