
Key Data
Date of Birth
Apr 1947
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ALPINO BUSINESS LLP SO302816 22/04/2010 Dissolved
ALT INVESTMENT LTD 07147300 05/02/2010 Dissolved
ALTENG PROJECT LTD 07115304 04/01/2010 Dissolved
ALTIMEX SOLUTIONS LLP OC340877 17/10/2008 Dissolved
ANOMAG BALTIC TRADE LLP OC356708 26/07/2010 Dissolved
ARAGON PARTNERS LLP OC356853 02/08/2010 Dissolved
ARDEKO LLP SO302544 14/10/2009 Dissolved
AVANDA CAPITAL LLP OC345503 08/05/2009 Dissolved
BALTPROJECT LTD 07115231 04/01/2010 Dissolved
BENLEX LIMITED 07150435 09/02/2010 Dissolved
BLACKSTATE INVESTORS LLP OC339946 05/09/2008 Dissolved
BLAUTEKS MANAGEMENT LLP OC364678 17/05/2011 Dissolved
BRILL UNION LLP OC357193 17/08/2010 Dissolved
BRONTON LLP OC349582 27/10/2009 Dissolved
BUDERUS LLP OC357652 06/09/2010 Dissolved
Clayton Union Llp OC335215 03/03/2008 Dissolved
Concord Sales Llp OC340878 17/10/2008 Dissolved
DENPORT LLP OC338769 11/06/2013 Dissolved
DIAMOND ALLIANCE LLP OC353800 01/04/2010 Dissolved
ELINDA TRADE LLP OC358669 14/10/2010 Dissolved
FIDELION TRADE LLP OC364226 03/05/2011 Dissolved
FIRTON SALES LTD 07147369 05/02/2010 Dissolved
FLINT SALES LTD 07280305 10/06/2010 Dissolved
FORLEON LLP OC358670 14/10/2010 Dissolved
FORMAN SALES LTD 07289048 18/06/2010 Dissolved
FORT CONSULTING LLP SO302603 01/12/2009 Dissolved
FORTIS TRADE LLP OC339438 18/08/2008 Dissolved
FOXTON PARTNERS LLP OC350206 20/11/2009 Dissolved
Flordor Alliance Llp OC339945 05/09/2008 Dissolved
GAMEBACK SYSTEMS LLP OC339944 05/09/2008 Dissolved
GENERAL DEALERS LLP OC335218 03/03/2008 Dissolved
GENERAL RESOURCES LTD 07188633 12/03/2010 Dissolved
GRAND POLYMER LLP OC339440 18/08/2008 Dissolved
GRANDIS SOLUTIONS LIMITED SC315415 25/03/2010 Dissolved
GRINBERG SERVICES LLP OC340882 17/10/2008 Dissolved
GROSSMAN ALLIANCE LLP OC335213 03/03/2008 Dissolved
Gerold Business Llp OC335214 03/03/2008 Dissolved
HASTINGS IMPORTS LLP OC335211 03/03/2008 Dissolved
HIGHFIELD ASSETS LTD 07051928 21/10/2009 Dissolved
IMPAL MANAGEMENT LTD 07082643 20/11/2009 Dissolved
INFERNITY LLP OC364324 05/05/2011 Dissolved
INTROSOLUTION LLP OC363709 11/04/2011 Dissolved
JUSTIN PROJECT LLP SO302814 22/04/2010 Dissolved
Jenistone Solutions Llp OC335210 03/03/2008 Dissolved
KEITON BUSINESS LTD 07280347 10/06/2010 Dissolved
KORINO TRADING LLP OC355404 04/06/2010 Dissolved
KVANTO EXPORT LTD 07150430 09/02/2010 Dissolved
LONTON SERVICES LLP OC350205 20/11/2009 Dissolved
LORIMEX ASSOCIATES LLP SO302638 05/01/2010 Dissolved
Lestart Trading Llp OC339943 05/09/2008 Dissolved
MALIA PROFIT LLP SO302543 14/10/2009 Dissolved
MARLEX INVESTMENT LLP OC339439 18/08/2008 Dissolved
MEDIATEK SOLUTIONS LTD 07289134 18/06/2010 Dissolved
MELTONO LIMITED 07289164 18/06/2010 Dissolved
MERIDO UNION LLP OC366037 29/06/2011 Dissolved
MOLSON TRADING LTD 07051906 21/10/2009 Dissolved
Monta Developments Llp OC340881 17/10/2008 Dissolved
Moonlex Team Llp OC339941 05/09/2008 Dissolved
NIPON PRODUCTION LLP OC356854 02/08/2010 Dissolved
NORD TRADING LTD 07147378 05/02/2010 Dissolved
POLBERG CONTRACTS LLP OC340880 17/10/2008 Dissolved
POLSTON SALES LLP OC364860 23/05/2011 Dissolved
PORTMAN SALES LLP OC364632 16/05/2011 Dissolved
PRIME EXPORT LLP OC353799 01/04/2010 Dissolved
PRIMESERV LLP OC349581 27/10/2009 Dissolved
PROJECT INVESTMENT LLP OC354875 13/05/2010 Dissolved
REMAND SOLUTIONS LLP SO302640 05/01/2010 Dissolved
RIKSON INVEST LLP OC347660 03/08/2009 Dissolved
ROXMAN COMMERCE LLP OC335209 03/03/2008 Dissolved
SANDER CORPORATION LLP SO302604 01/12/2009 Dissolved
SAPORO INVESTMENTS LTD 07115467 04/01/2010 Dissolved
SARAGOSA LLP OC356851 02/08/2010 Dissolved
SAVILTON LIMITED 07082734 20/11/2009 Dissolved
SELINA BUSINESS LLP OC340876 17/10/2008 Dissolved
SEZAM CONSULTING LLP OC358667 14/10/2010 Dissolved
SHARMEL TRADE LLP OC364728 18/05/2011 Dissolved
SILVA FINANCE LLP OC347659 03/08/2009 Dissolved
SOLEXON ENTERPRISES LLP OC335217 03/03/2008 Dissolved
SOLTON SERVICES LLP SO302815 22/04/2010 Dissolved
SPARK PROFIT LLP OC347661 03/08/2009 Dissolved
TEOLAND SOURCE LLP OC365153 01/06/2011 Dissolved
TRAST EMPIRE LTD 07184415 10/03/2010 Dissolved
UNISON CORPORATION LLP OC345216 18/01/2012 Dissolved
UNITED TRADING TECHNOLOGIES LTD 07552248 04/03/2011 Dissolved
VENERA ENTERPRISE LLP OC358668 14/10/2010 Dissolved
WELMEX SERVICES LLP SO302639 05/01/2010 Dissolved
Wisberg Ltd 06639615 17/11/2009 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
CENTRALEX ASSETS LLP OC345502 08/05/2009 24/07/2012 Dissolved
DELTACROFT PROPERTIES LIMITED 05342790 11/12/2009 08/06/2018 Dissolved
DIGETSTAR INCORPORATION LLP OC362225 28/02/2011 06/06/2018 Dissolved
ENERTRADE SYSTEMS LLP OC324037 29/09/2010 28/10/2014 Silver
FLEXTON INVESTORS LLP OC335212 03/03/2008 08/06/2018 Not Trading
GIBSON UNION LLP OC340874 17/10/2008 03/09/2014 Dissolved
GRANITE CORPORATE ALLIANCE LIMITED 06569037 04/12/2009 06/06/2018 Bronze
HELIA ASSETS LLP SO302813 22/04/2010 08/04/2014 Dissolved
HIGHWAY COMMERCE LTD 07103829 14/12/2009 06/05/2010 Dissolved
LACIO PARTNERS LLP OC355923 24/06/2010 27/06/2016 Dissolved
MNS PROJECT MANAGEMENT LLP OC346421 16/06/2009 29/12/2014 Dissolved
NETFORD COMPANY LLP OC363359 01/04/2011 21/03/2012 Dissolved
NORTON SALES LLP OC364841 20/05/2011 10/05/2018 Strike Off
PETROL UNITED LTD 07184586 10/03/2010 21/05/2014 Dissolved
RAENTA LLP OC363743 12/04/2011 20/03/2012 Silver
UNITED BUSINESS SERVICES CORPORATE LLP OC356310 08/07/2010 15/03/2012 Dissolved