
Key Data
Date of Birth
Jan 1970
Is involved with the current companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Rating
ABMP CONSULTING AND TRADING LLP OC367769 05/09/2011 Dissolved
ALFACOM SALES LLP OC365456 13/06/2011 Dissolved
AQM TRANSIT LLP OC361135 25/01/2011 Dissolved
ARCO NETWORKS LLP OC367012 04/08/2011 Dissolved
ARG BUSINESS LLP OC324763 23/08/2011 Dissolved
AUTOCOM SALES LLP OC366165 04/07/2011 Dissolved
BALTEXO LLP OC367752 05/09/2011 Dissolved
BEAUFORD GLOBAL FORWARDING LLP OC366226 05/07/2011 Dissolved
BENMAX ORGANIZATION LLP OC365454 13/06/2011 Dissolved
BERGMOND LLP OC365661 17/06/2011 Dissolved
BLACKSHIP UNIVERSAL LLP OC366149 04/07/2011 Dissolved
BOARDVALE TRADE LLP OC365669 17/06/2011 Dissolved
BONIMEX LLP OC365480 13/06/2011 Dissolved
BRADFOX SALES LLP OC368544 04/10/2011 Dissolved
BRADLEX LLP OC366612 19/07/2011 Dissolved
BRIGHTMILL SOLUTIONS LLP OC367753 05/09/2011 Dissolved
CARBRIDGE EXPORT LLP OC366170 04/07/2011 Dissolved
CASTLEFIELD SALES LLP OC366147 04/07/2011 Dissolved
CASTVILLE EXPORT LLP OC366168 04/07/2011 Dissolved
CENTROPLAN SALES LLP OC367008 04/08/2011 Dissolved
CLAREMONT INDUSTRIES LLP OC368531 04/10/2011 Dissolved
CLIFFMOUNT EXPRESS LLP OC368538 04/10/2011 Dissolved
CO-STAR ENTERPRISES LLP OC367189 09/08/2011 Dissolved
CONTBERG LLP OC366169 04/07/2011 Dissolved
CONTLEX VENTURES LLP OC366178 04/07/2011 Dissolved
COURTFLEX UNITED LLP OC366611 19/07/2011 Dissolved
CREDICORP SERVICES LLP OC365624 16/06/2011 Dissolved
CRESTROX WORLDWIDE LLP OC368533 04/10/2011 Dissolved
CROSSMAX BUSINESS LLP OC366173 04/07/2011 Dissolved
CROSSPORT EXPRESS LLP OC366150 04/07/2011 Dissolved
DELLSTONE TECHNICS LLP OC365487 13/06/2011 Dissolved
DIXFORM LLP OC365662 17/06/2011 Dissolved
DOCKWOOD ALLIANCE LLP OC365663 17/06/2011 Dissolved
DOTLEY CAPITAL LLP OC367016 04/08/2011 Dissolved
DOWHILL CAPITAL LLP OC368540 04/10/2011 Dissolved
ECONMAX COMPLEX LLP OC366613 19/07/2011 Dissolved
ERGOFORM IMPORT LLP OC367777 05/09/2011 Dissolved
ERGOLUX CAPITAL LLP OC365665 17/06/2011 Dissolved
ERGOTRANS LLP OC367019 04/08/2011 Dissolved
EXCORD UNIVERSAL LLP OC365664 17/06/2011 Dissolved
EXIMA VENTURES LLP OC366152 04/07/2011 Dissolved
EXPOLINE UNIVERSAL LLP OC367372 17/08/2011 Dissolved
EXTRAWOOD LLP OC367009 04/08/2011 Dissolved
FARMSALE LLP OC367588 25/08/2011 Dissolved
FCA SERVICE LLP OC361325 28/01/2011 Dissolved
FINSON TRADE LLP OC367754 05/09/2011 Dissolved
FIREFIELD UNIVERSAL LLP OC368539 04/10/2011 Dissolved
FORELINE ALLIANCE LLP OC365666 17/06/2011 Dissolved
FORSTBRAND LLP OC367779 05/09/2011 Dissolved
FORUMTRADE LLP OC366163 04/07/2011 Dissolved
FRANCOSTAR TRADE LLP OC366146 04/07/2011 Dissolved
FREEBOARD UNIVERSAL LLP OC366626 19/07/2011 Dissolved
FSK IMPEX LLP OC366164 04/07/2011 Dissolved
GARANTA RESOURCES LLP OC366617 19/07/2011 Dissolved
GEMBOND LLP OC368536 04/10/2011 Dissolved
GENEX UNIVERSAL LLP OC366145 04/07/2011 Dissolved
GEOTRONIC LLP OC366156 04/07/2011 Dissolved
GLATZ MILLER LLP OC367589 25/08/2011 Dissolved
GOLDBRIDGE MERCHANTS LLP OC368532 04/10/2011 Dissolved
GRAFTON HOLD LLP OC366148 04/07/2011 Dissolved
GRANDMILL ENERGY LLP OC366171 04/07/2011 Dissolved
GRANSTON SALES LLP OC367024 04/08/2011 Dissolved
GREENFOOD IMPORT EXPORT LLP OC366667 20/07/2011 Dissolved
GTF COMMERCE LLP OC368563 04/10/2011 Dissolved
HAGERSTOWN IMPEX LLP OC365630 16/06/2011 Dissolved
HALLTOWN BUSINESS LLP OC367786 06/09/2011 Dissolved
HARTLINE UNIVERSAL LLP OC368541 04/10/2011 Dissolved
HARTMOOR TRADE LLP OC366158 04/07/2011 Dissolved
HIGHLINE VENTURES LLP OC365470 13/06/2011 Dissolved
HYLORD BUSINESS LLP OC367761 05/09/2011 Dissolved
IMF GOLDMINE LLP OC367220 11/08/2011 Dissolved
INFOTRANSIT LLP OC361136 25/01/2011 Dissolved
INFOWAY ENERGY LLP OC366172 04/07/2011 Dissolved
INTERCOM TRADE LLP OC365667 17/06/2011 Dissolved
INTERSONIC TRADING LLP OC368535 04/10/2011 Dissolved
INTERTREE LLP OC366614 19/07/2011 Dissolved
INTRAWAY ALLIANCE LLP OC368550 04/10/2011 Dissolved
JACKSBORO TECHNOLOGY LLP OC365668 17/06/2011 Dissolved
JACKSONVILLE SALES LLP OC367755 05/09/2011 Dissolved
JOHNSON EXPORT LLP OC368526 04/10/2011 Dissolved
KNIGHTSTRADE UNIVERSAL LLP OC368543 04/10/2011 Dissolved
LAKEFIELD INDUSTRIAL LLP OC366181 04/07/2011 Dissolved
LAKEMONT PROJECTS LLP OC366180 04/07/2011 Dissolved
LANDMAX TRADE LLP OC365673 17/06/2011 Dissolved
LANDWELL BUSINESS LLP OC367030 04/08/2011 Dissolved
LIGHTEX PROJECTS LLP OC365485 13/06/2011 Dissolved
LIGHTMILL IMPORT LLP OC366176 04/07/2011 Dissolved
LINEPORT PROJECTS LLP OC365681 17/06/2011 Dissolved
LONDOTEX LLP OC367017 04/08/2011 Dissolved
LOWLEX TRADE LLP OC366143 04/07/2011 Dissolved
LOWNET IMPORT LLP OC368527 04/10/2011 Dissolved
LUXDALE RESOURCES LLP OC368528 04/10/2011 Dissolved
LYNBORG LLP OC366619 19/07/2011 Dissolved
MANCROFT SALES LLP OC367785 06/09/2011 Dissolved
MARKBERG ALLIANCE LLP OC367025 04/08/2011 Dissolved
MASSCO LLP OC337494 20/07/2011 Dissolved
MATTERHORN UNIVERSAL LLP OC365682 17/06/2011 Dissolved
MAXCONT SALES LLP OC365625 16/06/2011 Dissolved
MIDDLEROCK SALES LLP OC365286 07/06/2011 Dissolved
MLX UNIVERSAL LLP OC367783 06/09/2011 Dissolved
MODOLUX LLP OC366202 04/07/2011 Dissolved
MONOTRACK LLP OC366620 19/07/2011 Dissolved
MONOWEST LLP OC365283 07/06/2011 Dissolved
NATIONSTAR TRADING LLP OC368530 04/10/2011 Dissolved
NAVICONT VENTURES LLP OC365680 17/06/2011 Dissolved
NEO PET LLP OC317023 20/07/2011 Dissolved
NEOBRIDGE TRADE LLP OC367751 05/09/2011 Strike Off
NEOSTAR TRADE LLP OC367028 04/08/2011 Dissolved
NEXMARK SALES LLP OC366175 04/07/2011 Dissolved
NORDCITY LLP OC365282 07/06/2011 Dissolved
NORDHOLM TRADE LLP OC365629 16/06/2011 Dissolved
NOVASOFT IMPORT LLP OC365285 07/06/2011 Dissolved
NOVATRADE WORLDWIDE LLP OC365289 07/06/2011 Dissolved
NOVOPORT CAPITAL LLP OC361138 25/01/2011 Dissolved
OLDFRONT UNIVERSAL LLP OC367787 06/09/2011 Dissolved
ORBITA ENGINEERING LLP OC367027 04/08/2011 Dissolved
OSTLAND LLP OC366151 04/07/2011 Dissolved
PORTOLUX LLP OC365467 13/06/2011 Dissolved
PORTOMAX LLP OC366177 04/07/2011 Dissolved
PRIMEFORM SALES LLP OC366190 04/07/2011 Dissolved
PROJECTSTAR LLP OC365672 17/06/2011 Dissolved
PROSTAR COMPLEX LLP OC365675 17/06/2011 Dissolved
QUARTFORM SALES LLP OC367759 05/09/2011 Dissolved
QUESTLEY EXPORT LLP OC365676 17/06/2011 Dissolved
RADIMEX UNIVERSAL LLP OC366142 04/07/2011 Dissolved
RANDMAX CAPITAL LLP OC367756 05/09/2011 Dissolved
RANDWALK BUSINESS LLP OC365471 13/06/2011 Dissolved
REALCORP TRADE LLP OC366182 04/07/2011 Dissolved
REXLEY LLP OC365478 13/06/2011 Dissolved
REXLORD UNIVERSAL LLP OC367764 05/09/2011 Dissolved
RICHBORO PROJECTS LLP OC367031 04/08/2011 Dissolved
RICHLOND SALES LLP OC366153 04/07/2011 Dissolved
RICHMONT IMPORT LLP OC366624 19/07/2011 Dissolved
RICHOIL LLP OC366882 29/07/2011 Dissolved
RICHSTONE TRADE LLP OC365677 17/06/2011 Dissolved
RICHWAY COMMERCIAL LLP OC368546 04/10/2011 Dissolved
RIGHTBERG UNIVERSAL LLP OC367036 04/08/2011 Dissolved
RIOSTAR ENGINEERING LLP OC366144 04/07/2011 Dissolved
ROADCLIFF TRADE LLP OC365494 13/06/2011 Dissolved
RONHILL COMPLEX LLP OC367026 04/08/2011 Dissolved
SEAMAX LLP OC366651 20/07/2011 Dissolved
SELECTA ENERGY LLP OC366161 04/07/2011 Dissolved
SHERBURG LLP OC366627 19/07/2011 Dissolved
SHIELDBROOK TRADE LLP OC365292 07/06/2011 Dissolved
SILVERSTAR INTERSALES LLP OC332431 20/10/2011 Dissolved
SILVERSTEIN RESOURCES LLP OC365683 17/06/2011 Dissolved
SNOWDON ORGANIZATION LLP OC367034 04/08/2011 Dissolved
SOFTHILL PROJECTS LLP OC366201 04/07/2011 Dissolved
SOFTINVEST TRADE LLP OC365287 07/06/2011 Dissolved
SOFTLAND MANAGEMENT LLP OC366187 04/07/2011 Dissolved
STARIMPEX CAPITAL LLP OC366183 04/07/2011 Dissolved
STARQUEST ENGINEERING LLP OC365679 17/06/2011 Dissolved
STARQUEST EXPRESS LLP OC366193 04/07/2011 Dissolved
STARTRADE COMMERCIAL LLP OC365495 13/06/2011 Dissolved
STEINLEY COMMERCE LLP OC365684 17/06/2011 Dissolved
STENBROOK ASSOCIATES LLP OC365489 13/06/2011 Dissolved
STENLUX TRADE LLP OC367029 04/08/2011 Dissolved
STENPORT UNITED LLP OC365632 16/06/2011 Dissolved
STORMEX ENERGY LLP OC365688 17/06/2011 Dissolved
STREAMGOLD VENTURES LLP OC361139 25/01/2011 Dissolved
SYSTEMEX TRADE LLP OC367762 05/09/2011 Dissolved
TECBERG PROJECTS LLP OC365288 07/06/2011 Strike Off
TECHNOMARK LLP OC365689 17/06/2011 Dissolved
TEXFIELD NETWORKS LLP OC366622 19/07/2011 Dissolved
TEXWOOD SOLUTIONS LLP OC367032 04/08/2011 Dissolved
TFK UNITED LLP OC365290 07/06/2011 Dissolved
TLM UNIVERSAL LLP OC367758 05/09/2011 Dissolved
TRACKFOX ASSOCIATES LLP OC366192 04/07/2011 Dissolved
TRADEWORLD VENTURES LLP OC366160 04/07/2011 Dissolved
TRAILCORD UNIVERSAL LLP OC365687 17/06/2011 Dissolved
TRAILSHIP EXPRESS LLP OC365496 13/06/2011 Dissolved
TREEBURG SALES LLP OC366623 19/07/2011 Dissolved
TRIOPORT UNITED LLP OC368529 04/10/2011 Dissolved
TXM ORGANIZATION LLP OC365690 17/06/2011 Dissolved
UNIONSTAR TRADE LLP OC365686 17/06/2011 Dissolved
UNIPHARM EXPRESS LLP OC365492 13/06/2011 Dissolved
UNITED GARNET MINERAL LLP OC367552 24/08/2011 Dissolved
VIEWBROOK EXPORT LLP OC366189 04/07/2011 Dissolved
VISIGOLD PROJECTS LLP OC367033 04/08/2011 Dissolved
VOXLEY INDUSTRIAL LLP OC365695 17/06/2011 Dissolved
VOXTRON SALES LLP OC367763 05/09/2011 Dissolved
WALKBERG CONTRACTS LLP OC366628 19/07/2011 Dissolved
WALKFRONT EXPORT LLP OC365484 13/06/2011 Dissolved
WATERFOLD LLP OC365633 16/06/2011 Dissolved
WAYHOLM TRADE LLP OC365694 17/06/2011 Dissolved
WHITECOURT SALES LLP OC365627 16/06/2011 Dissolved
WHITELORD SOLUTIONS LLP OC366159 04/07/2011 Dissolved
WHITEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL LLP OC365691 17/06/2011 Dissolved
WILLROCK UNITED LLP OC365293 07/06/2011 Dissolved
WINROX CAPITAL LLP OC366191 04/07/2011 Dissolved
WONDERCORD LLP OC367035 04/08/2011 Dissolved
WORLDJET TECHNICS LLP OC365692 17/06/2011 Dissolved
WRT RESOURCES LLP OC367760 05/09/2011 Dissolved
Was formerly involved in the following companies
Name Company Number Date Appointed Date Resigned Rating
AIRLAND WORLDWIDE LLP OC366166 04/07/2011 17/08/2011 Dissolved
ARG BUSINESS LLP OC324763 23/08/2011 23/08/2011 Dissolved
FAREX SALES LLP OC368537 04/10/2011 05/09/2019 Dissolved
GREYCOM RESOURCES LLP OC365671 17/06/2011 11/04/2023 Bronze
INDOMARK LLP OC367757 05/09/2011 01/04/2017 Dissolved
STARGATE CAPITAL LLP OC310722 23/12/2010 19/12/2022 Gold
YORKFIELD UNITED LLP OC365631 16/06/2011 02/04/2014 Dissolved